Is it possible to get by train to Italy?

Responds information department of "Subtlety of Tourism"
Can! Direct train is only to Venice, leaves from the Kiev railway station, on the way 2 days 11 hours.

There is no direct connection with Rome, but by train you can get to:

a) Munich (travel time about 40 hours), the train departs from the Belorussky railway station every day, the ticket price is from 7-8 thousand rubles one way. From Munich to Rome, an evening train arrives, arriving in the capital of Italy in the morning, the fare from 30 to 120 EUR depending on the class of the car.

b) Vienna, and then on the express train Vienna - Rome or Vienna - Venice. This trip also takes just over two days.

c) Slovak Kosice, then Košice - Vienna, Vienna - Rome, or Vienna - Venice.

d) Nice, to which Moscow also runs direct trains, and from there - by train to Rome, Venice or Milan.

June 14, 2011

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