The style of relaxation in Sri Lanka can be summarized as follows: away from the hustle and bustle, closer to the sea and to nature .It is unlikely that there will be a more "leisurely" country in the world than Sri Lanka: here nobody is in a hurry, everyone is enjoying life - including hotel staff (Sri Lanka's top establishments do not belong, in the soap to please the guests) .Most of the attractions in Sri Lanka are natural, just like most entertainment is .Noisy discos and smoke with a yoke until the morning are not in favor, but picnics in the nature, fishing or barbecue on the beach - as much as you want..Well and diving, by itself .And here is what Sri Lanka can not please, so it's proximity to our vast: long-term flight here .

In general, to determine a person who is exactly like Sri Lanka, it is very simple .First, in his no longer the first passport there are few clean pages .Secondly, he is either a person who is fond of world culture and history (and ancient Sri Lanka is very rich in interesting monuments) or a desperate sea daredevil who wants, in addition to palm trees, sand and sea, there was also a diving- Center, and the headquarters of surfers .Thirdly, he will certainly be squinting at your fragrant cup of tea .After all, Ceylon, aka Sri Lanka, supplies a quarter of the world with this drink .

But here it does not do without minuses. This is a long flight and not too active nightlife at the resorts.

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More information about when to go here and what to do on the spot, read the Sri Lanka tours page.

Everything was against the beach barkers - a broken German, a picaresque expression, Lal's name. "My restaurant is here, a Russian tourist is walking around, writing my book, you're reading!" "I looked in the barnyard, saw images of smiling faces, signatures - Novosibirsk, Tomsk. Without batting an eyelid, he began to translate out loud: "Lobsters are small, like cockroaches, Lala serves warm beer." Neighbors on the deck chairs - Zurich Germans - laughed. And I felt as if I had deceived the child - before that comedically offended was the face of a Sinhala named Lala ...
Alexey Boldinuk

The capital is Colombo (Colombo).


  • 1 The main resorts of Sri Lanka are
  • 2 How to get
    • 2.1 Search for air tickets to Sri Lanka.
  • 3 Visa to Sri Lanka is
  • 4 Customs
  • 5 Useful phone numbers are
  • 6 Transport of Sri Lanka
  • 7 Rent a car
    • 7.1 Hire a car in Sri Lanka with best price guarantee $ $
  • 8 Safety of tourists in Sri Lanka.
  • 9 The climate of Sri Lanka is
  • 10 Beaches of Sri Lanka
  • 11 Sri Lanka hotels
    • 11.1 Book hotel in Sri Lanka at the best price
  • 12 Banks and exchange points
  • 13 Shopping and shopping in Sri Lanka.
  • 14 Kitchen and restaurants
  • 15 Holidays in Sri Lanka
  • 16 Sri Lanka Entertainment, Excursions and Attractions
  • 17 Diving in Sri Lanka.
    • 17.1 We also recommend

The main resorts of Sri Lanka are

  • Beach:

Maravila, Waikkal, Negombo, Mount Lavinia, Wadduwa, Kalutara, Beruwela, Bentota, Induruwa, Kosgoda, Ahungalla, Hikkaduwa, Halle, Unawatuna, Koggala, Weligama, Dikvela, Tangalle, Hambantota, Trincomalee, Arugam Bay

  • Excursion:

Nuwara Eliya, Kandy, Mount Sigiriya, Dambulla and Polonnaruwa

For a complete list, see the city page and the resorts of Sri Lanka.

How to get

There are no direct flights between Moscow and Colombo, however in the winter charters with landing in Malé fly here. In addition, flights with convenient connections by Emirates (via Dubai), Etihad Airways (via Abu Dhabi) and Qatar Airways (via Doha) are possible. Travel time is about 14 hours, taking into account the connections.

Direct flights to Sri Lanka from Minsk, Kiev and Alma-Ata also do not exist: only through other European cities.

Search for air tickets to Sri Lanka.

Visa to Sri Lanka is

Citizens of Russia, Ukraine and CIS countries need a visa to visit Sri Lanka. The visa is issued in advance, on the ETA (Electronic Travel Authorization) website.


Duty-free import of 2 bottles (0, 75 liters) of wine and 1, 5 liters of spirits, 250 ml of toilet water and 60 grams of perfume is allowed. Duty-free import of cigarettes is prohibited. The size of the fee depends on the size of the products - for the import of cigarettes from 72 to 84 millimeters in length, 6, 7 LKR per piece, more than 84 millimeters - 7 LKR are charged. The cost of importing a kilo of tobacco or cigars - 1300 LKR. The Indian and Pakistani currencies are not allowed to be imported. Import and export of the national currency is limited to 250 LKR.

