"Mixer for beating koumiss" - this is how the name of the city of Bishkek, the capital of Kyrgyzstan, its modern and historical center is translated .The green city is what the Kirghiz call it, not only because of the abundance of age-old oak trees and poplars, the lively boulevards shrouded in a dense shadow, but also thanks to the young spirit and the optimistic optimism of the Kyrgyz capital .Founded in the 7th century, Bishkek today is an unusually young and vibrant city: there are a lot of bars and discos near which traditional tea-houses coexist, independence monuments and sculptures of ancient Kyrgyz heroes do not interfere, on the contrary, complement each other, and on the streets interspersed old century elders in kalpaks and colorful dressing gowns and starlets with a minimum of clothing are walking .And koumiss, by the way, is much easier to find here than some overseas "mohito" .

How to get to Bishkek?

From Moscow to Bishkek it is easy to get regular flights of the national carrier "Airline Kyrgyzstan" and Russian S7 and Aeroflot. Aircraft "Kyrgyzstan Airlines" boarders are airborne 4 times a week from Moscow's "Domodedovo". "Aeroflot" carries out one flight daily and two - on Wednesday and Friday from Sheremetyevo-F. The flight time is about 4 hours. On the wings of S7 you can get to Bishkek only with an intermediate landing in Novosibirsk.

Bishkek Manas International Airport is located 23 km from the city. Get there from the center of the Kyrgyz capital can be by taxi, the trip will cost about 350-400 KGS.

Search for air tickets in Bishkek

Transport in the city

It is more convenient to travel by Bishkek by taxi - they are quite inexpensive and scurry along the streets of the capital in abundance. The car can be "caught" on the street or at any time of the day to order by phones 150, 152, 154, 156, 166, 182 or 188. A trip within the city will cost 70-100 KGS during the day and 120-150 KGS at night. In any case, clarify the cost better in advance. A car with a driver can also be hired for the whole day - it will cost less than a similar service at the rental offices. Count on 800-1200 KGS per day.

Since gaining independence, many street names in Bishkek have changed, so when going to an address, it's better to find out both the old and the new name, or even better - use a notable landmark.

Another option - democratic minibus for 9-14 seats, plying in all slightly brisk streets. The rules for their use are identical to those in Russia: to wave a hand at an approaching car, pass the fare to the driver (8-10 KGS, indicated in the cabin) and loudly announce the landing point.

Public transport in Bishkek is represented by buses and trolleybuses. They work from 5: 30-6: 00 to 21: 00-21: 30. The journey costs 5-6 KGS. You need to enter through the back door, and go out - through the front door. Travel is paid at the exit, conductor.

Map of Bishkek

The climate of Bishkek is

Bishkek March 1, Sunday
+8 ° С in the day
-1 ° C at night
° С water
Bishkek March 2, Monday
+9 ° С in the day
0 ° C at night
° С water
Bishkek March 3, Tuesday
+11 ° С in the day
+1 ° C at night
° С water
Bishkek weather forecast for 10 days
Average monthly temperature, ° C
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
in the daytime + 2 + 3 + 10 + 18 + 23 + 28 + 31 + 29 + 24 + 17 + 10 + 4
night -8 -7 + 0 + 6 + 10 + 15 + 17 + 15 + 10 + 4 -1 -5

Cuisine and restaurants in Bishkek

In Bishkek, the mass of Kyrgyz, Asian, Russian, Persian and other friendly cuisines .It is inexpensive to have a bite to eat in fast food, they serve the Kyrgyz counterpart of a hamburger: a sandwich with a flat cutlet and all sorts of vegetable and sauce stuffs at a price of 20 KGS .Other options for "fast food" - samsa, kebabs and a variety of kebabs .Of course, there is a brasserie pizzeria in the Kyrgyz capital (and where are they not?) - there you can taste international Italian pizza, pasta and other pastas, French pancakes, crepes and t .д .To thoroughly taste the dishes of the national "high cuisine", go to the cafe "Labyrinth" (here they serve delicious "beshbarmak"), cafe "Mazai" (various dishes from rabbit meat), cafe "Astana" (shish kebab from chicken and live music in the evening in weekend), a teahouse "Jalalabad" and a cafe "Faiza" ."Sitting with taste" is possible in the pompous Four Seasons - exquisite dishes of European and Asian cuisine, live music and the opportunity to dine on the outdoor terrace in the warm season .

