Kingdom of Jordan is equal to Israel plus visa formalities minus confessional conflicts .The constants of this equation are a rich "excursion", the Dead Sea, diving, snorkeling and endless expanses of the Wadi Rum desert .Rest in Jordan is chosen mainly by family tourists (or, as an option, only a fine half of a married couple) with a level of incomes average and above .A separate category of travelers in Jordan - pilgrims and just fascinated by world history and art people: Jordan is proud of a huge number of ancient monuments .The

Perhaps the main charm that Jordan conceals in itself is that in this country it is possible - a rare case! - to find several advantages at once without the inevitable concomitant minuses. Say, the healing power of the Dead Sea without an overabundance of holidaymakers on the beaches, the excitement of the eastern bargaining in picturesque bazaars of Jordan without importunate sellers, and in Aqaba - also the opportunity to sunbathe, swim all year round, without exhausting summer heat.

Due to its favorable geographic position at the crossroads of the Middle East, Jordan makes it easy to combine a visit to the country with a trip to Israel or Syria, which is very convenient for tourists-pilgrims or just interested in Christian history. Well, for those wishing to improve their health, Jordan saved a whole scattering of spa centers on the coast of the Dead Sea.

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The capital is Amman. Large cities - Petra and Aqaba. The main resorts: Aqaba, the Dead Sea coast.

For a complete list of the cities of the country, search on the city page and the resorts of Jordan.

Table of Contents

  • 1 How to get to Jordan
    • 1.1 Search air tickets in Jordan
  • 2 Jordanian visa
  • 3 Customs office
  • 4 Phone Numbers
  • 5 Transport
  • 6 Rent a car
  • 7 Safety of tourists
  • 8 Climate
  • 9 Money
  • 10 Hotels in Jordan |
    • 10.1 Book a hotel in Jordan at the best price
  • 11 Shopping and Shops in Jordan
  • 12 Kitchen and Restaurants
  • 13 Entertainment, excursions and attractions in Jordan
    • 13.1 Also recommend

How to get to Jordan

Scheduled flights Moscow - Amman are performed by Royal Jordanian and S7 Airlines (Tuesday, Friday, Sunday). The duration of the flight is about 4 hours.

Regular flights Kiev - Amman are performed weekly by UM Air and Royal Jordanian. The flight to Jordan from the citizens of Ukraine will take a little less time - about 3 hours. There are no direct flights to Jordan from Belarus and Kazakhstan.

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  • How to get from Taba to Jordan
  • Can I go to Jordan from Sharm?

Search air tickets in Jordan

Jordanian visa

Citizens of Russia and CIS countries, except for Moldova, receive a visa upon arrival in the country.

Customs office

In the country you can duty-free import up to 200 cigarettes or 25 cigars or 200 g of tobacco, 2 liters of wine, perfume for personal use .Hand luggage and personal items are not levied on duty .When importing luxury goods, you must fill out a special declaration and pay a fee .Import of foreign (except Israeli) and national currencies is not limited .Removal of imported currency is not limited, the national can not be exported more than 300 JOD .The import of weapons and drugs is prohibited .When importing and exporting antiques, you need to have a receipt issued by the seller. .The

Phone Numbers

Embassy of Jordan in Moscow: Mamonovsky per. 3; tel .: (495) 699-12-42, 699-28-45, 699-43-44, fax: 699-43-54

Jordan Tourism Authority in Moscow: st. Lenin Sloboda, 19, 5 floor, office center "Business"; tel .: (495) 765-92-06, 226-27-80; website

Embassy of Russia in Amman: 3rd circle, Zahran street, 22; tel .: (6) 464-11-58, 464-25-32; website

Police - 192, road police - 843-402, first aid - 193, fire service (Amman) - 462-20-90, single emergency phone - 196.

City codes: Amman - 6, Aqaba - 3.


The only internal air route is Amman - Aqaba.

Jordan's cities are connected by Jett's buses, tickets for them need to be bought at the ticket office a few hours before departure or booked by phone (in any case, confirmation of travel at a special ticket office at the bus station). Alternatively, small buses for 15-20 seats, which run irregularly (as they are filled) and are not equipped with air conditioning. But they, unlike Jett, go even between small settlements.

