Sorrento (Sorrento) is located on a 50-meter terrace, abruptly cutting off to the sea. There is no fuss and crowd, and bathing in the sea is not an end in itself (rather - a nice addition to everything else).

The main virtue of Sorrento is nature itself: landscapes, sea, vegetation and healing air. The resort is ideal for those who want to combine entertainment and the beach with an interesting excursion program. Here it is necessary to sit back, enjoy life and (alas, always too short) leave. Option of a pleasant pastime: through the lemon groves to take to the fishing villages and taste the pasta with shells.

It is no coincidence that in its time a small town of Sorrento, located on the Sorrentine peninsula to the south of Naples, was chosen by literary geniuses and famous artists, eminent artists and legendary music creators, representatives of the nobility and even members of the Russian royal family. Sorrento loved Goethe and Stendhal, Rossini and Mendelssohn, Casanova and Caruso, Dickens and Nietzsche. Russian painter Sylvester Shchedrin created many masterpieces dedicated to Sorrento, the resort in which he was buried.

By the way, did you know that the famous Neapolitan song O Sole Mio was created by local musicians for the order of Count Polenov, and the premiere of the song was held in St. Petersburg?

Today Sorrento remains a place of pilgrimage for millions of tourists from all over the world, including many well-known politicians, sportsmen and cultural figures. In Sorrento, the Italians themselves are in love. From time immemorial, Sorrento is considered a prestigious holiday destination. In the 1st century noble people of Italy built luxurious villas here. They wanted to be closer to the emperor Tiberius, whose residence was located nearby, on the island of Capri.

By the way, the symbol of Sorrento is a lemon. Moreover, it is worth noting that the Sorrentine lemons are several times larger than those that are presented here, and, of course, tastier and more useful. Citrus fruits in Sorrento grow everywhere, and from this local places are filled with an incredible aroma.
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Legend of Sorrento

The first masters of Sorrento are the Greeks, but the first settlers of these beautiful places were still the Phoenicians, who gave this land the name. Sorrento is formed from the word "sireon", which means "land of the sirens", that is, mermaids, with their beauty forever luring seafarers into the underwater world. It was the Sorrentine mermaids who described in his Odyssey Homer.

How to get

By plane or train to Naples, then by bus (flights run 6 times a day). In addition, buses to Sorrento go from Positano, Amalfi and Rome. The resort has a ferry connection to Naples and the islands of Ischia and Capri.

Search flights to Naples (nearest a / p to Sorrento)


Sorrento March 1, Sunday
Partly cloudy, light rain
+12 ° С in the day
+12 ° С at night
° С water
Sorrento March 2, Monday
Overcast, light rain
+13 ° С in the day
+12 ° С at night
° С water
Sorrento March 3, Tuesday
+13 ° С in the day
+15 ° С at night
° С water
Sorrento weather forecast for 10 days

In Sorrento, a mild winter and a clear warm summer. The tourist season falls on the period from April to October. The hottest time is in July and August, when the air temperature rises to +35 ° C. The best time to take sea baths is the period from May to September, when the water temperature is kept within + 22 ... + 24 ° С.

Sorrento hotels

Located on a steeply tearing off to the sea 50-meter terrace, Sorrento is extraordinarily beautiful. Views of the Gulf of Naples and the cone of dormant Vesuvius, opening from the giant natural balcony of Sorrento, can not be expressed in words. That's why staying in hotels near the cliff is an order of magnitude more expensive than in hotels located in the city or in its vicinity - small towns entering the Sorrento resort area.

Sorrento and the surrounding suburbs can offer tourists a lot of options for accommodation - from modest "treshkas" to "fives" with all amenities. There are no noisy resorts here - all hotels are small, cozy, with a homely atmosphere. The hotels are located both on the shore and in the distance from the sea, on a hill.

It is worth repealing that the additional payment for the unique view from the window justifies itself, so those who can afford, we advise you to choose hotels on a steep bank. Believe me, even if you spend your holiday exclusively on the terrace of a coastal hotel, you will return home with a lot of unforgettable impressions. Yes, yes, leaning elbows on the balustrade of the hotel terrace, you can watch watches of the white liners below, watch in the distance, sip a strong "Limoncello", and enjoy doing nothing.

