The official name of Laos is the Lao People's Democratic Republic (Lao PDR). This is one of the poorest and at the same time one of the most mysterious countries of Southeast Asia.

Laos as a state originates in the 14th century, when the country was called Lan-Sang-Hom-Khao - "The country of a million elephants and a white umbrella." Numerous ancient temples, rich cultural traditions, boundless rainforests and picturesque mountain landscapes - that's what attracts tourists here. - $

The capital is Vientiane. Large cities - Luang Prabang, Savannakhet, Pakse, Vang Vieng, Luang Namtha.


  • 1 How to get to Laos
    • 1.1 Search air tickets in Laos
  • 2 Visa
  • 3 Customs
  • 4 Phone numbers of Laos
  • 5 The climate of Laos is
  • 6 Safety of tourists
  • 7 Laos hotels
    • 7.1 Book hotel in Laos at the best price $ $
  • 8 Transport
  • 9 Money
  • 10 Shopping and shopping in Laos
  • 11 Kitchen and restaurants
  • 12 Entertainment, sightseeing and attractions of Laos
    • 12.1 We also recommend

How to get to Laos

There are no direct flights to Laos from Russia. The most convenient way to get on flights with Vietnam Airlines and Transaero - via Ho Chi Minh, Thai Airlines, Aeroflot and TransAero - via Bangkok. Time in flight - about 10, 5 hours without taking into account docking.

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From September 1, 2007, Russian citizens do not need a visa to visit Laos for up to 15 days.


Import and export of foreign currency is not limited, but the amount above 2000 USD must be declared. Import and export of national currency is prohibited. Allowed duty-free import of up to 500 cigarettes or 100 cigars or 500 g of tobacco; one bottle of strong alcoholic beverages, two bottles of wine, jewelry up to 500 gr.

It is forbidden to import and export weapons, explosive, poisonous and highly flammable substances, as well as narcotic drugs. In addition, it is prohibited to export art and antiquities that are national treasure, and any Buddha images, except for souvenir options.

Phone numbers of Laos

Embassy of Laos in Moscow: 121069, Moscow, ul. Malaya Nikitskaya, 18; tel .: (495) 690-25-60, 637-01-58, fax: (495) 697-49-24

Russian Embassy in Vientiane: Thaphalanxay quarter, km 4, Thadeua str .; tel .: (21) 312-219, 312-222; website

National Bureau of Tourism - 222-971

Fire service - 190, police - 191, first aid - 195

City codes: Vientiane - 21, Luang Prabang - 71, Pakse - 31, Savannakhet - 41.

The climate of Laos is

The climate of Laos is subequatorial monsoon. The average temperature in January is + 15 ... + 23 ° C, July - + 28 ... + 30 ° C. Three seasons are distinguished: hot moist (May-October), dry cool (November-January) and dry hot (February-April).

In the Mekong river valley in March-April, the temperature can reach + 38 ° C, while on the nearby mountain slopes it does not exceed +22 ° C. During the rainy season (from May to October), the daily temperature is +24 ... 29 ° C.

Accordingly, the best time to visit the country - from November to February, mountainous areas - from November to July.

Actual information: weather forecast for the main resorts of Laos for the coming days.

Wat Sienton (Golden Monastery) export = view & id = 1lmPg1fYyLGzK26EEbbp_9S4SVTntLNPW Laos
Wat Sienton (Golden Monastery)
Banpahan, Laos Laos
This pose means - Everything will be OKhttp: // export = view & id = 157V2kNkuKGD9pLQOjwwn9AeKN7a1g2Ok Laos
The spiritual world of Laos
Waterfalls of Quang Si, Laos Laos
Waterfalls of Quang-Si

Safety of tourists

Laos is a fairly safe country, where despite long wars, crises and misery, the population has not been hardened, and the level of theft, and even more violent crimes, has remained surprisingly low. However, you should take reasonable precautions: do not carry with you all the cash, expensive jewelry and passport (with enough photocopies), and leave them in the hotel safe.

Traveling around the country is almost safe, certain measures should be taken only in the vicinity of the Cambodian border. Closed for tourists zones: near the highway "Ruth-7" special zone Saysombun - a special administrative area, controlled by the army; and adjacent to the "Ruth-6" land.

The Kuvshinov Valley is a territory in the north of the country, dotted with huge stone jugs of unknown origin, the weight of which reaches several tons.

