Can I do diving in Portugal?

In Portugal for diving there are all conditions: in the Azores (including the crater of a volcano), on Madeira, and, of course, on the continent .In the waters of the Atlantic Ocean, the Azores and Madeira have many endemic species of fish and shellfish, these places are also famous for landscapes with rocky reefs, underwater caves and flooded vessels..In addition, in the Azores you can take part in whale watching whales watching .On the islands, there are several firms that provide such services (the best of them are at $ .Piku and Fail) . In the southern coastal waters of Madeira, the most popular tourist destination for diving is the Parcial do Garajau marine park. No less attractive place - T-reef, which is located 400 m from the marine park - are two rocks, the foothills of which are hidden under water, and the peaks rise 12 m above the water level. Underwater cave T-reef is located at a depth of 12 m, has a length of only 50 m, and is great for beginners. And in the Ponto del Sol resort area in 1996, Bowbelle sank to the bottom - it lies at a depth of 30 meters and attracts dive enthusiasts. In Machico in the east of the island you can dive near the shore, not sailing on a boat to the ocean. Here at a depth of 40 meters you can see rare black corals. For night diving, Reis Magos is the best choice: you can dive here from the shore, and here at the edge of the reef there are many marine organisms most active at night. On the mainland, the Algarve, the region in the south of Portugal, 300 km from Lisbon, attracts the most diving enthusiasts. In addition to diving, you can do underwater hunting for sharks and giant marlins.
Responds Anna Larionova, Insight Travel Company
Of course, you can do diving in Portugal, there are some interesting diving sites in the Azores (crater of the volcano, raki), Madeira, and, of course, on the continent.

April 25, 2013

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