It is worth noting that the level of service in all hotels, despite their location, is quite high and practically no different.

By the way, if you want, you can stay even in a hotel that has a history of several centuries. The ancient hotels are interesting not only for their architecture, but also for the fact that they have often received famous guests in their chambers. For example, in the guest book of the hotel "Minerva" of the 19th century, from the terrace of which there is an amazing panorama to the bay, there is a memorable record of Maxim Gorky. Read also descriptions of the most popular hotels in Sorrento.

  • How to get from the station Sorrento to the hotel Villa Igea

Book popular Sorrento hotels at the best prices

Parco dei Principi from 8 615 rubles Sorrento Via Rota 44 Grand Hotel La Favorita from 6 686 rubles Sorrento Via Tasso 61 Grand Hotel Excelsior Vittoria from 21 985 rubles Sorrento Piazza Tasso 34
Hotel Antiche Mura from 7 513 rubles Sorrento Piazza Tasso (Via Fuorimura 7) Hotel Prestige from 4 411 rubles Sorrento Via Nastro Azzurro 23 Maison La Minervetta from 12 406 rubles Sorrento Via Capo, 25
Comfort Hotel Gardenia Sorrento Coast from 9 304 rubles Sorrento Corso Italia 258 Hotel Sorrento City from 5,445 rubles Sorrento Corso Italia 221 Hotel Villa Di Sorrento from 4 067 rubles Sorrento Viale E. Caruso 6
Hotel Mignon Meublè from 4 480 rubles Sorrento Via Sersale 9 Hotel Desiree from 3,722 rubles Sorrento Via Capo, 31B

The resort area and the beaches of Sorrento

In Sorrento and the surrounding area - a rocky coast with the appropriate beaches. In some cases for the convenience of tourists in the sea piers are made to facilitate entering into the water. As for the infrastructure, it is beautifully developed in all local resorts.

The Sorrento zone includes the city of Sorrento itself, which has already been spoken of aboundingly, as well as the towns of Castellamare di Stabia, Vico Equequence, Sant'Agnello, Massa Lubrense, San Agata-sui-di-Golfi. br>

Castellamare di Stabia (Castellamare di Stabia) - a picturesque town located in the southeast of the Bay of Naples at the site of the ancient city of Stabia, destroyed together with Herculaneum and Pompeii. The resort is very popular with Neapolitans who come here for air, bathing, sulfur springs and acidic mineral waters.

Sant'Agnello (St. Agnello) - an ancient town located on tuff rocks at 2 km from Sorrento, is named after the church of Sant'Agnello with frescoes by Giacomo di Castro and Giuseppe Castellano. There is a very beautiful panoramic road (about 5 km) to the Fontanella Hills. Another popular excursion is by boat to the Grotto of the Sirens, located near the beach of the Cocumella hotel.

Vico Equense is a small town that was founded in the 13th century by Charles II of Anjou. If you look at it from the side of the sea, you will clearly see the church of San Siro-i-Giovanni with a majolica dome, picturesquely built on the edge of a cliff. Interest for tourists is also the church Annunziata and a small Antiquarium, which contains interesting archaeological finds dating back to the 7th-5th centuries. BC. $ $

Massa-Lubrense (Massa Lubrense) is a pleasant small resort town, which is located in a very beautiful corner of the Gulf of Naples. The earthquake of 1688 destroyed most of the local ancient monuments, but some of them were restored. In the small square of Vescovado (Piazza Vescovado) is the cathedral of Santa Maria del Grazia (Santa Maria delle Grazie), restored in the 18th century. Nearby - Bishop's Palace (Palazzo Vescovile). The main thing that attracts tourists here is the coastal part of the resort - Marina della Lobra with its beautiful beaches and bay.

A few words about the beaches of Sorrento. Beaches here are created artificially, access to the sea through wooden or stone platforms. For descent into the water convenient staircases are provided.

