It is convenient to get into an airplane chair, have a snack and get some sleep - this is a simple sequence of actions in order to be not just somewhere in a few hours of flight, but straight ahead in the future. Futuristic skyscrapers, whose design is approved by experts in feng shui, the world's tallest Ferris wheel and many more family fun entertainments await all visitors to the city-state of Singapore. - $

The city of the lion is exactly translated from the Malay language Singapore ±​​$ br > The list of unofficial names is very extensive - from Disneyland for adults to the City of Prohibitions . The latter directly points to the distinctive feature of Singapore - wild for our tourist, but allowing the city-state to become one and the most prosperous in the world for some several decades . . The draconian prohibitions here lie in wait for the relaxed traveler at every step - be vigilant and carefully read the inscriptions on all forbidding plates .

Singapore is not a country for the "beach". Even on Sentosa, where there are good beaches, rest on the ocean will not be the most impressive: the place for swimming is fenced, "crystal clear" water will not be called even in the most shameless brochure, and the picture is completed by a huge port in the line of sight, Hundreds of tankers are on the roadside.

Rest in Singapore is more for those who understand: mostly tourists come here who have already visited many exotic countries, looking for something "new", as well as businessmen for business exhibitions.

The main resorts in Singapore are acute and Pulau Ubin (Pulau Ubin), Pulau Tekong (Pulau Tekong) and Sentosa (Sentosa). The latter is mainly represented in the Russian tourism market.

A full list of the cities of the country you can find on the city page and the resorts of Singapore. More information about when to go here and what to do on the site is described on the Singapore tours page.

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  • 1 How to get to Singapore?
    • 1.1 Search airfares to Singapore
  • 2 Visa to Singapore
  • 3 Customs
  • 4 Useful phone numbers are
  • 5 Safety of tourists in Singapore
  • 6 The climate of Singapore is
  • 7 Singapore hotels - $
    • 7.1 Book hotel in Singapore at the best price
  • 8 Banks and exchange points
  • 9 Shopping and shopping in Singapore
  • 10 Kitchen and restaurants
  • 11 Entertainment, Excursions and Attractions of Singapore
  • 12 Events
    • 12.1 We also recommend

How to get to Singapore?

Singapore Airlines fly from Moscow to Singapore five times a week (in the air about 10 hours), in the summer season plan to fly daily (information for December 2012).

In addition, you can take regular flights from Emirates Airlines (daily through Dubai), Qatar Airways (three times a week through Doha), Thai Airways (three times a week through Bangkok), Etihad Airways (three times a week, via Abu- Dhabi).

You can also fly through Frankfurt (Lufthansa plus Singapore Airlines), Hanoi or Ho Chi Minh City (Vietnam Airlines), Seoul (Korean Airlines), Shanghai (China Eastern) or Tokyo (Japan Airlines).

From Belarus and Ukraine to Singapore, Qatar Airways, Emirates Airlines and China Eastern also fly.

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  • How to get to Singapore from Moscow?
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Search airfares to Singapore

Visa to Singapore

Citizens of Russia and CIS countries need a visa to visit Singapore. Visa-free entry is possible in case of transit, if the time of stay in the country does not exceed 96 hours, and only with the availability of air tickets to a third country. Cruise or trip to a third country by ferry are not grounds for visa-free entry.


There are no restrictions on import and export of currency. Passengers over 18 years of age can duty-free import up to a liter of wine, a liter of spirits and a liter of beer, 20 open cigarettes, confectionery and chocolate products for up to 50 SGD, personal items, as well as other goods valued at 300 SGD if the tourist is transit - then no more than 150 SGD). Attention: chewing gum and tobacco products must be presented to the customs authorities.

It is prohibited to import narcotics and psychotropic drugs, firecrackers, weapons, lighters and toys in the form of weapons, medicines in commodity quantities, counterfeit products, toy coins and banknotes, pornography on any carriers, meat and meat products, as well as animals and animals listed in the Red Book plants and products from them.

To export weapons, explosives, animals, poisons and precious stones from the country, permission is required. It will be needed when exporting drugs, telecommunications equipment, video discs, photo and video tapes, jewelry in quantities exceeding personal needs.

