The Nosy Be archipelago is located in the north-east of the country and consists of several islands of different sizes. The largest of these, the island of Nozi-Bi, is most developed from a tourist point of view. It's no exaggeration, the country's most popular beach resort and the most expensive destination in Madagascar. The cost of accommodation here can be two times higher than on the mainland. On Nozee-Bi there are a lot of hotels, nightclubs, shops, boutiques, ethnic markets. And also - beautiful beaches and excellent opportunities for snorkelling and diving.

Despite the fact that the hotels of Nozi-Bi do not look as magical and fashionable as the huge tourist complexes of Greece or the Caribbean, the water here is no less azure, the sun is bright, the cuisine is delicious, and the tranquility and silence is even abundant. Here you can go to the beach though with a book Dontsova, even with a textbook on matanu, being sure that the noise from water motorcycles and sweets traders on the beach will not interfere.

Also in the archipelago are: the islands of Nozi-Komba, Nozi-Tanikeli, Nozi-Sakatiya, Nozi-Mitsio and Nozi-Irania. Andoani (Hell-Vill, "Devilish city") - the capital city of Noi Bee, despite its name - a bright and cheerful town.

Noz-Bee is very similar to heaven: the air is filled with Yalang-Yalang and vanilla fragrances, the lifestyle is slow and relaxed.

How to get to Nozi-Bi

The easiest way to get to the archipelago from the port of Ankifi (Ankify) on a small high-speed boat (en route 30 minutes, 20,000 MGF). The first departure at 7:30.

Those traveling with the car need to use the services of Fivondronana Ferry (tel: 032 02 358 40), whose ferries depart daily from Antsahampano, near Ambanja. On the way 2 hours, cost 15 000 MGF.

In addition, daily flights from Antananarivo go to Air Madagascar, costing 305,000 MGF.

Search air tickets to Antananarivo (nearest a / p to Nozi-Bi)

Entertainment, Excursions and Attractions Noisy-Bee

In the capital, one should go to the center of oceanographic research, to a monument to Russian soldiers or bargain in the covered market.

The most interesting places are the Silver Waterfall, the village of Dzamandzari, where since 1900 they produce rum, the ruins of Marodok. Also interesting is the nature reserve Lokobe, located on 740 hectares of Nozi-Bi. Here you can meet a boa constrictor, black lemurs, a chameleon and Madagascar blood-suckers. Mont Passo - the highest mountain of the island (329 m above sea level), from where beautiful views of the surroundings. Near the mountain there are sacred lakes Anayavibe, Amparihimirhavavi, Bemapaza, Antsahamanavaka, Antsidihi, Amparihibe and Mintimaso.

Nozee Bee

Diving on Nozee Bee

The best time for diving is from May to October. The water temperature ranges from +26 ... 30 ° С. Visibility from 15 to 35-40 m. Here you can see all types of corals, barracuda, royal fish, tazar, yellow tuna, sharks, including whales, rays, mantas and whales.

Dive sites:

  • Gorgonians Bank is located at a depth of 20 m. Here you can find giant gorgonian, crocodile fish and octopus, sea turtles and leopard shark.
  • Heloïse Bank - leopard sharks, flocks of barracuda and royal fish, giant lobsters.
  • Unicorn Bank is located near the island of Nozi-Sakatia, there is a wide variety of soft and hard corals, schools of fish surgeons.
  • 5m Bank - steep cliffs, steeply retreating to a depth of 40 m. From August to December, an abundance of plankton attracts manta rays and whale sharks here.

And also: Rosario Bank, the Grand Bank reef from the Mozambique Strait, Manta Point, Tanikely.

Photo of Nozi-Bi (1)