Restaurants and shops

To begin with, just take a walk in the calm and crowded Sorrento by day, and in the evening pour into the busy crowd on the central Via Corso, where most of the bars, restaurants, cafes, shops and clubs of the city are..Closer to the evening at Via Corso is noisy and crowded .Here you can look into the branded shops and indulge yourself with new clothes made in Italy .Also be able to stay in a cozy restaurant .In local institutions, you must try real pizza, sun dried tomatoes and garlic soup, and for dessert take a fruit delicacy .


Perhaps the best gift brought from Sorrento is the strong liquor "Limoncello", made from juicy lemons grown on Italian soil. Served this hot drink after a meal in a very chilled form.

The connoisseurs of good wine will certainly enjoy the traditional wine "Tears of Christ" (Lacrima Christi). By the way, this wine has its own legend. Tradition says that one day the Lord was so upset by the hardness of the people that involuntarily he uttered a tear that fell at the foot of Vesuvius and turned into a vine.

Those friends and relatives who do not recognize alcoholic beverages, you can bring from Sorrento lovely figurines produced by the local porcelain factory Capo di Monti.

Video journey through Sorrento

Entertainment, Excursions and Attractions Sorrento

Perhaps the main attraction of Sorrento is the Cathedral Duomo (Duomo), located in the center of the city on the main street Via Corso (Via Corso) .The main cross-shaped building of the cathedral was built in the 11th century, however, during its existence the shrine has undergone far more than one alteration .The facade of the cathedral, which can be seen today, was executed in the 18-19th centuries and is a vivid example of the Neo-Gothic style .Inside the cathedral is decorated with majolica, wood carvings and frescoes created by Neapolitan masters .In the Duomo, a font was preserved, in which, in the middle of the 16th century, Torquato Tasso was baptized .Special attention of tourists deserve the bell tower of the Duomo, as well as the ancient ceramic clock installed on it, making the bell tower also a clock tower .The famous bell tower keeps a memory of the Byzantine era .

When taking a walk through Sorrento, be sure to visit the Old Town. Visit the St. Antonio Square (Piazza San Antonio and the Basilica di San Antonio Basilica on it), by the way, near the square there is an information bureau where you can get free flyers, maps, and local transport timetables.

We continue the journey through Sorrento. Piazza Tasso is the main gathering place for all tourists, in this square there is a statue of the holy martyr Antonius (Monumento a S. Antonio), the patron saint of Sorrento, and there is also the monument of Torquato Tasso (created by Carly's sculptor, created at the end of the 19th century) , the son of Sorrento, the great Italian poet.In the Tasso Square, the attention of tourists deserves the church of Maria del Carmine (Chiesa di S.Maria del Carmine), erected in the 14th century.

Quite close to Tasso Square is an excellent cozy restaurant "Caruso", the main attraction of which is an ancient gramophone.

You can not ignore the church of San Francesco (Chiesa di San Francesco), built in the 18th century, in which there are incredibly picturesque flower galleries. From a small garden, located next to the church, offers an unforgettable view of the Gulf of Naples. And in the 13th century courtyard, which is an integral part of the shrine, the famous festival "Sorrentine Music Summer" is held annually.

If you want to get a closer look at the history and life of Sorrento, then definitely go to the famous Correale di Terranova Museum (Museo Correale di Terranova), located on Via Correale in an 18th-century building. While in Sorrento, also be sure to visit the magnificent Palazzo Verniero Palace, made in Arabic-Byzantine style, the Palazzo Correale with the Baroque church of ancient origin and the Palazzo Arcivescovile with a circumferential wall for protection from pirates. > Also, do not ignore the ancient monastery of St. Paulo (Monastero di S.Paolo), dating back to the 9th century.

Finally, from the port of Marina Grande you can get to the islands of Capri and Ischia, and also make a trip to the picturesque coastal cities of Positano, Amalfi, Naples. In addition, you can visit the legendary city of Pompeii.

Photo Sorrento (17)