Wellington hotels

book hotel in New Zealand at the best price

  • Wellington hotels
  • Queenstown hotels
  • Christchurch hotels
  • Auckland hotels
  • Rotorua hotels

Qualcomm is responsible for the classification of hotels in New Zealand, assigning statuses 1 * (acceptable), 2 * (good), 3 * (very good), 4 * (excellent), and 5 * (exceptionally , the best in New Zealand). As a result, the hotel sector had to substantially revise its operating principle in the licensing process by the agency.

At the same time, not only "star", but also the type of hotel matter: for example, a three-star hotel will not look like a B & B hotel 3 * or three-star summer cottage, and a five-star B & B will be different from the traditional 5 * hotel. Each category of housing is valued according to different criteria.

Moreover, the price factor in choosing a decent hotel in New Zealand is not always crucial: for example, a room for $ 150 can be even better than a double room or three times as expensive! Therefore, recovering to New Zealand, do not be too lazy to read reviews about local hotels and tips experienced.

Expert Reviews of New Zealand Hotels

 New Zealand Hotels
Revision Subtleties
The concept of "Hotel" in New Zealand refers to modern tourist hotels, large international networks and passed state-licensed hotels. The hotels usually have their own bar and restaurant with the appropriate license, and the rooms do not have kitchens and various appliances for cooking.

Hotel prices in cities largely depend on competition - for example, in Queenstown tourist hotels a lot, so for a relatively small price here you can get a great room with all the amenities. But in Oakland and Wellington, the country's business centers, accommodation prices depend on the days of the week: on weekdays hotel rooms are more expensive, on weekends - cheaper.

Country hotel or pub offers affordable accommodation in the bosom of nature. As a rule, these are guest houses with shared bathrooms, although there are also pleasant exceptions. Most of them are located in popular tourist areas and perfectly reflect the customs and lifestyle of local residents.

Motels and roadside hotels

Motels and roadside hotels often have separate kitchens for guests or minimal conditions for self-cooking right in the rooms.

If these are so-called guest houses in the countryside near major roads, then they usually have one or two bedrooms and separate bathrooms in addition to the kitchen.

Motels in New Zealand have nothing in common , draft with the motels in the US: the local licensing system places such high demands on them that some quality motels are not inferior to individual hotels.

Hotels Bed & Breakfast

As the name suggests, the cost of B & B hotels includes actually bed and breakfast. However, such accommodation options can be offered in private homes of local residents renting out rooms, on farms and in cities where they can be both the simplest and cheapest, and compete with inexpensive boutique hotels.

Guesthouses and farms

Guesthouses B & B - is primarily a family comfort, comfortable, but rather modest accommodation with real home-made meals. And for such accommodation in different parts of the country can take different money - it all depends on the popularity of the place with tourists, the size, as well as the level of service and interiors - from a simple village house to a quite fashionable cottage.

In addition, some guest houses in rural areas have a hotel license and provide an all-inclusive service. They can have from 4 to 20 guest bedrooms.

Farms that are a symbiosis of the operating farm and guest house deserve special mention. It's a great way to get to know the rural life of local people from the inside, and also try the natural products made on the spot.


Hostels have earned great popularity in New Zealand, not only among young people, but also older people. This is a great way to spend the night for a small fee without overpaying for services that you do not plan to use. In local hostels you can stay in both common rooms and single and double rooms. As a rule, there are shared bathrooms, "communal" living rooms and kitchens, and some even are located at cafes and / or bars.

Depending on the type of accommodation you prefer, overnight in New Zealand can cost as much as $ 150 (the most simple hotels and hostels), $ 151- $ 300 (in medium-sized hotels), and $ 650 and above for the most luxurious accommodation.

Features of living in New Zealand

If in the description of the room in New Zealand a room with own bathroom and toilet (en-suite bathroom) is indicated, it means that the bathroom is combined with a bedroom it. If you want, that there was more habitual variant with a separate room - choose those where the marking «private bathroom» is registered. A shared bathroom is a shared bathroom for several rooms.

Please note that New Zealand currently has a worldwide legal ban on smoking in public buildings, including hotels and restaurants.

Also, New Zealand hotels are obliged to create all the conditions, so that on an equal footing with ordinary tourists they would be comfortable staying with people with disabilities. This applies to all licensed hotels, and in small hotels and guest houses such tourists need to specify in advance about the service provided to them.