When planning a trip to Portugal, be careful: the risk of falling in love with this country and staying there forever is very high..Charming Portugal ... Where is its secret hidden, and why do not the dreams of tourists who have once been there leave her for a long time? The travelers to the Atlantic Ocean, along the coast of which are the Portuguese resorts, the tasty and useful cuisine, the unique atmosphere of hospitality, the affectionate southern sun, all kinds of entertainment and, of course, a rich choice of fascinating excursions that will help tourists get acquainted with the history and culture of this country. The .

When planning a trip to Portugal, be careful: the risk of falling in love with this country and staying there for ever is very high.

To be in time for the holiday to comprehend the beauty of Portugal and how to know the country, it is best to choose a sightseeing tour. There are a variety of programs for sightseeing tours to Portugal, so any tourist can choose a tour according to their own wishes.

Classic tours

Almost all sightseeing tours to Portugal start with a visit to Lisbon - a city that strikes a harmonious union of seemingly incompatible architectural styles .Travelers will be able to see the Archaeological Museum in the former monastery of the Order of the Carmelites (1389-1423 yy .), the castle of St. George, the palace of San Bento and the palace of Ajuda, the square of Rosiou - the place of public executions in the Middle Ages and, of course, the tower of Belém, which became the symbol of Lisbon .In addition, the program of many sightseeing tours to Portugal includes acquaintance with cities such as Sintra, Mafra, Evora, Coimbra, Porto and Braga .

The duration of most tours, which involve acquaintance with sights and visits to museums, usually does not exceed 8-9 days, but you can find longer and, accordingly, more expensive tours. For example, an 11-day tour with a visit to Lisbon, Sintra, Porto, Braga and Madeira costs from 1650 EUR per person. The price includes air tickets, excursions and transfers, hotel accommodation. Visa, travel insurance and admission tickets to museums that are not included in the program are paid separately.

Weekends in Portugal

Before the holiday is still far away, but the soul passionately demands new impressions? Spend an unforgettable weekend in Portugal. To make dreams about the weekend in the country of miracles and fairy tales weekend excursion tours help. $ $

A four-day trip for two to Lisbon will cost 1500 EUR.

This price includes accommodation in 5-star hotels on the basis of breakfast, transfers from the airport and back, sightseeing tours of the program, medical insurance; air tickets, visas, entrance tickets to museums are paid separately.

Sintra from a bird's eye view Sightseeing tours to Portugal
Sintra from a bird's eye view
Sunny Porto Sightseeing tours to Portugal
Sunny Porto
Tram in Lisbon, Portugalhttp: //drive.google.com/uc? export = view & id = 1BpbMJrvyV7gW8bBlXzlpdazkPPpOPtj1 Sightseeing tours to Portugal
Through the streets of Lisbon

Thematic tours

A special mention is the excursion gastronomic tours to Portugal, which fulfill the wishes of true gourmets and those who are fond of the cuisines of different countries.

Gastronomy connoisseurs will visit traditional Portuguese restaurants, try the artfully cooked meat of a black Iberian pig, "arros de polvo" - rice with octopus and vegetables, francesinia - a kind of sandwich in Portuguese, dried and salted cod - baklau. In the program of acquaintance with the cuisine of Portugal, the tasting of local drinks - the legendary port and Madera - is inevitably included.

Of course, tourists can visit all the iconic museums, palaces, temples and other architectural monuments without tourist attractions in Portugal. Duration of excursion gastronomic tours is usually 7 days / 6 nights, the cost starts from 442 EUR. The cost of the tour includes accommodation with the selected type of food, transport services, excursions, medical insurance.

10 Reasons to Visit Portugal

And this, of course, is far from all kinds of sightseeing tours to Portugal..An excellent opportunity to combine the survey of the most famous monuments of history and culture with a rest on Portuguese beaches will give excursion tours to Portugal with a rest at the sea .Tourists who prefer non-standard rest can pay attention to individual excursion tours .For families traveling with young children, special tours have been developed, the program includes visiting amusement parks, ancient fortresses, and unusual exciting excursions .

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Sightseeing tours to Portugal