Is it possible to extend the visa after the expiration of 3 months in Israel (06.01.2014 - 07.04.2014) to the parents of a seriously ill adult son who is being treated in one of the clinics in Israel since 05.12.2013? The diagnosis is acute lymphoblastic leukemia with a bone marrow lesion of 92%, transplant is required. According to the protocol, the treatment will last 12-13 months. After a series of chemotherapy, complications arose, and the son needs help from time to time.

Responds Bobrova Ekaterina, head of Israel's Russian Express department
With this question you need to contact the Consular Section of the Embassy Israel. You need to get the documents from the clinic where your son is being treated. These documents should indicate that the treatment is lengthy and care for the patient and psychological support is necessary. And with these papers you will need to apply to the Consulate for the extension of the visa.

If you do not want to leave the country, then you need to contact the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Israel with these documents.

Answer Marina Tereshina , company Unex
Did you enter Israel as a tourist? The period of stay in Israel is not more than 3 months from the date of entry. This is usually, but in fact determines the border service - how many days you can be in Israel. It is necessary to issue a visa for certain categories of trips.

Is your son on what basis is in Israel, if he is a Russian citizen? He was opened a long visa? In your case, you need to contact the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Israel for permission. In this you should help the clinic, in which your son is being treated. Otherwise, you will have a visa violation and next time you will not be able to enter Israel.

March 3, 2014

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