Since 1985, the territorial waters around Redanga for seven nautical miles have been declared a marine park. Some of the most interesting local dive sites are Big Mountain, Lima Island and Mini Mountain.

Big Mount + $

The underwater mountain in the form of an oval is located 50 m north of the tip of the island of Lim .Depth: 20-30 m .Here are amazing macrophotographs and you can meet huge whale sharks .In soft corals there are entire colonies of sea anemones, sheltering clownfish, sea cucumbers, sea stars, moray eels, gubans, fish-squirrels, stone fish, grupers, parrot fish, and also large fish: tuna, barracuda, fusiliers and black-and- fin sharks .At a depth of 30 m there is a garden of flexible corals, flowing from the current and strewn with starfish .Boulders hide in the sand large ramps dassiatis .

Lima Island (Pulau Lima)

An excellent dive site, located to the east of Redang. The only beach with sand and coral is on the west coast and is suitable for snorkelers. The terrain is a steep slope with boulders, which extends to a depth of about 30 m. At a depth of 18 m, many colonies of soft corals and fish: gubans, beautiful fish, parrot fish, blue fish. Black-nosed reef sharks float nearby. Behind the boulders there is a sandy bottom, where moray eels, skates of daziitis, sea ruffs and bodies live.

Mini Mountain (Mini Mount)

A popular underwater reef is 100 m to the east of Kerengga-Besar Island. On the sandy bottom, granite boulders are covered, covered with various types of soft and tubular corals, sponges and hydroids. The deepest place is 20 m. In addition, the mini-mountain is a popular place for night dives.

Sea world: kauri, sea spiders and colorful sea worms. Coral garden is inhabited by beautiful fish and butterflies, blue fishes, lips, parrotfishes and sea ruffs. An interesting area is rocky, where canyons and crevices harbor grupers, morays and lobsters.

Laguna Resort, Redang, Malaysia Diving on Redang
In search of Nemo in Malaysia Diving on Redang
Marine park with diving, Redang, Malaysia Diving on Redang

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Diving on Redang