Expensive items and things are declared for their subsequent unimpeded exportation. It is necessary to have on hand a special permit for the export of ivory products, collections of coins and stamps, untreated precious and semiprecious stones.

  • Sri Lanka Customs Regulations in force and importation of medicines
  • How many cigarettes can you bring to Sri Lanka?

Useful phone numbers are

Embassy of Sri Lanka in Moscow: st. Shchepkina, 24 pp. 1; tel .: (495) 688-16-20, 688-16-51; website

Embassy of Russia in Colombo: Sir Ernest de Silva Mawatha, 62; tel .: (11) 257-35-55, 257-49-59, website is

Police: 133, first aid: 144, fire service: 122

Telephone codes of Colombo - 1, Kandy - 8, Halle - 9, Bentoty - 34, Negombo - 31, Nuwara Eliya - 52, Trincomalee - 26.

Maps of Sri Lanka

Transport of Sri Lanka

Traffic on the island left-sided .Buses and trains are the only types of public transport .The fare on private and public buses is the same and is one of the lowest in the world..Between cities it is convenient to travel by trains, a trip to the farthest from Colombo the distance will cost 300 LKR .In Colombo and the suburbs there is a taxi with counters that can be called on the phone .Landing in them and the first kilometer costs 28-30 LKR, each next kilometer - 24-26 LKR ."People's taxi" in Sri Lanka, a three-wheel motor scooter with a cab called "tuk-tuk" - an affordable alternative to a regular taxi (the fare will be 15-20 LKR per km) - $ .

Since the end of 2010, it is planned to launch an air taxi by SriLankan Airlines. The air circuit will connect many cities of the island, and you will not be able to reach any part of the country in more than 40 minutes.

Rent a car

The car rental in Sri Lanka is taken by units: the traffic there is unusual, and drivers violate traffic rules often and with pleasure - as well as pedestrians. Therefore, it is best to use the services of a chauffeur there or call a taxi.

However, if you want to rent a car so that just no strength, you can do it in Colombo. To do this, you will need to show your passport, international driving license and credit card. Driver's age must be at least 21 years.

Virtually 95% of all precipitation falls in the rainy summer season from May to late October and mostly at night. The rest of the month is quite dry, so the period from November to the end of April is the most favorable for rest in Sri Lanka.
  • How to rent a car in Sri Lanka
  • Where and how to rent a car in Colombo

Hire a car in Sri Lanka with best price guarantee $ $

Safety of tourists in Sri Lanka.

Sri Lanka is a country with a hot climate, therefore, in order to avoid gastric infections and poisonings, you should thoroughly wash your hands before meals, as well as vegetables and fruits purchased in the market. Tap water for drinking is not recommended: it is better to use mineral water and other factory-based drinks.

In the evening and when visiting national parks and reserves it is recommended to use repellents. Before you travel to the jungle with an overnight stay, tourists should take antimalarial pills beforehand. You should not visit temples in shorts, in clothes with an open back and shoulders. Also, when entering the temple, you need to take off your shoes. Photographing in the temples can be made only with permission. And standing with your back to Buddha statues is considered a bad form and disrespect for local customs.

And yet: beware of the monkeys! Numerous flocks of these insolent creatures became in Sri Lanka something like a natural disaster. They scurry around and are very intrusive. They can tear out food or things from their hands, right up to the camera or camcorder. Moreover, monkeys can get into the hotel room and arrange a uniform pogrom there. Therefore, before leaving, always close tightly the windows or special mosquito nets with a grid.

On days of full moon (poya day) it is forbidden to drink alcohol in all public places, including bars and restaurants of hotels (including those working on the all-inclusive system).
  • Is the information about the outbreak of a fever true?
Mount Sigiriya (English)

The climate of Sri Lanka is

The climate on the island is tropical, with monsoon passing seasons. Virtually 95% of all precipitation falls in the rainy summer season from May to late October and mostly at night. The remaining months are quite dry, so the period from November to the end of April is the most favorable for a holiday in Sri Lanka. The air temperature on the island practically does not change and all the year round it is equal to 28-30 ºС, except for the mountain areas, where it drops to +10 ºС in winter. The average water temperature is 26 ° C.

Actual information: weather forecast for the main resorts of Sri Lanka for the next few days.

