From the point of view of the traveler (an inquisitive, sufficiently heat-resistant and very well-off - others do not go here), Madagascar is a "continent in miniature", literally packed with exotic forms of life, many of which are found only on this island. There are extinct volcanoes and high mountains, valleys and rivers, tropical forests and semi-deserts. In Madagascar there are no chic hotels: this is the place for those who are looking not for luxurious rooms, but for new impressions and 100% exotic.

The capital is Antananarivo. Popular trips to the national parks of Madagascar. The main resorts: Tulear, Morondava, Ambohomanga, Antsirabe, Ile-Sainte-Marie.

For a complete list of interesting places to visit, visit the city page and the resorts of Madagascar, and on when to go to the island and what to do, see the page tours to Madagascar.


  • 1 How to get
    • 1.1 Search for air tickets to Madagascar
  • 2 Visa
  • 3 Customs
  • 4 Phone Numbers
  • 5 Transport
  • 6 Rent a car
  • 7 The safety of tourists in Madagascar is
  • 8 The climate of Madagascar is
  • 9 Madagascar hotels - $
    • 9.1 Book hotel in Madagascar at the best price
  • 10 Banks, exchange offices and tips
  • 11 Shopping and shopping
  • 12 Kitchen and restaurants
  • 13 Madagascar Attractions
    • 13.1 We also recommend

How to get

There are no direct flights from Russia. The simplest version of the available - flight flights Air France with docking in Paris. The duration of the flight is 13-14 hours without taking into account the docking.

Regular flights are conducted between Madagascar and Kenya, Mauritius, Reunion, the Seychelles, Tanzania and South Africa.

Search for air tickets to Madagascar


Russian and CIS citizens need an entry visa to Madagascar to visit the country, which can be issued through the Embassy in Moscow or directly upon arrival to the country.


Import and export of foreign currency is not limited, the declaration is obligatory. Export of local currency is prohibited. Permission is granted duty-free import of 500 cigarettes or 25 cigars or 500 g of tobacco, as well as a liter of any alcohol.

Prohibited export of native gold and jewelry stones, crocodile leather products, rare species of animals (including products from their horns, skin and bone) and plants, seeds and flowers (including dried ones). The removal of animal skins is allowed only under the license of the customs or other government agencies. Strictly forbidden import of wild and domestic animals (hard quarantine), weapons, drugs and medical products without adequate documentary support.

Phone Numbers

Embassy of the Republic of Madagascar in Moscow: Kursova Pereulok 5, phone: (495) 695-28-52

Embassy of Russia in Antananarivo: B.P. 4006, Ambohijatovo, Ivandry, Antananarivo 101; tel .: (20) 224-28-16, 224-28-27; website

Air Madagascar Airline Reference: 288-65

Ambulance: 211-70, the fire service: 225-66, the police: 229-72

High-level hotels have two types of tariffs: one for their citizens, the other for foreigners. It is easy to guess which of the tariffs is higher. In addition, payment from "non-local" is taken in currency.


The easiest and cheapest way to travel around the country is by bus. The schedule of flights is usually posted at the airport and at special terminals of the terminal.

The best way to travel by city is by taxi. There are two types of cars: licensed with the Adema logo and counters, as well as numerous "unofficial taxis" in which the meter is usually not available, but the prices are fixed and depend on the distance and traffic density. The cost of the trip should be negotiated in advance, before boarding the car. In private taxis, you can also bargain.

Specific types of local transport - fast and convenient "taxi-ba" and cheaper, but slow "taxi-brusi." They are a cross between "shuttles" and ordinary taxis. There is always a schedule at the bus stops. The fare should be agreed in advance, before boarding the car. Also in all cities there are rickshaws of all kinds.

Maps of Madagascar

Rent a car

Car rental is weak, rental agencies are only available in major tourist centers and at the airport. Therefore, it makes sense to rent a car in advance, even before departure to the country. For the registration of a lease is enough for a credit card (sometimes a deposit is charged) and national driving licenses. The rental price is almost the same as in Europe.

Most of the main routes are in good condition, which can not be said about the roads between small settlements. Malagasy drivers are neat and tidy enough. Overtaking on the track is rare, in the city the rhythm of the movement slows down even more. Often the road goes to pets, children and local people - and, it must be said, feel at home, like yourself. In the dark hours of the road almost no coverage.

