At work they offer a ticket (preferential) to Israel on March 5-10, 2014. The company's demand, from which the trip is planned, so that the validity of the passport is at least 6 months from the day of the END OF the tour. And on your website, I found out that the period is 6 months from the date of ENTRANCE to Israel (crossing the border). I have the expiration date of the passport - September 9, 2014. At work, they said that they could refuse to travel for this reason. Please clarify who is right, and whether there are any official documents that can be referenced in case of refusal.
Thank you in advance for your reply.

Answer is Bobrova Ekaterina, head of the Israel Express company's department of
Official request of the Ministry of Tourism of Israel - passport validity must be at least 6 months from the date of entry. In your case, you need to enter Israel no later than March 8, so as not to violate their requirements. That is, according to your terms, you may well go.

In case of refusal to enter the Israeli border, it is completely useless to refer to anything, since the final decision on the entry of a foreign citizen is taken by the border guard officer. He has the right to refuse you entry without explaining the reasons for such refusal.

January 28, 2014

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