  • When is it better to visit Sri Lanka?
  • What is the best weather and area for Sri Lanka in mid-October?
  • What is the weather in Sri Lanka in September?
  • Where in Sri Lanka it is better to rest in March

Beaches of Sri Lanka

The coast of Sri Lanka is more than a thousand kilometers of beaches with soft sand, coconut palms, coral reefs and colorful fish in the coastal waters. Two famous beaches of Sri Lanka: from Tangalle to Weligama and Bentota, entered the 10 best beaches in Asia according to the rating of the magazine "Forbes."

From November to March, northern winds blow, so the calm sea and comfortable weather should be looked for on the western and southern coast of the island. From April to October, the western monsoon blows, so for calm water and cloudless weather you need to go to the east coast.

  • Why there are no chaise lounges and umbrellas on the beaches of Sri Lanka?
Divers around the world Sri Lanka attracts a variety of underwater world, but the main feature of local diving is visiting underwater rocks, grottoes and sunken ships.

Sri Lanka hotels

Hotels in Sri Lanka are usually small and stand directly on the beach. Each is made in its unique style, but they all reflect the customs and traditions of local culture and seamlessly fit into the natural landscape. Any hotel has its own programs for recreation and entertainment of guests: themed evenings, ethnic and cultural performances, fashion shows, barbecues with the moon, organizing fishing, picnics, excursions and much more.

The voltage in the electrical network is 210-240 V. The receptacles of the British model are three-pin with grounding, so you need an adapter that can be taken to the reception.

Service in hotels varies greatly: in the "five" it is at a high level, and in institutions of the category of four "stars" and lower it is necessary to make a discount on the fact that the staff is "people of the East", and it would be desirable to give "for tea" moved more positively.

Book hotel in Sri Lanka at the best price

Banks and exchange points

Currency is best exchanged at Colombo airport .The check received is worth saving until the end of the trip: in this case, when departing from Colombo it will be possible to convert back unspent local money to the airport bank at the rate of purchase .In addition, the currency can be exchanged in any hotel and bank .Banks are open from 9:00 to 13:00 from Monday to Friday .Large hotels and shops accept international credit cards .Foreign currency, imported into the country, must be declared .There are ATMs in almost all cities of the country .

Shopping and shopping in Sri Lanka.

Sri Lanka is known all over the world for its precious stones: sapphires, rubies, topaz, etc. Buy jewelry better in specialized stores, requiring a corresponding check or certificate. Ceylon tea, spices, handicrafts are also well-known all over the world: masks, batik, little things made of leather. In cities, you can also buy inexpensive textiles.

Usually on weekdays, shops are open from 9:30 to 17:00, and on Saturdays - from 9:30 to 13:00.

In the markets and in private shops it is worth to bargain (you can reduce the price by about 30% compared to the initial one). But in state stores, supermarkets, shopping centers and duty-free shops at the airport, all prices are fixed.
  • How much water, juice, beer, wine is in Sri Lanka on the territory of the hotel? $
  • Where in Sri Lanka you can buy beautiful jewelry jewelry

Kitchen and restaurants

The world knows the traditional Sri Lankan spices, fragrant tea of ​​all sorts and exotic fruits. "Curry" - specially cooked meat or vegetables with spices and rice - here they prepare perfectly. In general, meat is consumed relatively little - cows are considered sacred animals. But local tea - above all praise: fragrant, strong and inexpensive. A dish of fish and a variety of seafood simply can not be considered.

It is not necessary to give "tea" in Sri Lanka, but the hotel porter or the waiter at the restaurant will always be happy with a few extra rupees.
  • How best to eat in Sri Lanka?
  • What is the price for lunch in Sri Lanka?
Amazing Sri Lanka Sri Lanka
Amazing Sri Lanka
Panorama of Colombo Sri Lanka
Panorama of Colombo
Idyllic tropical paradise, Sri Lanka Sri Lanka
Lovely beach of Sri Lanka.

Holidays in Sri Lanka

"Home by tea" on the planet Sri Lanka has prepared for its guests a decent holiday in the style of Southeast Asia .On the court of the well-to-do public an exotic salad of long beaches of the highest quality, remarkable diving, rich natural and cultural "excursion".All this is generously seasoned with a relax-sauce and seasoned with friendly smiles of local residents .Of the pleasant bonuses - the price of such a holiday is significantly lower, say, Maldivian, and the impression he leaves at least no less bright $$ .Ill-wishers, however, say that the service in Ceylon is just turtles: the staff is in no hurry, and the keywords in their lexicon are "tomorrow" and "on Monday" (alternating depending on which day is farthest from today) .However, such a minority: most of the guests of the country are enjoying beach vacations, excursions, diving-surfing and other barbecues in the jungle .

