Decided to spend a holiday with the whole family? Do you intend to enjoy free work days surrounded by the closest people? The vector of tourist aspirations of hundreds of our fellow citizens is directed towards North Cyprus. True pleasure from the forthcoming trip will be received not only by admirers of beach holidays (the bright sun in this part of the Mediterranean shines 300 days a year), but also those who bet on cognitive tourism.

Choosing a holiday with children in Cyprus, the problem arises with the accommodation on the island .On the one hand, the guests are ready to shelter comfortable hotels .You can borrow a number by paying it as a fact of arrival, and reserving it in advance - through the agency or on your own, with the help of profile virtual sites .On the other hand, not all of our fellow citizens are comfortable living in a hotel complex (even four or five stars) .The best option is to rent houses located near sandy or pebbly beaches .In many respects, therefore, for temporary accommodation they choose the cottage village "Magnolia" - North Cyprus is a country whose guests have a unique opportunity to spend their free time from work so that it will be remembered for a long time .

View of Bellapais Abbey, North Cyprus Holidays in North Cyprus - is it worth to rent cottages on the beach? $
Summer flowers of Northern Cyprus Holidays in North Cyprus - is it worth to rent cottages on the beach? $
Fortress of North Cyprus Holidays in North Cyprus - is it worth to rent cottages on the beach? $

To get a better acquaintance with Northern Cyprus, it makes sense to visit its world-famous landmarks. Tourists are invited to take part in educational trips to: the castle of St. Hilarion; the abbey of Bellapais (in the tourist guides there are such names of this monument as the abbey de la Ra, or the abbey of the World); the fortress of the city of Girne; Vouni Castle; museum of a sunken ship.

Attention of numerous visitors are offered mansions of the most varied capacity .With proper comfort, it is really possible to place the newly created "social unit", who came to the Mediterranean on a honeymoon, a family with children, who regretted spending time away from crowded beaches, a noisy company of friends .For temporary use, tourists receive comfortable homes equipped with TVs, stereo systems, climate-engineering equipment .The kitchen has everything you need for cooking..However, no one forces vacationers to spend days at the plate .For the best holiday in Cyprus to fully justify its name, you can have dinner and supper in restaurants that are comfortably located along the coastline .You can be 100 percent sure: positive emotions vacationers will definitely last for the whole year, until the next trip to the Mediterranean resorts .

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