Public transport in Jordan - buses, minibuses and "services" (with an emphasis on "and"). So the Arabs call seven or five-seat cars that follow a certain route and are sent, as well as minibuses, as they fill. The fare in such taxis is usually 50% higher than in a bus.

Twice a year in Jordan there are automobile racing of the international class. And on the racetrack of Jerash daily arrange a classic race on the Roman chariots.

In the cities of Jordan you can move around the yellow taxi .They are equipped with meters only in Amman, in other cases you need to agree in advance on the payment of .Rent a taxi for the whole day will cost 20-25 JOD .In Amman also there are no problems with public transport .A ten-minute trip in a yellow taxi will cost about 1 JOD, and travel through the city - in the area of ​​3 JOD .Taxis are always equipped with counters, and if the request to include his taxi driver says that it does not work, it is better to immediately take another car .The price on the counter is indicated in fils, that is 700 is 0, 7 JOD, not 7 JOD .The landing is charged 0, 25 JOD, and the cost of the trip is usually rounded to the nearest 50-100 fils .After midnight, taxi drivers do not have to include a counter, and the fare at night is about twice as high .The

Local residents (including taxi drivers) do not bother to memorize street names, so it's better to call the nearest attraction to the destination - or the hotel next door.

Since the traffic in the city is very intense and with traffic jams, it is better to walk on the city center in the afternoon.

To travel to another city, the taxi driver will need a special permit: it is paid, of course, by the passenger.

Jordanian taxi drivers are world leaders in matters of cheating. Common dodges include the threat of not opening the trunk with a suitcase until the tourist pays the requested amount, attempts to land in a desert area, and assurances that "the amount on the meter is for a person, and you are three." In general, catching a taxi, you need to be very careful, and it's best to book a car by phone.

Types of Jordan

Rent a car

There are both international and small local rental companies in the country .To rent a car you will need an international driver's license and a credit card (only for a short stay in the country) .Depending on the class of the car, the card is blocked as collateral from 150 to 500 USD .Rented transport differs from other green license plates .The same numbers have cars used by travel companies .Leave a rented car outside Jordan is prohibited .Car rental through the travel agency will cost a bit less than directly .The

The movement in the country is right-handed. The inscriptions on the road signs are made in Arabic and English and are easy to read. Also there are special tourist road signs of brown color, showing the direction and the route to popular attractions.

Rent a car through the travel agency will cost a little less than directly.

In the event of an accident due to a tourist's fault, the deposit from his card is paid to the police (according to the road law of the Kingdom of Jordan). If the amount of damage exceeds the amount of the deposit, all the necessary expenses for car repair are paid by the originator of the accident.

Safety of tourists

Jordan - one of the most stable and secure countries in the Middle East .Crime is almost non-existent: police patrols are encountered in the streets of the city, but security problems usually do not occur .Interconfessional conflicts in the state are also absent .To avoid unpleasant surprises, it is recommended to drink only bottled or boiled water, and also to use pasteurized milk, well-roasted meat and fish, vegetables that have been pre-treated .Do not order drinks with ice cubes: it's better to ask to bring them chilled .The

While swimming in the extremely salty Dead Sea, you need to protect your eyes: it's best to wear swimming goggles in the pool or sunscreen - they will protect your eyes from accidental splashes.
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The climate is subtropical Mediterranean, sharply continental, very dry. The average temperature in January is +8 .. + 14 ° C, July +24 .. + 30 ° C (with average daily temperatures around +35 ° C). The most favorable time for visiting Jordan is spring and autumn. The north is raining from November to March.

On the Dead Sea and in Aqaba it is usually warm, and you can swim all year round. The water temperature in the Red Sea and the Dead Sea does not fall below +21 ° C throughout the year. Summer nights in these places are warm, like fresh milk. At the same time, in most of the central regions of the country at night it's pretty cool: when traveling on them, tourists need to take along long-sleeved clothes and trousers.

See also the current weather forecast for the main Jordanian resorts and in major cities.

