Here is an incomplete list of activities for tourists to go to Chile: to ski in the summer, to solve the mysteries of Easter Island all year round, to enjoy the amazing wine of Chile and incredible views. Moreover, Chile pleases guests with excellent opportunities for trekking and mountaineering and ski resorts with modern hotels and quality service (for which Chile is ahead of the whole of Latin America). But the coolest thing is that you can ski in Chile from June to October, when in Europe it's off-season.

The only drawback, which, in addition to Chile, extends to the whole continent and is able to partially overshadow the pleasure of traveling - this is a long flight. But there is a pleasant bonus: Chile granted the "dear Russians" the right to visa-free entry for as long as 3 months - more than enough time to explore both Patagonia and Easter Island, and relax on the beaches of Iquique and mirror over the mirror surface of the Seven Lakes of Chile. ±​​$ The

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The capital is Santiago.
The main resorts: Viña del Mar, La Serena, Valle Nevado, El Colorado, Portillo.
A full list of the country's cities can be found on the city page and the resorts of Chile.


  • 1 Visa in Chile
  • 2 How to get
    • 2.1 Search for air tickets in Chile
  • 3 Customs
  • 4 Banks and exchange offices in Chile
  • 5 The climate of Chile is
  • 6 Safety of tourists
  • 7 Useful phone numbers are
  • 8 Transport Chile
  • 9 Rent a car
  • 10 Chile hotels - $
    • 10.1 Book hotel in Chile at the best price
  • 11 Shopping and shopping
  • 12 Cuisines and Restaurants in Chile
  • 13 Entertainment, Excursions and Sights of Chile
    • 13.1 We also recommend

Visa in Chile

For citizens of the Russian Federation there is a visa-free entry to Chile, if the period of stay in the country does not exceed 90 days.

How to get

There are no direct flights from Russia to Chile. From Moscow, you can fly to Santiago, for example, by Air France flights with a transfer in Paris or or Iberia with a dock in Madrid. The cheapest option is likely to be a flight to Madrid, from where the budget airline Air Madrid flies to Chile.

Search for air tickets in Chile


Import and export of national and foreign currency is not limited, amounts over 10 000 USD must be declared. Duty-free can import 400 cigarettes or 500 gr. tobacco or 50 cigars or 50 cigarillos, 2, 5 liters of spirits. It is prohibited to import weapons, plants and seedlings, soil, insects (including bees, honey and wax), narcotic substances and non-canned foods. It is prohibited to export objects and things of historical, artistic or archaeological value without special permission, as well as weapons and rare representatives of flora and fauna.

Banks and exchange offices in Chile

Banks are open from Monday to Friday from 9:00 to 14:00. Exchange offices are open from 9:00 to 19:00 daily. You can exchange money in banks or exchange offices (casas de cambios). In large shops, restaurants and hotels accept credit cards from the world's leading systems. Traveler's checks can be exchanged in banks (departments that work with traveler's checks are usually open until noon) or exchange offices. In the province to pay off with a "credit card" or even a check - it is almost unreal.

Maps of Chile

The climate of Chile is

Chile stretched from north to south (or from south to north?) Almost along all of Latin America. So the climate here is extremely diverse. In the north, the tropical desert type prevails, and the average monthly temperatures range from +12 ° C (May-August) to +26 ° C (December-March). South of the climate changes to subtropical, with summer temperatures in the range of +22 .. + 24 ° C, and winter - around +12 .. +18 ° C. The same weather is on the islands of Easter and Juan Fernandez.

The middle part of the country is dominated by a temperate oceanic climate. The temperature there ranges from +3 .. + 12 ° C in winter to +22 ° C in summer. In the highlands of the country is much colder: here and there it does not exceed +3 ° C even in summer, in winter it can drop to -27 ° C. In the zone of the Strait of Magellan and on the island of Tierra del Fuego, the climate is polar, the temperature ranges from -16 to -4 ° C in winter, and does not exceed +18 ° C in the summer.

Actual information: weather forecast for the main resorts in Chile for the coming days.

The most popular sights of Chile are Lake Chungara, Patagonia, Parinacota volcano, El Tatio geysers, Lake Miscanti, archaeological monuments of Copacillia and Sapauir, and the mysterious Easter Island.

Safety of tourists

The crime rate in Chile is the lowest in Latin America. It is still possible to face fraud or petty theft in the capital and other large cities, but in rural areas to deceive or, even more so, steal a guest is simply an unthinkable act.

