Surprisingly, being a country more northern than southern, Holland is associated with colors in the minds of many people . Despite the fact that the coast of the country is washed by the cold North Sea, and the climate is such that even summer is not always generous in the sun and warmth, flowers Holland pleases the inhabitants of the country and its guests with stunning colors, shapes and aromas . The facts that started these circumstances are hiding in ages ... . The history says that in 1599 the botanist Carolus Clusius, an Austrian by origin, came to work in Leiden University Itet . For some secret reasons, he took with him a collection of tulips, which the Austrian ambassador brought back from Turkey .

Sandy soils characteristic of Holland were wonderful for tulips, the flowers themselves fell in love with the Dutch, and started in the country tulip fever. New varieties were brought out, brisk trade was going on, including rare bulbs at auctions. Record - 6000 florins per bulb Semper Augustus

At that time the average annual income of a resident of the country was about 150 florins, and weighed one gold florin about 3, 5 grams. By simple calculations, it can be established that the buyer paid the tulip in 21 kg of gold.

Floriculture turned out to be a very profitable occupation, gradually tulips, hyacinths, irises, roses, orchids and other flowers became one of the most important sources of income for many Dutch people, and for the economy of the country . Nowadays the Netherlands takes the first place in the world for the export of these flowers . In Aalsmeer, not far from Amsterdam, the world's largest auction for the sale of flowers operates . Every day for five hours of the auction here is sold and more than 19 million flowers are bought and about 2 million plants . It happens in the world's largest commercial building . Its area is about one million square meters, and the equipment allows to display on the huge screens the sold goods and provide communication of sellers with buyers in any country in the world . The auction starts here with the highest price, which decreases before the first application for the purchase of this batch is received .

To get acquainted with the work of the auction, it is not necessary to be an entrepreneur, visit the auction ion can be anyone from 7 am to 11 am on weekdays, at Bloemenveiling Aalsmeer, Legmeerdijk 313, Postbus 1000, 1430 BA Aalsmeer, NL. The easiest way to get there is by bus number 172, which leaves every half hour from Amsterdam Central Station in the direction of Kudelstaart to the stop of VBA Hoofdingang, about 1 hour drive
Keukenhof Park

Tulip Fields in Holland

Flower business is a beautiful business . This is known not only to everyone who touched it, but also those whose journey through the Netherlands happened in April-May . This time when the tulips bloom in the country . They blossom not only on flower beds and beds, than few people can be surprised, but also on 11,000 hectares of land involved in this type of business . ole are a fantastic sight: colorful stripes formed by flowers of different varieties cover the entire visible area . In total, more than three billion bulbs per year are grown in the country, most of them are exported . View this magical kaleidoscope best from a height bird's flight: the event is expensive, but it's worth it. . Anyway, this spectacle is absolutely unique, this is not anywhere else in the world . Well, in order to repeat this amazing picture in your dacha, it is enough to buy onions Tulips of different varieties and plant them on the beds . Of course, the scale will be more modest than the Dutch, but you can admire the bright spectacle from your own window .

They say the most picturesque fields are near Harlem.

Floral Amsterdam Markets

The very specific, amazing attraction of Amsterdam is the Bloemenmarkt Flower Market. There is not much room in the city, so long ago traders sold flowers directly from boats sailing through the canals. But since the 19th century, the market has been placed on barges moored to the banks of the Singel Canal between the Muntplein and Koningsplein squares.

The bloemenmarktte Flower Market is an absolutely peculiar, amazing tourist attraction of Amsterdam.

The barge is quite a lot, so for an inspection the whole market will need a lot of time . Should I get acquainted with the whole range of goods, the question is ambiguous . Sell all kinds of flowers and plants here, both indoor and garden, their bulbs, seedlings, sprouts, seeds .The splendor of fresh cut flowers of all shapes and shades of the rainbow makes us again and again be surprised at how ingenious the nature is . The chasing goods are all kinds of vases and flower pots for flowers, ornaments for the garden landscape . Tourists are enthusiastically considering labels on boxes, packages and sachets . Judging by the expressions of those satisfied with everything, and sellers are happy at least buyers: goods are bought cheerfully .

