Cape Verde is a rare combination of primeval nature and a European level of service. Tourists come here to rest from civilization and explore the unique underwater world of the islands. In addition, the republic is one of five world centers of windsurfing, and also one of the world centers of sport fishing.

The archipelago consists of 10 large and 5 small islands, divided into "leeward" and "windward" groups. The "windward" group includes Santo Antao, San Vicente, San Nicolau, the uninhabited island of Santa Luzia, Sal and Boa Vista, . In the "leeward" - Santiago, Brava, Fogo and Maio.

The capital is Praia (Santiago island).

For a complete list of the cities of the country, search on the city page and the resorts of Cape Verde.


  • 1 How to get to Cape Verde
    • 1.1 Search for air tickets in Cape Verde
  • 2 Visa
  • 3 Customs
  • 4 Useful phone numbers are
  • 5 Transport
  • 6 Rent a car in Cape Verde
  • 7 The climate of Cape Verde is
  • 8 Beaches
  • 9 Cape Verde hotels
    • 9.1 Book hotel in Cape Verde at the best price $
  • 10 Money
  • 11 Shopping and shops in Cape Verde
  • 12 Entertainment, sightseeing and sightseeing
  • 13 Diving in Cape Verde
  • 14 Windsurfing
    • 14.1 We also recommend

How to get to Cape Verde

The most convenient options for flight: Moscow - Sal or Moscow - Santiago via Lisbon (flights carried out by the airline TAP). In addition, convenient connections are offered by Iberia (via Madrid), Air France (via Paris) and Lufthansa (via Frankfurt). The duration of the flight is about 9 hours without taking into account the docking.

Search for air tickets in Cape Verde


Citizens of Russia and the CIS need a visa to visit Cape Verde, which can be issued at the honorary consulate of Cape Verde in Moscow, or on arrival at the airport of the island of Sal in the presence of a permit.


Import and export of currency is not limited, it is not necessary to declare it. Allowed duty-free import of up to 400 cigarettes and up to 2 liters of alcohol.

It is prohibited to import, export, store and distribute drugs and psychotropic drugs, as well as weapons without special permission. The import of plants is subject to mandatory control. Duty-free import and export of fresh fruits and vegetables (not more than 5 kg), as well as other products and things in the "amount of personal consumption," is allowed.

Useful phone numbers are

Honorary consulate of Cape Verde in Moscow: Rublevskoe highway, 26, building 1, office number 182; phone / fax: (495) 415-45-03

Embassy of Russia in Praia: C.P. 31, Achada de Santo Antonio; tel .: (238) 262-27-38, 262-27-39, 262-27-40; website


The cheapest way of traveling on the islands is "buses" (aluguer), the fare for them is ~ 1 EUR. "Marshrutki" do not have a clear timetable and are sent as soon as all vacant places are filled in.

A half-hour taxi ride within the island will cost between 8-10 EUR. Taxis can be rented for the whole day, at the same time it is necessary to agree in advance with the driver about the price.

The main mode of transport that connects the islands with each other is airplanes. Between the neighboring islands there are ferries and boats.

Rent a car in Cape Verde

Required documents: international driver's license and Russian rights of a new model, credit card. The driver must be over 21 years of age and have a driving experience of at least a year.

Types of Cape Verde

The climate of Cape Verde is

The climate is dry tropical, the average temperature in July-August is about +28 .. + 32 ° C, January-February +23 .. + 25 ° C. The water temperature in the ocean: February-March +21 .. + 22 ° C, August-October +25 .. + 26 ° C. The islands are constantly blowing the wind, which helps to tolerate the summer heat. Precipitation during the year falls slightly, mainly in January-February.

See also the weather forecast for Cape Verde.


Wide sandy beaches are usually sparsely populated and open to all comers. Sun beds are provided free of charge: in the morning the staff of the nearest hotels puts them out, and in the evening cleans.

