Borneo or Kalimantan (Indonesian version of the name) - the third largest island in the world with a unique flora and fauna .Its rain forests, the age of which exceeds the Amazonian, are among the oldest in the world (about 130 million years), and many species are endemic, that is, they can live strictly within Borneo .The island is divided between three states .Actually, Malaysia occupies about 26% of the total territory, most of it belongs to Indonesia .In addition to its natural attractions, the island is widely known as a deposit of diamonds and oil, but Malaysians from these riches did not get much .

Perhaps the main thing that attracts tourists on the island of Borneo, in addition to diving and beach recreation, is a truly wild nature and the opportunity to feel like discoverers.

The territory of Malaysia is divided into two states - Sarawak, with its capital in Kuching, and Sabah, with its capital in Kota Kinabalu. The most popular among travelers is Sabah.

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  • 1 How to get to Borneo
    • 1.1 Search for air tickets to Kuala Lumpur (nearest airport to Borneo)
  • 2 Climate
  • 3 Transport
  • 4 Beaches of Borneo
  • 5 Kitchen and restaurants
  • 6 Entertainment, excursions and attractions in Borneo
  • 7 Wildlife Borneo
    • 7.1 Borneo

How to get to Borneo

You can get to the island by air from Kuala Lumpur, to the state of Sabah - to fly local flights Kuala Lumpur - Kota Kinabalu (two and a half hours), to Sarawak - Kuala Lumpur - Kuching (hour and a quarter). ±​​$ br >

Search for air tickets to Kuala Lumpur (nearest airport to Borneo)


In Sarawak, you will find a hot and humid climate. On average, the temperature varies from +27 ° C to +32 ° C. In the area of ​​the mountain plateau, Kelabit is cooler. Due to climatic conditions, rains always go here, but they do not cause big inconveniences, because they are short-lived, "please" the holiday-makers not every day and for the most part at night. This rainy season begins in autumn, in November, and lasts until February. Nevertheless, Russian tourists often come to rest and at this time too.

In Sabah, the rainy season lasts longer, almost to the middle of spring.

In Sabah, the rainy season lasts longer, almost to the middle of spring. Equatorial climate, which is characterized by heat and high humidity, dominates here. The temperature spread is approximately the same. If the tour program includes climbing Kinabalu mountain, then it's worth thinking about warm things, especially after overcoming the first stage at 3300 meters.


The main cities of the states are connected by the mass of daily flights of Malaysia Airlines and Air Asia. In addition, the island can be traveled by bus and train. The first are divided into air-conditioned express trains and ordinary ones, making a bunch of stops along the way.

The only railway line (134 km) runs along the west coast and connects the cities of Kota Kinabalu and Beaufort.

The only railway line (134 km) runs along the west coast and connects the cities of Kota Kinabalu and Beaufort.

Beaches of Borneo

The tropical beaches of Borneo, snow-white, with fine sand and rich vegetation, are protected from waves by coral islands. These small islands are constantly plying small motor boats and boats, so you can always swim there. This is especially true during the "red tide" period, when the sunset is strictly forbidden. Large four- and five-star coastal hotels own their own beaches.

The red tide is nothing but the flowering of water, during which microorganisms (plankton) multiply intensively, giving the sea a brown, reddish tinge. Bathe at this time is dangerous to health. Toxic poisoning instead of a fine mood after a rest in a tropical paradise awaits anyone who breaks the napret.
Large four- and five-star coastal hotels own their own beaches.

Kitchen and restaurants

A distinctive feature of the Malay cuisine is the lack of a clear and definite set of dishes .Since the local residents absorbed several crops at once, the recipes are as diverse as the national composition of the country is .For example, in Sabah one of the most popular dishes is the Chinese soup Bak Kut Teh, which means "tea made from meat bones" .The composition includes a loin, various types of herbs and spices .Thai fish soup Tom Yam though born in another country, nevertheless extremely loved at Borneo .Soto is already Indonesian food .Meat and noodles are the main ingredients .

Diving in Borneo

Entertainment, excursions and attractions in Borneo

In Sarawak, you should go on an excursion to the ethnographic museum, visit the caves of Niakh, the crocodile farm and the orangutan rehabilitation center decorated with prehistoric graffiti. Very interesting is the animal and plant world of the Mulu and Bako reserves.

About ten thousand plants, 350 species of birds, 150 reptiles and 10 species of primates are unique and live only in Borneo.

Sabah offers its guests to climb Kinabalu Mountain (4093 m) in order to enjoy the unreal beauty of landscapes and bathing in hot springs, to get acquainted with the life of Aborigines in the village museums, to visit the pearl farm and watch the turtle turtles on the Turtle Islands. ±​​$ br >

Sarawak offers a variety of options for outdoor activities: from travel on mountain bikes and rafting to an adrenaline safari through the thick jungle. The waters that wash the Sabah coast delight in its transparency and abound in coral reefs attracting fussy flocks of divers from all over the world.
Expedition to the heart of Borneo (English)

Wildlife Borneo

To see a live gibbon or a flying fox, you can go to Uncle Tan Camp in Sabah .After listening to a short course of survival in the jungle, you will visit the night rain forest, on the Kinabatangan River, in the rehabilitation center of orangutans Sepilok and many where else is .The program is very rich and is designed for physically well-prepared travelers .Usually the tour is designed for three days and two nights .The living conditions are maximally close to natural: a mosquito net, a mattress and the absence of all the benefits of civilization, including plumbing . Photo of Borneo (9)