The importation of drugs into the territory of Singapore is punishable by the death penalty. In addition, the import of chewing gum into the country is forbidden: violation of this ban may result in a fine or even imprisonment for up to a year.

Since the beginning of 2009, a customs fee of about 7 SGD per pack is charged for the import of cigarettes, the receipt for payment must be retained until the end of the trip.

Airport charges are usually included in the ticket price. If not, tourists who fly international flights will need to pay 8-12 USD. The fee is not collected from passengers who do not leave the transit zone and children under two years of age.

At the Singapore Changi airport, the rule is strictly observed: one person - one place of hand luggage.

Maps of Singapore

Useful phone numbers are

Embassy of Signapura in Moscow: Per. Stone Sloboda, 5; tel .: (499) 241-39-13, 241-39-14; website

Russian Embassy in Singapore: 51 Nassim Road; tel .: (6) 235-18-34, 235-18-32; website

Police: 999, firefighters: 995, ambulance: 995

Safety of tourists in Singapore

The level of crime in the country is very low: literally you can leave things, documents and even money anywhere - they will not be stolen. When visiting temples and mosques, hands and feet should be covered with clothing. At the entrance to the Indian churches and mosques, it is necessary to take off shoes, this should be done and entering the houses and apartments of local residents. It is forbidden to photograph and photograph Buddha images in Buddhist temples on a video camera.

Tap water in Singapore is sanitized and drinkable.

In the country it is forbidden to gamble and use chewing gum. For trash left on the street, a fine of 500 SGD is levied, and for a repeated violation they may well be imprisoned. Smoking in closed public places, buses, elevators, cinemas, theaters, government offices, restaurants and shops is prohibited by law, a fine even steeper is 1000 SGD. Penalty for crossing the road in the wrong place - 500 SGD, the same amount will have to be paid for driving in a car without a seat belt fastened.

To make it easier to tolerate heat, in Singapore it is better to wear light cotton clothing. In this case, do not forget about the air conditioning systems, which are crammed almost all shops and office buildings: a light jumper with long sleeves will not be superfluous.
Suspension Bridge on Sentosa Island Singapore
Suspension Bridge on Sentosa Island
Universal Studios Park in Singapore Singapore
Universal Studios Park in Singapore
Unusual view of Singapore at night Singapore
Unusual view of Singapore at night

The climate of Singapore is

The island is located on the territory with a tropical monsoon climate, the temperature here constantly keeps at the level of +30 .. + 32 ° C. Rains are almost all year round, and from November to February, heavy rains of about 10 minutes fall on the country.

See also the weather forecast for the main resorts and cities in Singapore.

  • The best time to visit Singapore is $ $

Singapore hotels - $

There are no bad hotels in Singapore, even 2-3 * - quite on the level. Hotels of urban type: without territory, multi-storey, with state-of-the-art conference halls. The country has all the world's chain of hotels plus the Chinese chain Oriental and southeast Shangri La.

The voltage in the electric network is 220-240 V, the sockets are three-contact. To use Russian appliances, you need an adapter that can be obtained free of charge at the hotel.

When you check into the hotel, you should immediately specify which number is needed - for smokers or non-smokers.

Book hotel in Singapore at the best price

Banks and exchange points

You can exchange money at the airport, hotel or numerous exchange points, the course is almost the same everywhere. International credit cards are accepted as practical everywhere and de facto are the main way of payment. With traveler's checks, there will also be no problems: they can be exchanged in almost any bank, but it's better to do it on weekdays.

Shopping and shopping in Singapore

From the country you can bring Chinese silk and Malay batik, orchids in gold, silk snakes, Chinese medicinal herbs. In shops in Singapore, you can profitably buy bags, summer shoes and knitwear, as well as the most modern electronic "devices" and just electronics for every taste.

  • What are the prices in Singapore?

Kitchen and restaurants

In the country, Chinese cuisine, dishes from seafood, sushi are popular. Popular national dishes: nasi lemak (coconut pulp, scrambled eggs, anchovies, cucumber slices and a few "chili" pastes wrapped in wrapping paper or banana leaf), eh tarik (tea with clove milk), chendol (coconut milk drink with brown sugar , pieces of green starch and red beans).