On the streets, you should not smoke or drink alcohol: this is considered at least a sign of bad taste, and in some cities is simply prohibited. Since 2006 Chile has been banned from smoking in public places.

Useful phone numbers are

Embassy of Chile in Moscow: Money Lane, 7 p. 1; tel .: (499) 241-01-45, 241-04-14; website

Embassy of Russia in Santiago: Av. Americo Vespucio, 2127, Vitacura; tel .: (2) 208-62-54, 208-78-40; website

First Aid: 131, Fire Service: 132, Police: 133

Codes of some cities: Santiago 2, Antofagasta, Calama 55, Arica 58, La Serena 51, Valparaiso and Viña del Mar 32, Castro 65, Los Angeles 43, Punta Arenas and Puerto Rico, Natales - 61, Puerto Montt - 65, Temuco - 45.

Mysterious statues on Easter Island Chile
Mysterious statues on Easter Island
Panorama of Valparaiso Chile
Panorama of Valparaiso
Evening shores of Viña del Mar Chile
Evening shores of Viña del Mar

Transport Chile

The most popular message between distant cities is flight or ferry. There are several companies offering bus intercity transportation. Service - quite on the level, the schedule is observed.

The trains of the state railway transport system (Sistema Estatal de Ferrocarriles) run from Santiago to Temuco. All of them have several types of cars, differing in different levels of comfort, and are inexpensive. However, problems on the roads or with trains are common, so travel can be delayed.

In the country, taxis are popular, which are easy to recognize by their bright color: the black bottom is the yellow top. Each car has a registration number and a counter, taxi drivers are polite and considerate.

Rent a car

Renting a car in Chile is easy. It is necessary to be at the age of 21 to 75, to have international rights (some companies are content with Russian ones) and "credit cards."

The best quality roads in Latin America - in Chile.

Seat belts are mandatory for the driver and all passengers. Smoking, use of a cell phone or player while driving is prohibited.

The rights and documents for the car should always be kept with you: checks on the roads of Chile - not uncommon.

Chile hotels - $

All hotels in the country meet international standards and correspond to the appropriated "star rating". The voltage in the electrical network is 220 V, 50 Hz. The plugs are round, with two or three pins.

Book hotel in Chile at the best price

Shopping and shopping

In the markets and private shops in Chile, you can easily bargain. However, the prices there and so low. From the country it is necessary to bring hand-made articles of wood with carving and painting, musical instruments, ceramics, bronze and silver ornaments, glassware. At one of the largest souvenir markets in Santiago, Pueblito-los Dominicos, you can buy quality copper products, silver and crystal jewelry, Native American handicrafts, alpaca and llama wool products.

Cuisines and Restaurants in Chile

The cuisine of Chile is quite exotic, but it is tasty and does not harm the spoiled borscht Russian stomach.

The country is famous for its excellent wines. Another drink, which causes pride of Chileans, is a 40-degree pisco liquor (pisco). Pisko just does not drink: it is diluted with various effervescent drinks, such as svepes or Coca-Cola.

Tipping is usually 10% of the bill, often they are already included in the total amount. Taxi drivers do not wait for a tip, you can simply round up the fares fare.
The amazing country of Chile is

Entertainment, Excursions and Sights of Chile

The most popular sights of Chile are Lake Chungara, Patagonia, Parinacota volcano, El Tatio geysers, Lake Miscanti, archaeological monuments of Copacillia and Sapauir, and the mysterious Easter Island.

In the oases of the famous Atacama Desert, the memory of the ancient civilizations of Chinchorro and Aymara is kept. There is also worth visiting the ancient city of San Pedro de Atacama, the port city of Antofagasta, the nearby Lunar Valley with its fantastic landscapes, the capital of the Iquique region with its famous beaches, numerous villas of the century before last and the theater. No less interesting are the Volkan-Islugs National Park, Bahia-Ingles rock massifs, the town of Kalama lying in the center of the desert and the abandoned miner town of Humberstone.

The island of Chiloe in the center of the eponymous archipelago attracts travelers with picturesque fishing villages and wooden churches listed in UNESCO.

Puerto Montt is one of the most interesting cities in Chile, to the north of which lies the picturesque region of the "Seven Lakes". The most popular are the lakes Rinko, Villarrica and Llankiue. Near the shore of Lake Neltume lies the highest in Chile, the waterfall of Uilo-Uilo. Photo of Chile (234)

Chile Maps
Punta Arenas
Mysterious Easter Island
Can I fly to Chile if the validity of the passport is 3 months
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Is it possible to visit Chile if the validity of the passport is less than 3 months
Visa to Chile
Hotels Chile