of course, special attention are the shelves on which the towering mountains of packaging with the inscription: «Cannabis . Starterskit» . P When translated into the Russian language turns something like "Cannabis . starter package" . It costs a bit more expensive magnet, but less decorative plates: 6-8 EUR, and cheerful emotion (at the stage of examining) causes more . The hardest thing - to refrain from buying this souvenir, at the border crossing it is almost inevitably lead to serious trouble, and then it will not be fun to . better to turn our attention to trivial magnets or plates, which are to a great variety of markets: they add up on the shelves in carpets are no less variegated and colorful than flower . can be purchased here and indoor plants: the incredible beauty of flowers, palm trees with leaves bizarre, something prickly, but very nice . You can also get advice on the cultivation of a plant, the language barrier is not an obstacle : sellers use all available means, up to facial expressions, to explain to the florist-enthusiast the features of growing the purchased flora .

Bloemenmarkt - not the only place in the city where you can buy flowers. There are quite large flower counters in other markets of Amsterdam, specializing in products, art goods, clothing and footwear. Almost every street has fragrant tents, where you can buy a magnificent bouquet of tulips, hyacinths, irises for 5-6 EUR

 Tulips in Amsterdam  Flowers of Holland
 in Amsterdam flower bed, Groningen, The Netherlands Holland Flowers  Holland Flowers Holland Flowers Holland Flowers
Garden and parking art is also held in high esteem
 Lovely sheep in Holland  Flowers of Holland
Holland fields are very picturesque dreams

Tulips from Amsterdam

In the Flower Market you can buy the most authentic souvenir from Amsterdam: bulbs of tulips . There is also the price: from 2, 5 EUR for a dozen bulbs . On the packaging you can see a photo of future flowers . The problem with buyers is only in the choice: blue? orange? purple? black? terry? dwarfish? Few people are wondering whether flowers from these bulbs will grow . Someone knows secrets that allow them to grow flowers in their homeland as beautiful as in the Netherlands, someone at random will stick the bulbs into the ground, hoping to admire the tulip carpet from the window his summer cottage . But it is worthwhile, however, to pay attention to the fact that the label performs not only decorative functions .

It, as a rule, says at what time of the year it is necessary to plant these bulbs.

In most cases, it will be either late spring or autumn. "Autumn" bulbs, bought in advance, must be kept in a paper bag, and landed in the ground just before winter. The Internet is full of stories about what tricks the amateurs of Dutch tulips had to resort to in order to get a decent result, any one you like can take as a basis for their activities.

Amsterdam Parks

But Amsterdam, and the whole Holland, are not the only ones famous for tulips. Parks are another "green pearl" of the country. Despite the fact that it is very crowded in Amsterdam, in some places there is not enough room for pedestrians, there is a park in every district of the city.

Parks are another "green pearl" of the country. Vondelpark -. The largest, and perhaps the most beautiful in the city

Vondelpark - the largest, and perhaps the most beautiful in the city . . D Architect J . Zoher developed his project in 1877, taking over the basis of the design is the classical English park . Here the rhythmical alternation of open spaces, arrays of trees, ponds of different shapes and sizes, intricately winding paths, various flower gardens . The park is named after the famous Dutch playwright and poet Joost van den Vondel - .There is a park in the south-western part of the city and extends from the Plaza of Museums to the fashionable residential quarters, where life is pleasant and serene. . There is also a pleasant and serene time in this park . There is a large playground with children's attractions designed for active children's games, four terraces, where you can enjoy a coffee and a snack, skating, many pavilions . The city authorities have come to the trivial issue of prohibitions, as a result, in the Vondelpark is forbidden to walk their dogs without leashes, but are allowed to engage with HMAC both heterosexual and homosexual couples in Amsterdam, you know ... the capital of freedom ... In spite of this state of affairs, the park, the first years of its existence, has become a favorite holiday destination not only for residents of the nearby quarters respectable, but for all citizens .

@@ Less popular and less famous parks are popular: Sarfatipark, West Park, located in the western part of the city, Vostochny - which is located, respectively, in the eastern part of Amsterdam. Popular and such small parks, like Erasmus and Batrix. The climate in the city is not generous in the sun, so many townspeople try to spend every sunny day in their favorite park. As a result, parks are sometimes very popular and "populous".

