Pamplemus Botanical Garden

Port Louis

Sights of Mauritius Eleven kilometers north-east of Port Louis and you are in the Botanical Garden Pamplemus. It's crowded here almost always: the park is popular with tourists and Mauritians.

Grand Bassin

Grand Bassin

Sights of Mauritius Many pilgrims during the "Shiva night" festival are on their way to the sacred Hindu city of Grand Bassen, next to which the ancient lake gleams smoothly, where the fairies bathed, according to the stories of local residents.



Sights of Mauritius The city of Kurepipe, which is the oldest on the island, still does not give up the position of the country's business center.

Museum of Indian Immigration of Mauritius

Moka, Center

Sights of Mauritius At the Mahatma Gandhi Institute in Moka district, there is a Museum of Indian Immigration, which stores more than two thousand volumes of Indian archives associated with hired workers, and a collection of handicrafts, including jewelry from the first immigrants from India.

Museum "Eureka"

Eureka Lane, Montagne Ory Rd, Moka

Sights of Mauritius Visiting Creole House Museum "Eureka", you will be able to fully imagine the life of the colonizers of the XIX century.

National Park "Gorge of the Black River"

Black River Gorges National Park

Sights of Mauritius The National Park "Gorge of the Black River" is the main natural landmark of the island. The park with a size of 6500 hectares occupies 3, 5% of the entire territory of the country.


Flic en Flac

Sights of Mauritius Bearing the proud title of the best beach in Mauritius, Flic-en-Flac is a cozy well-tended resort town on the west coast of the island. There is everything you need for comfortable idleness under the sun.


Rd Plaine Champagne, Chamarel

Sights of Mauritius Perhaps visiting the village of Chamarel located on the island of Mauritius is the best and easiest way to see the lunar landscape with your own eyes. In this amazing place, sand dunes are naturally painted in seven different colors, which gives them an absolutely unearthly appearance.

The island-country, which has a centuries-old history, will become a lulling cradle for any tourist who has reached the pristine forests of Mauritius, his turquoise lagoons, golden sands and amazing cliffs. Luxury hotels will brighten up the lack of noise and bustle of huge cities, and breathtaking sunsets will bloom everyday grayness with an iridescent palette of harmony and timelessness.

The picturesque west coast of Mauritius stretched along Moka Mountain and Peter-Bot, here is the modest capital of the country - the city of Port Louis. The main attractions are the Jumma Mosque, St. James Cathedral, the Maeswarat (Triole) Temple, St. Louis Cathedral on Church Street, the ancient fortress of Fort Adelaide. Not far from the central square of the Arms is the National Museum.

The northern coast is a piece of sushi for tourists, stretching from Pointe-a-Piman to Cap Malheure, its sun-drenched sandy expanses of Beaux-Tortu (Turtle Bay), Trou aux Biches and Mont Choisy, the rocky coves of Pointe -o-Pyman (Cape Spice), the buzzing night quarters of Pereybere and Gran-Ba will not disappoint.

In the south of the island is built elegant Maeburg, which took part of a stunning lagoon and sandy beach. Created for a peaceful walk, the park of Le Val is to be found in the area of ​​View Gran Port. The best on the whole island is the beach of Morne. Trekking is allowed by quaint mountains, comfortable enough for light pedestrian excursions.

The names of the most popular peaks are "Cat and Mouse", "Thumb", "Three Nipples."

The pride of the east of Mauritius is, first of all, the virgin forest of Domans du Chasser and the lands of Ilang-Ilang, not inferior to them in the picturesqueness and uniqueness of the Montagne-du-Lyon (Lion Mountain), the series of Grand-Rivieres-Sud-Est waterfalls, , densely built up hotels, and the Cape of the Devil. Traveling along the East Coast is best served by water, from Pointe d'Esni, Trou d'Eau Douce, Blue Bay, boats regularly run.

First of all, most tourists are eager for the famous Mauritius fishing in the open sea. Pride for any fisher will be a noble exotic catch of blue marlin, hammerhead, tuna, barracuda. It is recommended to go fishing for fishing in November-April or September-November. The brightest places for fishing sport are the bays of the south-western coast, starting from the Rivieres-Marlin-Noir and ending with the Morn-Braban.

Lovers of photography are trying to defuse their camera during filming on the colorful, absolutely wild cape of Cap Maler (Unhappy), where the presence of a person resembles the only building - a modest colorful church. The ringing of the islands of Quen de Mir, Il-Rond, Me-o-Serpents, Gabriel, Il-Plat, Ile-d'Ambre is included in the composition of numerous reserves, so their virgin spaces are unique scenery for rest.