Beaches of Aqaba Jordan
Beaches of Aqaba
Sights of the Jordanian capital Jordan
Attractions of Amman
Types of Amman Jordan
Ancient Amphitheater


Money can be exchanged at the airport, at the hotel and at exchange offices .The calculation for goods and services is usually made in dinars, foreign currency is almost never accepted. .Credit cards and traveler's checks are taken only in large tourist centers, hotels, ticket offices and large stores (the most common are American Express and Visa - they are accepted almost everywhere, Diners Club accept less often, and cashing MasterCard cards is sometimes difficult, so their better not to take) .In the interior of the country to pay off credit cards is almost impossible .Banks are open from 8:30 to 12:30 and from 15:30 to 17:30 from Saturday to Thursday (the ticket offices usually close at 12:30) .The

Tipping is given in gratitude for good service to hotel staff (0, 5 JOD), tour guide (2 JODs per person), driver (1, 5 JOD per person), horse-driver in Petra (2 JOD) and so on. Usually they make up the bulk of the earnings of the Jordanian tourist sector - a contract for hiring usually indicates a small amount of "plus tips", so the Jordanian who is left without a tip is likely to be offended.

The British Bank of the Middle East accepts road Eurochecks. Commission for their withdrawal is usually 5 JOD regardless of the amount.
  • What prices in Jordan

Hotels in Jordan |

The vast majority of Jordanian hotels provide its guests with a very decent level of service. The service personnel of the resort places communicate with tourists mainly in English, and in some hotels Russian-speaking employees have already appeared. True, it will be difficult to find them on the Dead Sea or in Aqaba.

The voltage in the electrical network is 220 V, 50 Hz. Rosettes are mainly non-standard, with three pins. "Adapter" can be requested from hotel employees.

  • What sea in Jordan

Book a hotel in Jordan at the best price

Shopping and Shops in Jordan

From Jordan, you can bring Madaba braided rugs, bottles with colorful sand from Petra (they are better to buy in Petra itself - there is natural sand of different colors from the canyons of the rock city, and not artificially colored, as in most other places), crafts made of olive wood, ceramics and copper utensils, jewelry, bedouin jewelry from black silver and much more. Jordanian cosmetics based on products from the Dead Sea are also very popular.

Incredible, but true: the traditional "eastern" bargaining in Jordan is practically non-existent. Prices, if they are reduced, are not much, and mostly, Bedouin boys selling souvenirs in Petra. In shops and shops, sellers behave extremely attentively and politely, but always with dignity: no one grabs the sleeves and other attributes of the Middle Eastern trade rows.

Friday in Jordan is the official day off. Stores owned by Christians can be closed on Sunday. There is no single schedule for the work of retail outlets: every landlord determines the time of his institution's work.

If the tourist suddenly has the obsession to personally collect dirt directly from the shore of the Dead Sea, you can ask someone from the attendants at the coastal hotel to help in her search on the shore .The service will cost in 1-3 JOD, depending on the complexities associated with its provision and depending on the amount of extracted good .The best dirt has a "radically black" color, it can be transported in several enclosed cellophane bags .Advise tourists not to engage in independent "mud track" activity .The
4 things to do in Jordan
  1. Visit the Museum of Royal Cars in Amman, which presents 60 of the rarest personal car of King Hussein.
  2. Enrich the collection of souvenirs with products of skilled potters, embroiderers, weavers of Salt.
  3. To heal curative mud and thermal waters in the first-class balneological complex "Ashtar", which is 70 km from Amman.
  4. Capture the moment when the colors of the rocks surrounding Aqaba change.

Kitchen and Restaurants

Jordanian cuisine as a whole is true to Arabic culinary traditions, but it has many characteristic features. Contrary to popular belief, the dishes of local cuisine are not as sharp and spicy as they usually think. But everywhere in the food are added mint, a variety of greens and herbs, lemons in all forms, onions, pickled olives, pine nuts. From snacks are popular salads, stews, pastries with different fillings, as well as dishes from finely chopped peas with greens - "falafel" and "hummus".

In addition to pita bread of different types and bread "ragif", in the country popular cakes "kmazh", which are often used as a kind of "edible spoons." Local meat dishes are usually chicken, lamb or veal with rice or potatoes. Traditional side dishes - different types of salads and stew.