The full name of another Amsterdam park is Natura Artis Magistra, which means "Nature is the mentor of art."

Full name of another Amsterdam park - Natura Artis Magistra, which means "Nature is the teacher of art" . We are talking about the Amsterdam zoo, which was founded in 1833 . The zoo is located within walking distance from the Waterlooplein metro station, and trams # 9 and № 14 . Multiple The life of rare animals is contained in this zoo and is shown to its visitors . Wildlife lovers know that this zoo was the last one on the planet of the quagga, and it is still mourned that this animal died in 1883 . Amsterdam Zoo known also by the fact that on its territory there are a planetarium, zoological and geological museums . Visit the zoo can be reached at Plantage Kerklaan 38-40 from 9 to 18 hours, ticket costs 15 EUR .

Parks Holland

Interesting travelers, especially the young, and the park Madurodam (Madurodam) - Holland in miniature . There are a lot of precise and finely crafted layouts attractions of the country, the scale of 1:25 . park design has not changed since the opening in 1952, but the new models were added, and are made they are already using the latest technology . for example, in the layout of the Amsterdam airport used induction technology, which allows you to show off the plane . Walk through this wonderful park, you can devote a lot of time, and reinforce stretching force can be in one of two local restaurants . on arranged in such a way that from their panoramic windows you can see the exhibits of the wonderful park . In the souvenir shop, tourists will be offered a lot of nice things to remember the visit to Madurodam, they will be very difficult to keep from buying .

Madurodam daily round year: from July 1 to August 31 from 09:00 to 23:00, on other days: from 09:00 to 18:00 hours. Tickets cost 14, 5 EUR (Adult), 10, EUR 5 for children 3-11 years 13 EUR 5 for seniors. You can get here from The Hague Central Station by tram number 9, number 22 bus, or by car . Parking in Madurodam paid, 6 EUR

One can not help but mention one of the most beautiful and colorful parks in Europe, about Keukenhof Park. The best verbal description of the park is very short: "This must be seen." Indeed, how can one describe in words how beautifully the spectacle of colorful and diverse tulips, hyacinths, irises, carnations planted and in even rows, and on flowerbeds of intricate shapes? How can you describe in words the waves of subtle aromas that overtake park visitors during the wind blowing?

The park project was designed by the same architect who created the Vondelpark in Amsterdam, J. D. Zoher, so there is some similarity between the two parks. More than 7 million bulbs of plants are planted annually in Keukenhof and there are more than 800,000 tourists, each of whom takes with them an unforgettable experience.

One can not but mention one of the most beautiful and colorful parks in Europe, about Keukenhof Park. The best verbal description of the park is very short: "This must be seen."

Due to its specifics, the park is open every year from March 24 to May 20 . The easiest way to get to the park is a bus that leaves Amsterdam from Dam Square at 9 . 30 am . The ticket costs 38 EUR ( 19 euros for children), the journey takes about one and a half hours . If you get to the park yourself, then the ticket to the park will cost 14, 5 EUR for adults, 7 EUR for children from 4 to 11 years, and parking will cost 6 EUR . A new excursion is offered from 20212: the inspection of the Keukenhof Park and its environs from the air . Tourist flights are performed on DC-3 aircraft at an altitude of 450 me 30 minutes, cost 125 EUR . The tour starts on Wednesdays and Saturdays in April from the airport of Schiphol Airport's Jet Center in Schiphol East .

Festival in Holland

The beautiful annual event is directly connected with Keukenhof Park: Parade of flowers . This grandiose show takes place in April, during the most magnificent flowering of tulips and other flowers . Many imaginatively decorated with flowers platforms follow the route announced in advance through the cities of Holland, giving the citizens and their guests the opportunity to admire the magnificent spectacle . Year from r However, the 64-year-old procession starts in Noordwijk and passes through the alleys of the world-famous Keukenhof Park . The movement of the procession takes place strictly in time, so you can choose in advance which city to join the throng of enthusiastic spectators . Those who want to consider everything in detail should carefully study the route and choose the city where the whole procession pauses in motion to rest and have lunch .