Refreshed during walks around the city can be a carbonated drink "shoro" based on wheat flour - it is sold stuck with street trays.

Types of Bishkek

Shopping and shopping

To buy Kyrgyz souvenirs is in the familiar to us on the general Soviet past TSUM - central department store of the Kyrgyz capital on Chui Avenue, 155 .Here a large selection of local crafts at affordable prices .Another popular shopping site in Bishkek is the bustling and picturesque Osh bazaar, which, it seems, can be bought even the most outlandish goods..In the market, Dordoi sells a variety of household goods, clothes and shoes, and in the Ak-Emir bazaar you can buy fresh products from local farmers: fruits and vegetables, koumiss and soft cheeses, horse sausage and more..High-quality handicrafts - kalpaki, felt carpets, national costume items - are sold at the Kyrgyz Style store on Bokonbaev Street, 133 and the cozy Asahi boutique on Chui Avenue, 136 .Admirers of antiques will be delighted by the real cave of Aladdin on the avenue of Manas, 47 - here a lot of Kyrgyz and Asian antiquities are collected, as well as iconic things of the Soviet era .For "painting" is worth looking into the Asia Gallery, nice and original clay products can be found in the art gallery "Saimaluu-Tash", and magnificent (and expensive) embroidery is presented in the art salon "Tumar" .

Sights of Bishkek

Entertainment, Excursions and Attractions in Bishkek

The modern sights of Bishkek: the central Ala-Too square and the Erkindik Statue of Liberty in the form of a Kyrgyz holding the upper elements of the tunduk yurt, the Parliament building, the National flagpole (changing the guard every hour from 7 am to 6 pm), the Manas sculpture complex , depicting the legendary Kirghiz hero on the right horse surrounded by his wife and adviser, and the Victory Monument.

Among the museums of the city is recommended to visit the Historical Museum - here you can see the numerous ancient artifacts found on the excavations: rock paintings of the ancient settlement of Saimaluu-Tash, run inscriptions of Talas, objects of Bronze Age life and decorations of nomadic tribes of the beginning of our era, ancient coins .Ethnographic collections deserve special attention: embroidery and national costumes, richly decorated horse harness, felt and wool carpets, articles made of clay and straw .In the Museum of Fine Arts, you can delve into the fineness of the installation and interior layout of a traditional yurt, see national carpets "shyrdaki" and other felt products, and enjoy the picturesque paintings of Kyrgyz, Uzbek and Russian artists..Nostalgic for the Soviet era can go to the Frunze Museum and visit the Sculpture Park with an exposition on the theme "Peace and Work" .

In the Museum of Fine Arts, you can delve into the subtleties of the installation and internal planning of the traditional yurta, as well as see national carpets "shyrdaki."

Popular parks of Bishkek: Oak Park and Panfilov Park, Kemal Atatürk Park, Erkindik Avenue, planted with oaks and silvery poplars, Boulevard of the Young Guard.

In the vicinity of the city is worth visiting the nature park "Baytyk Valley" and climb the mountain Boz-Peldek, which offers a beautiful view of Bishkek. At the southern slope of the mountain there is a cemetery "Khanski graves", where the legendary ruler of the valley is buried. Pay attention to the forged tower with a magnificent dome. You can see rare plants in the Chon-Aryk Botanical Preserve, and improve your health at the peat mud deposit in the village of Kamyshanivka. Photos of Bishkek (12)