What are the prices in Portugal? How much does food, souvenirs, travel on public transport cost?

Responds Insight Travel company
Prices in Portugal are democratic. The cost of products on average a little lower than Moscow, especially for delicacies (wine, cheese, fish, jamon, etc.), a complex dinner in a restaurant for an adult 8-10 EUR. Souvenirs from 50 euro cents. You can always find postcards from 0, 3 EUR, magnets from 0, 5 EUR, famous cocks from Barcelos from 0, 5 EUR. It is also fashionable to buy souvenirs from cork, among which there are many useful things - caps, purses, bags, shoes and stuff. In the Azores it is fashionable to buy ornaments from basalt, souvenir cows, Madeira flowers - orchid flowers (natural glazed flowers), wicker wicker souvenirs, embroideries of famous Madieren embroiderers. And, of course, the ceramics of the famous factory of the artist Pineiro.

One of the most popular modes of transport in Portugal is a taxi. It is worth 3-5 EUR. If you travel a short distance and a company of several people, this is entirely justified. There is also a metro in Lisbon and Porto, where trams are also popular. Directions: 2-3 EUR per person. Also in Lisbon, there is a transport card that operates on various or all types of public transport.

I think that if you have prepaid accommodation and transfers, then 50 EUR per day per person is a well-grounded figure (food, souvenirs, transport , sights), but if you live on the ocean, and except a sandwich with juice for lunch and a plate of fried sardines with a glass of port en dinner will be enough, then you can spend 15 EUR. This is probably the minimum.

March 19, 2013

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