It turns out that on Earth there is a place where from the beginning of spring and until late autumn, two hundred magnificent man-made gardens delight the eyes of guests from different corners of the world . This place is in the heart of the Netherlands, in the interfluve between Maas and Baal, and the name Appeltern ( De Tuinen van Appeltern) . And hardly ever this Dutch territory, which is a village with a population of only 800 people, would have gained worldwide fame, and it is unlikely that ever many wonderful gardens would have been built on it, had it not been for This land did not hold Ben's hand van Ooen .

Let's turn to history ...

Ben van Ooen - a successful entrepreneur, owner of a Dutch company engaged in landscape construction . In the late eighties, the businessman purchased a large plot of land with an area of ​​15 hectares with the goal of creating on it park, which would serve as a live advertisement of his firm . However, soon the enterprising manager revised his own concept and discovered for himself a more advantageous option of using the new park . In 1992, Ooen gathered around him a group of like-minded people - people in the landscape industry, and invited them to participate in the all-season exhibition on the territory of his park . The idea was accepted with a bang .

According to the father of Appeltern Gardens, the park-exhibition was founded with the purpose of giving its visitors inspiration and assistance in the creation of own gardens . The development of the park to this day is carried out without the use of government subsidies . For his commitment to business Ben van Ooen repeatedly became the owner of government awards and awards . For 10 years the exhibition has significantly increased in m and today more than 200 exhibits are exhibited in its framework . Currently, work is underway to expand the park area to 7 hectares . Magnificent Appeltern Gardens enjoy wide popularity among professionals, amateur gardeners and ordinary tourists .

By the way, Appelterna Gardens is sometimes compared to an exhibition show in Chelsea. However, this comparison is not entirely deserved. Each exhibition is worthy of high praise, nevertheless, the park in Appeltern has an indisputable advantage - the exhibition works all year round, and there are much more exhibits in the Appeltern Gardens than in Chelsea. And that Ooyen, I must say, is very proud.
Views of Appeltern

How to get here

Address: De Tuinen van Appeltern, Walstraat 2a NL-6629 AD Appeltern; Tel. +31 (0) 487-541 732

The easiest way to get to the Appeltern Gardens (the area between the villages of Os, Til and Nemigen) is by sightseeing bus or by car, following a route that can be printed on the park's website.

However if neither one nor the other option suits you, you can take a taxi. To do this, it is best to take a bus or train to one of the railway stations Tiel or Wijchen, and there already take a cab. Book a taxi in advance by local phone 0990-0276. Also on Wednesdays, pre-registered, you can use the public transport of the park (from the station Tiel to the Appeltern Gardens the bus departs at 11.15, back - at 16.30, the cost of the trip is 7 EUR per person). Details find out on the website or by phone of the park.

 Appeltern Gardenshttp: // export = view & id = 1y_z0ivsmYk4U2ggjIOWLoULMdAbdPM6m  Appeltern Gardens
Appeltern Gardens
 View of Appeltern Gardenshttp: // export = view & id = 1YHnkuvr7WD_7Mg8XllyV9IoL-aY-JvL5  Appeltern Gardens
View of the gardens from the top
 In the Appeltern Gardens it will not be boringhttp: // drive. export = view & id = 1nANhakVlnIIQnhy1yTo7w_aYee3dQXTq  Appeltern Gardens
Even the children will not be bored here

Park Infrastructure

For visitors arriving at Appeltern Gardens on car parking. The cost of a parking space is 3 EUR. It should be noted that the park is for people with disabilities

If your walk through the wonderful gardens is delayed, do not worry, you will not die of starvation: there are excellent restaurants and cafes in the park, including the open air, where you are beautiful you can have lunch.

On weekends there is a Consulting Center in the park where everyone can get answers to questions concerning the creation of a garden and the development of landscape design .Specialists are happy to talk about the subtleties of the construction of terraces and swimming pools, and gardeners will talk about the specifics of care of gardens and lawns at different times of the year . True, do you have any Russian-speaking consultants at the Center, however, you may be lucky . this, a library is opened for guests, where you can read thematic publications, as well as find information about cooperation with gardeners and architects Applesterna .

You can take your barking quadruped friend for a walk around the Appeltern Gardens. However, keep in mind that you will have to keep the dog strictly on a leash.

Walking through the gardens is a pleasure and benefit

What can the Appeltern Gardens offer us? First, of course, an amazing walk through the unique trendy model gardens. Secondly, the opportunity to enjoy the largest, according to the owner of the park, a collection of plants in the Netherlands. And, in the third place, there are numerous ideas for creating a unique garden of your own.

For the convenience of visiting the expositions, a network of special routes is provided in the park, many of which run along the Maas river . By the way, you can travel by boat on the ferry . Following along the beaten pathways of the route, visitors seem to make a guest tour . Then they look for a minute at the village peasant garden with a vegetable garden, then they are already inspecting the newfangled avant-garde corner . Or, suddenly being momentarily in a strict Japanese garden, they immediately move I'm in a cozy Dutch yard . Or, without having to look at the patio, they throw their gaze on the colorful children's playground . Oh, it seems that on a plot of 15 hectares there are gardens from all over the world: huge and small, expensive and budgetary, shady and open, ordinary and exclusive, strict and cheerful .

It is worth noting that in the park a special place is given to water elements. Decorative ponds and marshes, cascades and fountains, grottoes and canals ... As a rule, one of the listed ones is adorned with this or that garden. And flowers? They, of course, are the main treasures of any exposition. By the way, the floristic compositions that make Appelterna Park particularly attractive are created by the elder Ooen himself - Ben's father, the owner of the Gardens
Appeltern Gardens


We advise you to visit the Appeltern Gardens several times in different seasons. Believe me, in every season of the year the gardens are beautiful in their own way. And one more tip. Do not heed the words of the leaders who say that most of the park's expositions do not hold out to high marks. Better go to the Appeltern Gardens themselves and make your own opinion.

Shopping and souvenirs

In addition to one hundred percent pleasure, you can take away extra-heavy luggage from the park too . Gentlemen of the tourists, be careful, do not get caught in the advertising Applesterna . @ Walking through the Gardens, be sure to check the store to buy there thematic books and souvenirs . However, think a hundred times before opening the exhibition of building materials or plants . This is especially true for those travelers who are on their own land, without bending the back, all summer long, digging in the land in the suburban area . Friends, you have a risk to zatar for life ahead garden tools, stones, tiles, seeds, seedlings, sculptures, ornaments and God knows what else . Yes, at the exhibition all this wealth is presented, oh, how appetizing, what only stand facing walls or pond in the section . Hold on and remember, you still have a way home .

Appeltern Gardens invite guests

The park is open every day, including on Sundays and holidays, almost ly year - from 1 March to the last week of November (in 2012 until November 25). In the winter months the Appeltern Gardens are closed

March, October and November The park is open from Monday to Friday from 10.00 to 17.00 hours, and from April to September for an hour longer - from 10.00 to 18.00 hours and without days off (from Monday to Sunday ).

Tickets: adult (from 13 years old) - 11.95 euros; children (6-12 years) - 5, 95 euros; children under 6 years old - free admission; adults over 65 years and groups of 20 people - a discount of 2 EUR per person. The annual subscription is 30 EUR. There is an opportunity to purchase a gift certificate for the passage to the park.