  • Where to stay for beach and sightseeing rest? $
  • The best time for a beach holiday is
8 things worth doing in Sri Lanka.
  1. Worship the main relic of the country in August during the famous procession of the "Kandy Esala Peraher" holiday in Kandy.
  2. To see the ficus of King Edward VII or the iron tree of the Russian Emperor Nicholas II, as well as the spruce planted by Yuri Gagarin, in the Royal Botanical Garden of Peradeniya.
  3. Touch the oldest on the Earth sacred tree Bo ("Buddha tree"), which is surrounded by a golden fence in the courtyard of one of the temples of the complex Anuradhapura - vihara. His process was brought here from India in the III century. BC. e.
  4. Make sure personally that in the cave of Dambulla, water flows down the walls and, accumulating on the ceiling, falls down into a golden cup.
  5. In the suburbs of Colombo, visit the largest zoo of the continent Dehiwala Zoo.
  6. Soak up the spicy aroma of all kinds of spices, looking in the surroundings of Kandy in the unique Garden of Spices.
  7. In the town of Batticaloa, there are regularly "performances" of singing fish, which can be heard in a calm and windless weather from the middle of spring to the beginning of autumn.
  8. Explore the stunning surroundings from the dizzyingly high cliff "End of the World", which is on the Horton Plateau.

Sri Lanka Entertainment, Excursions and Attractions

Who would have thought that on a small island of 65, 6 thousand square meters. km. there are nine UNESCO sites.

Around the island "priceless" historical relics of world significance are scattered .For example, Anuradhapura - the ruins of a huge city in the jungle .And on Mount Sigiriya at an altitude of 180 m, a magnificent city was built, surrounded by gardens with fountains and pools, with amazing staircases: the steps are cut between the paws, throat and jaws of an incredible size lion..In the place Dambulla on top of the mountain, at an altitude of 350 m there is a Buddhist cave temple, in which the largest collection of ancient Buddha statues is collected .The main attraction of the city of Polonnaruwa is the stone temple of Gull Vihara, the most famous temple in Sri Lanka..In Aluvihara there is a temple-cave complex, in which, according to legend, the Pali canon (Tripitaka) was created, one of the written monuments of Buddhism is .

The Royal Botanical Garden in Peradeniya is one of the best in Asia, and in Pinnavela there is a state elephant nursery open to save animals left without parents or injured by poachers.

Mysterious Polonnaruwa

The Kumana National Park is known for its lagoons from north to south (Bagura, Andarakalei, Itikala, Yakkala) and the plains. The park, still called East Yala, is known for its amazing variety of birds. The park was abandoned for decades because of the internal conflict in Sri Lanka, but now has a new life and regains its former glory and popularity.

In the vicinity of the city of Nuwara Eliya, you can visit the tea plantations and taste the local tea.

On the island there are several fine golf courses of the international standard, and in each of the local golf clubs you can take a training course for beginners: both individually and in groups.

Fans of more extreme recreation are waiting for rafting along the mountain river Kelani. We offer both short sports tours and multi-day trips, specially designed for rafting enthusiasts.

Diving in Sri Lanka.

Divers of the whole world Sri Lanka attracts a variety of corals, marine inhabitants with unusual names and species (angelfish, Moorish idols, parrot fish), dolphins and whale sharks, which can be seen from March to April .But the main feature of diving in Sri Lanka is visiting underwater rocks, grottoes and sunken ships .For inspection, about 20 dead ships of the 19th and 20th centuries were discovered at depths of 8 to 30 meters .These are tankers, steamships, dry cargo ships, merchant ships and even a modern cargo ship .Many of them are well preserved, and you can even swim in them inside .

Large dive centers (open from October to April): Bay Beach Aqua sports (PVT) LTD - PADI (Veligama), Confifi Marina - PADI (Bentota), Ubr Diving Center (Unawatuna), Diving Center - PADI (Dikvella), Hikkaduwa Diving Shcool - PADI (Hikkaduwa). Photo of Sri Lanka (167)

Sri Lanka
Maps of Sri Lanka
Diving in Sri Lanka
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How long can I stay in Sri Lanka
Can I get a visa upon arrival in Sri Lanka and what is its cost
Do I need a transit visa when flying to Sri Lanka through the UAE
Can I stay in Sri Lanka after the tour ends
Do I need a power of attorney for a child traveling to Sri Lanka with one of the parents
Do I need a visa for Sri Lanka
Is it possible to go to Sri Lanka if the validity of the passport is less than 6 months after the end of the trip
Is it possible to go to Sri Lanka if the validity of the visa is less than 6 months
Are there any additional documents, besides a visa, for the entry of children into Sri Lanka with one of the parents
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Visa to Sri Lanka
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Flights to Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka hotels