The safety of tourists in Madagascar is

The criminal stop in the capital is quite calm, but there are certain security problems. So tourists should not take a lot of money with them and leave valuable things unattended. Attractions are recommended to be inspected accompanied by a guide or as part of a group. In the province, the situation as a whole is more calm, but there should also be followers' advice.

Before visiting the country, tourists are advised to take antimalarial pills. In addition, you need to follow basic security measures: make sure that there are no mosquitoes in the room, and avoid mosquito bites.

Do not drink raw or unchecked water on the island in any way. Water used for drinking, brushing teeth or preparing ice should be necessarily boiled.

Safe places for swimming in the ocean are lagoons and areas protected by coral reefs. In other places, sharks are common, and dangerous reptiles are found in the mouths of rivers and in mangrove forests.

Types of Madagascar

The climate of Madagascar is

Tropical and equatorial monsoon. In different parts of the island the climate can be very different. The average temperature in the capital is +18 ° C, on the coast - +24 .. + 26 ° C. Coastal areas of the island often suffer from destructive cyclones.

The hottest areas of the island are the north-west coast and the plateau of Bemaraha, where the average temperature reaches +34 ° C. On the tops of mountain massifs, there are significant temperature and frost downs. "Season of rain" in Madagascar is not.

See also the weather forecast for the main resorts of Madagascar.

  • When in Madagascar the rainy season is

Madagascar hotels - $

The categories of Madagascar hotels are denoted by the usual "stars", from one to five. But the rules by which these "stars" hang out are often inaccessible to the understanding of the European: for example, some "five-stars" in terms of the range of services offered and the level of service are almost identical to "treshka." The voltage in the electrical network is 110-220 V, 50 Hz. Sockets two-pin.

Book hotel in Madagascar at the best price

Banks, exchange offices and tips

Banks usually work from Monday to Friday from 8:00 to 15:00. The currency can be exchanged in any branch of the bank, at the airport, in exchange offices and some hotels. The latter option is the least profitable, since a commission is charged. Change money on the street in the country is prohibited.

The slots, in which it will be possible to put international credit cards, will be found only in the capital and in large tourist centers. For travel on the province, you will have to stock up the Malagasy francs in small bills, as the standard of living of the population there is low, and exchanging large bills will be almost unreal.

Tipping is best done in local currency. In restaurants, they make up approximately 10% of the total cost of the order. In restaurants and hotels in the capital, the same 10% is automatically added to the account.

Shopping and shopping

Shops are open from Monday to Friday from 8:00 to 17: 00-17: 30, on Saturdays - from 8:00 to 13:00. On Sunday, most stores do not work. In the southern and southeastern parts of the country, most outlets are closed for the day siesta from 12: 00-13: 00 to 15: 00-16: 00.

You can bargain almost everywhere, but the local people themselves usually do not bargain. Vendors rarely cunning or inflate the price by seeing a foreigner, so prices are everywhere more or less adequate.

Paradise Island of Madagascar

Kitchen and restaurants

The basis of Malagasy cuisine is rice, which is served with vegetables and extremely spicy peppers, corn, zeb meat, fish, slices of cheese and spices..Dishes, as a rule, are very sharp .The most famous national dishes are "ravitutu" (beef fillet with mashed potatoes of cassava and coconut) and "rumazava" (meat stew with tomatoes and spices) .Fans of European cuisine will appreciate the local goose liver oven .On the coasts, seafood is widespread (lobsters, crabs, oysters, sea urchins) .Fruits are plentiful all year round .

The country is well-developed in the production of wine and alcoholic beverages - which is not surprising, if you recall that in the past, the country has long been a French colony.

Madagascar Attractions

Details of what you can see in Madagascar, can be found on the page of the sights of Madagascar.

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  • Are there tours Mauritius - Madagascar

Photos of Madagascar (41)

Is it necessary to get vaccinated against Yellow fever when going to Madagascar
Maps of Madagascar
Visa to Madagascar
Cities and resorts of Madagascar
Video about Madagascar
Flights to Madagascar
Where is the Tsiribikhin River
Tours to Madagascar
Questions about Madagascar
Hotels in Madagascar
How to get from Antanarivo to Ankifi
What is Andringritra
When in Madagascar the rainy season
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Photos of Madagascar
Weather in Madagascar
Attractions in Madagascar
National parks of Madagascar
Forest of Kirindi