The most famous holiday of the archipelago is the February Carnival, which takes place in Praia and Mindelo and is considered one of the most colorful in Africa.

Sal is the most popular island. Santo Antau is famous for its picturesque mountain range, Fogu boasts an active volcano, which erupted in 1995 for the last time. Brava - "an island of flowers", Santiago - "capital island", the largest by area and population. On each island there are hotels with a high level of service. The second most attractive for tourists after the island of Sal is the island of San Vicente. Its main city is Mindelu - the center of cultural life of the entire archipelago, which regularly hosts colorful carnivals and festivals.

Cape Verde hotels

The hotel base of Cape Verde is at a very high level. Despite the absence of hotels of famous world networks, most hotel complexes are built "on a grand scale". In many hotels there is a system all inclusive, there is day and evening animation for adults and children. Most hotels have pools with salt and fresh water.

Book hotel in Cape Verde at the best price $


Money is best to change in banks, currency exchange points are at the airport and in hotels, but the rate there is less profitable. The reverse exchange is not made, so do not change all the money at once. Banks are open from Monday to Friday, from 9:00 to 17:00, some of them are open and on Saturdays up to 12:00.

Pay for a "credit card" is possible only in some hotels, travel agencies, large restaurants and shops. Not all payment systems are accepted for payment. For example, in the duty free airport of Sal Island, only Visa is accepted.

In expensive restaurants "for tea" they leave 10% of the invoice amount, in small restaurants, cafes and other establishments they remain at the discretion of the client (if they were not added to the account by a separate item).

Shopping and shops in Cape Verde

From local souvenirs are interesting products of folk craftsmen: things from a tortoise shell, clay figurines, articles made of bovine horn and coconut, straw baskets, lamps, carpets, ceramics. Carved wooden figures of people and animals are sold everywhere (they are usually traded in Senegalese). If you bargain, the price can be knocked down twice and for 10 EUR to buy a figure of 40-50 cm high.

Entertainment, sightseeing and sightseeing

On the island of Sal: an overview of the island (all day) - as a rule, it is included in the tour price, an excursion to the island of Boavista (whole day) ~ 140 EUR, an excursion to the island of Fogu (whole day) ~ 180 EUR, Vicente (whole day) ~ 170 EUR, excursion to the island of Santiago (whole day) ~ 180 EUR.

Maps of Cape Verde

Diving in Cape Verde

Diving is gradually becoming the main type of outdoor activities on the islands. In Cape Verde, there are many places for interesting dives: wrecks, reefs, rocks and grottoes, serving as a refuge for numerous fish, octopuses, crabs and other living creatures. The islands are full of dive centers offering all types of diving - for beginners as well as for "pros."

The best period for diving is from April to November, when almost all interesting places are available. At other times, their number is somewhat reduced. The average depth of the dive is from 6 to 30 meters. The best dive sites are located near the islands of Sal, Santiago and Boavishita.

All divers in Cape Verde must have insurance covering the risks associated with diving, insurance that covers the risks of repatriation in case of accidents, and a medical certificate authorizing immersion in water.
Windsurfing in Cape Verde


A constant breeze blowing from the Atlantic made Cape Verde very popular among surfers. The most popular among the surfers is the island of Sal (today it has six surfing clubs). Surfing centers designed for different levels of training are also available on other islands of the archipelago - Boavista, San Vicente, Santiago, San Nicolau and Maia.

On the islands of Boavista and San Vicente, the conditions for windsurfing are no less favorable than on Sal Island. Pictures of Cape Verde (26)

Cape Verde
Maps of Cape Verde
Diving in Salé
Visa to Cape Verde
Hotels Cape Verde
Flights to Cape Verde
Cities and resorts of Cape Verde
Video about Cape Verde
San Vicente
San Nicolau
Managers for Cape Verde on the "Tonights of Tourism"
Holiday pictures Cape Verde
Weather in Cape Verde
Santo Antau
Tours to Cape Verde
Santa Lucia