Where more active nightlife and more spa centers - in Jamaica or Turks and Kaikos? Where is safer to swim?

Responds Natalia Viktorova
Jamaica and Turks and Caicos are absolutely different worlds, and completely different concepts of rest. Turks and Caicos is an expensive one in which to a measure chic rest, amazing beaches, restaurants, excursions of the natural plan with the purpose of knowledge of a local flora and a fauna. Life is only in the hotel, quite calm and measured. Go beyond the hotels almost nowhere. Well, except in a restaurant or shopping.

Jamaica - the most colorful of the islands of the Caribbean Sea. Beaches here are not the main thing for holidaymakers. The main thing is the atmosphere and, of course, the possibility of getting together. Jamaican beaches are not as huge as in Cuba, in the Dominican Republic or Turks and Kaikos - everything is much smaller and more modest. But there are many hotels for every taste - from very decent hotels 3-4 * without food for fans of hangouts to chic 5 * hotels on all inclusive, where most tourists and will not come to mind to move away from the trough and go outside the territory. And there is something to see here - some local residents are standing, and then there are a lot of bars or just party places with live music, roma and dances until the morning. If you want to hang out, then Jamaica is unequivocal. Pay attention to Negril - this is the most interesting area for night outings.

If to talk about the spa, then on the Turks and Jamaica the spa is very good, but the level of the specific spa complex depends on the level of the hotel in which it is located.

Swimming is safe both there and there. While the cases that one of the sea inhabitants ate the tourists was not. In fact, look at the flags on the beach and do not try to swim if there is a red flag. In Negril, there are rocky beaches, and sandy, which should be taken into account when choosing a hotel. Do not jump from the cliff into the "Risk Cafe" - it's really risky.

February 10, 2010

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