After the second Indochina war, in some areas there were mined fields and unexploded bombs. Visiting these places without guides is dangerous for life: the areas east of Savannakhet, Siang Khouang, Salavan, Khammaan, Sekong, Champasak, Sisombun, Hua-Phan, Attapu and Lang-Phanang, fields east of Luang Namtha, Phongsali, Bolikkhamsai and Vientiane prefectures.

At the entrance to the country, prophylaxis against malaria is recommended. Under no circumstances should tap water be used, as well as any unbilled water. Products purchased on the market should be carefully processed.

The police strictly monitors the purchase and use of drugs by tourists, which, if caught, are subject to significant fines, up to and including imprisonment.

Laos hotels

There are a lot of hotels in Laos and prices are quite acceptable, but information about most of them can be quite difficult to find on the Internet. The voltage in the electrical network is 220-230 V, 50 Hz. The plugs normally have flat connectors.

Book hotel in Laos at the best price $ $


When traveling in a taxi or any other type of "tuk-tuk" vehicle, the cost of the service should be negotiated in advance, before boarding.


Banknotes in denominations of 5000, 2000, 1000, 500 and 100 kip are in circulation; there is no coin in circulation. In addition, Thai bats and US dollars are universally accepted. Banks are open from Monday to Friday from 8:00 to 12:00, and from 13:30 to 17:30.

Currency can be exchanged in exchange offices, airports and banks (it is better to carry US dollars, not rubles or EUR, etc.). In exchange offices, the exchange rate is usually more profitable, and it is safer to change the currency there.

Credit cards are accepted for payment in large banks, metropolitan restaurants, hotels and shops. Travel checks can be cashed only at the offices of international banks.

Shopping and shopping in Laos

In the markets and in small shops it is necessary to look for all kinds of handicraft articles, fabrics, jewelry and furniture. In such places it is customary to bargain.

Large stores are open Monday to Friday from 8:00 to 16:00, private shops from Monday to Saturday from 9:00 to 21:00.

Prices in Vientiane are significantly higher than in other parts of the country. Although even though they are twice the "provincial prices", they can not be compared with Russia. Everything is cheap here.

Maps of Laos

Kitchen and restaurants

Rice, salt, all kinds of spices and sauces - the basis of Lao cuisine. It also uses a lot of greens and vegetables, and meat and fish are subjected to traditional for the region heat treatment in oil or on coals. When choosing dishes, for starters, it is worth remembering three words: "khao-yao" (white rice), "khao phhat" or "khao-chicken" (fried rice) and "khao-nyau" (sticky rice that rolls into balls and falls into the sauce). From choosing rice, you can already "dance" to the choice of the main course: meat, fish or poultry.

Expensive hotels and restaurants, as a rule, add to the account 5-10% of the tip.

Entertainment, sightseeing and attractions of Laos

Vientiane is a pretty town with many remarkable temples and picturesque markets.

Luang Prabang (Luang Prabang) is the ancient capital of Laos, made by UNESCO in the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1995. In the city there are many monasteries and temples of the 16-20th centuries, for example, the monastery Wat Sieng-Thong or the "City of Golden Temples" is the most beautiful building of Luang Prabang. Other attractions: National Museum in the building of the former Royal Palace, Tat-Chomsi Pagoda on the "Holy Hill", "Buddha Trail" Wat-Pra-Bat-Nyy, Wat Vishun Monastery and many others.

The most popular drink in Laos is "mak-mai-pan", fruit juice with a high content of flesh, mixed with ice and sweetened with condensed milk or sugar cane juice.

Pakse is an important trading city of the country, commercial and transport center of South Laos. Here you should see the Wat-Luang Temple on the Se-Don River embankment, the Provincial Museum, the Chinese community building, the large Eastern market, and the fish farm on the Mekong River.

The Jaw Valley is a wilderness between Phonsavan and Sieng Huang, on which hundreds of stone urns of unknown origin are concentrated, gathered in five groups. These huge structures (the largest - 10, 6 tons), carved about two thousand years ago.

Tourism in Laos is still in its infancy (although it is developing intensively). Therefore, many reserves and notable places can be accessed only with an official guide, which will help to complete all documents, get "permissions", etc. Independently you can try your luck in the Department of Tourism, with travel agencies on the site it is better not to contact, as they leave for a decent commission.

Photo of Laos (23)

Maps of Laos
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Visa to Laos
Airline tickets to Laos
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Video about Laos
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Managers for Laos on the "Thinness of Tourism"
Questions about Laos
Cities and resorts of Laos
Laos hotels
Photos Laos
Tours to Laos