Sweets produced in Jordan are considered one of the best in the Arab world. This pastry sliced ​​with sesame, baklava (pakhlava) with pistachios, the famous "kanfa" (knafe) with cheese, pies "kataef", dessert from guava "javafa" (jaufa), excellent ice cream, various candied fruits and hundreds of others confectionery.

Spirits of local and foreign production can be purchased at any time, except for the month of the Muslim fast. From local strong drinks it is worth trying "arak" - it is diluted with water, has the color of milk, as well as a specific smell and taste of anise. Local wines (white, pink and red) are also good. Alcoholic and non-alcoholic beer is offered in many cafes and restaurants (but not in all), and, moreover, is sold in special stores.

Maps of Jordan

Entertainment, excursions and attractions in Jordan

On the road from Petra to Aqaba, you can visit the Wadi Rum desert to enjoy unique landscapes, similar to which there is nowhere else on the planet.

Jerash is an almost entirely preserved example of a provincial city of the Roman Empire. In it there are 17 Byzantine churches, two amphitheaters, several columns framed by ancient streets. It is located an hour north of Amman, and for the high preservation of ancient buildings it is often called the "Pompeii of the East."

Christian pilgrims and people interested in the history of the first centuries of Christianity should visit the attractions of Madaba and its environs: Madaba itself, the Moses memorial on Mount Nebo, the site of the baptism of Jesus in Tel-al-Harrar, and many other historical places. And tourists who are interested in the history of the Crusades should certainly visit the Crusader castle in Karak, whose walls remember the era of Salah-ed-Din.

Gadara (now Umm-Kayes) - the place of the biblical legend about the Gadar pig. To our days, the stately streets framed by colonnades, the vaulted terrace and the ruins of two amphitheaters have reached.

Incredible, but true: the traditional "eastern" bargaining in Jordan is practically non-existent. Prices, if they are, are not much.

The "favorite" of archaeologists Pella is incredibly rich in antiquities. There, besides the excavation of the ruins of the Greco-Roman period, one can see the traces of the Eneolithic settlement (4th century BC), the ruins of the fortified cities of the Bronze and Iron Ages, the ruins of Byzantine churches and houses, and the residential quarter of the early Islam period, with a small medieval mosaic. br>

The Khalifa palaces of the desert are about 30 residences, once drowned in greenery and flowering gardens and irrigated with the help of original irrigation facilities, some of which have survived to this day, for example, the castle in Ajlun. Everyone who is interested in the history of the Arab Caliphate should not miss the unique monument of that era - the medieval baths of Qasr-Amr, decorated with frescoes depicting people and animals.

Fans of active recreation will not be bored in Jordan. It is possible to rent an off-road car and make the way from the north to the south of the country with visiting biblical cities and forts of legionaries. Or within a caravan for a week to cross the central highlands and the desert in the east of the country, every night stopping at a new place. These same routes can be overcome by a train from the time of the First World War, which goes to the very edge of the desert.

In addition, you can fly on a balloon or paraglider over the Wadi Rum desert, play paintball or golf, ride horses or go hiking in the mountains.

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Photos of Jordan (111)

Maps of Jordan
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Pilgrimage to Jordan
Aqaba: for the suitcase and forward
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Tours to Jordan
Margarita Lebedeva
Flights to Jordan
Attractions in Jordan
Cities and resorts in Jordan
Managers for Jordan on the "Tonights of Tourism"
Hotels in Jordan
Weather in Jordan
Visa to Jordan
Photos Jordan
Questions about Jordan
Where is the Embassy of Jordan
Are there any excursions from Taba to Jordan
What are the prices in Jordan
The Dead Sea (Jordan)
Video about Jordan
Is it possible to go to Jordan from Sharma
Are there any direct flights between Moscow and Jordan
Getting from Taba to Jordan
How much is a one-day tour to the Dead Sea from Amman
The sea in Jordan
Will Jordan fit for a holiday with a child
What excursions in Jordan are worth to visit
Wadi Rum
The Dead Sea (Jordan)
Excursions in Jordan
Holidays in Jordan
Is it safe to have a rest in Jordan
The Dead Sea (Jordan)
Holidays in Jordan
What documents are needed for a private visit to Jordan
Will there be any problems at the entrance to Jordan, if the visa