Indian and Malay food should only be eaten with your right hand. Sticks never leave in a plate with food, but put on a special stand or on the table near the plate. If the serving includes two spoons, there is a need for a porcelain spoon, and silver - only impose a dish. Leaving "tea" in Singapore is optional, but no one will refuse a tip. Most hotels and restaurants, not hoping for the consciousness of customers, themselves include an additional 10-15% "for service."
Dynamic Singapore

Entertainment, Excursions and Attractions of Singapore

Singapore Attractions - a separate topic for conversation .Here we will tell about the most-most entertainment of this amazing country .And the list opens, of course, the magic amusement park Universal Studios, which is located on the territory of Resorts World Sentosa, which is on the island of Sentosa .Dizzying rides for children and adults, themed shows and bright festivals - that's what tourists are waiting for in this park..In addition, most recently in the same complex Resorts World Sentosa opened: the largest oceanarium in the world - Marine Life Park, as well as the Adventure Cove Waterpark water park .The latter, by the way, pleases its guests with a pool with sea water, where you can swim with a mask surrounded by real fish and corals .There is another water park in Singapore - Wild Wild Wet .

Following this "oasis of entertainment" is the Singapore Zoo with the world's largest colony of orangutans, night safari, the bird park Jurong Bird Park and the Singapore Flyer (VIP cabins with champagne Moet & Chandon in the range). Another opportunity to soar in the sky over Singapore is to ride on a cable car, and not just so, but with chic (in a VIP booth with a glass floor decorated with Swarovski crystals) or with dinner.

Another opportunity to soar into the sky over Singapore is to ride on the cable car, yes, not simply, but with chic: in a VIP booth with a glass floor decorated with Swarovski crystals.

And, finally, you should not lose sight of the futuristic gardens of Singapore with an area of ​​101 hectares - Gardens by the Bay .In the gardens, several greenhouses that allow you to get to know the most diverse representatives of the world's flora .For example, there is the Flower Dome conservatory, where a warm subtropical climate is maintained .The greenhouse of the Cloud Forest Dome is slightly smaller (0, 8 hectares), here the humid equatorial conditions reign and the typical for this strip endemic .In total, by the way, in both greenhouses grows 220 thousand plants .In addition, in Gardens by the Bay for tourists, a special complex of 18 "trees" with a height of 25 to 50 meters was created, the tallest of which are connected by a 128-meter bridge .Another reserve - "Bukit Tima" - represents 70 hectares of untouched rainforest .

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Despite the tiny size of the country, festivals and festivals in Singapore, a great variety is being held.

The most colorful and colorful national festivals are the celebration of the Chinese New Year, the Hindu holidays of Ponggal and the Taipusam in February, the Spring Festival of Hougang (late February) and the birthday of the God-Child, which is celebrated on May 1. Also interesting are the Dragon Boat Festival in May-June, the festival of classical Indian dance and music - Chettar temple festival and the Timiti fire purification ceremony (in October).

Navaratri ("Nine Lights" in Tamil) is a holiday that takes place in October and brings Indian songs and dances to Singapore in honor of Hindu goddesses Durga and Lakshmi-Saraswati. And the November Deepavali - the most important Hindu holiday of the country, marks the victory of Light over Darkness.

Among the secular events, the most famous festival is the National Cuisine Festival or the Singapore Food Festival in July, the Spring City Festival (January-February), the Singapore Fashion Festival (March-April) and the Singapore Festival of Jewelry in September .The Singapore Writers' Festival is an event that takes place every two years and is dedicated to the best talents of contemporary literature..And since 2008 in Singapore, the race is "Formula 1", the beginning - at the end of September .(Here, incidentally, the world's only nightly Formula 1 .)

In January and February, the spring festival, Chunjie, is held, and from December to March - the Muslim holidays of Hari-Raya-Haji (feast of sacrifice) and Hari-Raya-Puas - the end of Ramadan from April to May. Also from April to May, Good Friday and Easter are celebrated. The birthday of the Buddha (or Vesak) is celebrated here on May 6. Pictures of Singapore (62)

Maps of Singapore
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