What to see in Italy?

Responds information department of "Subtlety of Tourism"
Undoubtedly, Italy belongs to those countries that everyone would like to visit. Not only wonderful landscapes and outstanding monuments of architecture this country is famous for, but also a special spirit of lightness and freedom, a sense of belonging to everything beautiful on earth. What to see in this country rich in traditions, where literally every stone keeps the memory of ancient history?

The charm of Italy is unlikely to be expressed in words: this country needs to be seen, you need to feel .Rome, Venice, Milan, Florence ... how much poetry is in the mere names of cities! Finding themselves in the first of them, everyone will be able to realize the dream of childhood - to see with their own eyes the legendary Colosseum, reminding us of the transience of the entire earthly .Separate attention deserves the temples of the "eternal city", among which the favorite place of pilgrimage of tourists are the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist, St. Peter's Cathedral, the Church of Sant'Agnese in Agone, the Basilica of Santa Maria in Cosmedin and others..Fountains of Italy amaze the guests of the country not only with the purity of water, which the country is rightly proud of, but also with exquisite forms .The fountain of the Four Rivers and the Trevi Fountain are known to the whole world .

The unique romance of Venice will not leave indifferent any person. The city of love and thousands of channels will conquer the heart of any unforgettable architecture, you can admire it, making a leisurely journey on the gondola. From St. Mark's Square you will see a beautiful view of the cathedral of the same name, famous for its magnificent mosaics, at the Doge's Palace with its unusual architectural solution.

Traveling in Italy, it is worth to visit not only the world-famous boutiques, but also the grandiose Milan Cathedral, the unspoken symbol of the city, look at the legendary opera house "La Scala", drawings and models of the great genius Leonardo da Vinci in the "National Museum of Science and Technology" , take a stroll in Sempione Park.

In Romantic Florence you need to visit the monument of Gothic architecture - the Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore, as well as the notorious Santa Croce basilica, which has become a resting place for such outstanding figures of world culture as Michelangelo, Machiavelli, Galileo, Dante and Rossini. The

May 15, 2013

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