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str. General Traian Mosoiu, nr. 24, Bran, Brasov 507025, Romania

Sights of Romania Bran Castle is perhaps the most tourist destination in Romania. At the end of the 14th century local people built it at their own expense. According to legend, here once lived Dracula, and for this bait every year come across tens of thousands of people.

Peles Castle

Sinaia, Aleea Pelesului

Sights of Romania Peles is one of the most beautiful castles in Romania. The architecture of the building is eclectic, there are many things in it: rococo, baroque, and renaissance. On the terraces are columns and fountains, on the roof - several towers.

Bucharest Botanical Garden - $

Bucuresti, Soseaua Cotroceni, 32

Sights of Romania The history of the Bucharest botanical garden is not simple and interesting. It was founded in 1860 and was located near the medical faculty of the University of Bucharest, occupying in those years a small area of ​​about seven hectares. But he did not exist there for long, in 1874 the garden moved to a new place.

Cantacuzino Palace in Bucharest

Bucharest, Calea Victoriei, 141, sector 1

Sights of Romania On one of the old streets of central Bucharest, surrounded by a luxurious and well-kept park, is the Cantacuzino Palace, built in 1903 by the design of the well-deserved Romanian architect Johan Berindeim. Connected in its architectural appearance features of French academicism, elements of rococo.

Palace of Cotroceni

Bucuresti, Bulevardul Geniului, 1

Sights of Romania In the south-western part of Bucharest, on the top of the hill Kotrocheni is located the country palace Kotrocheni - a striking example of architecture of the 19th century. Thousands of tourists come here every year to see the luxurious residence of Prince Ferdinand and Princess Maria, who later became king and queen of Romania.

Palace of Parliament in Bucharest

Bucuresti, Str Izvor, 2-4

Sights of Romania The business card of Bucharest, its main asset and pride, the largest and heaviest civil construction in the world, as well as the contradictory symbol of dictatorship and oppression - all this is the Palace of Parliament, the famous monument of architecture in Romania.

Virgo Castle

Hunedoara Counrty, Deva municipality

Sights of Romania The name of the castle is translated from Dacian as "fortress". The second etymological version: the name of the fortress was given because of the Roman garrison, which stopped at this place. The garrison consisted of soldiers recruited in the British city of Deva.

Korvinov Castle

Hunedoara Counrty, Hunedoara town, Curtea Castelului, 1-3

Sights of Romania The castle became a real patrimonial nest for a feudal family, which rebuilt the building a little, adding to the Gothic elements of Baroque and Renaissance elements. After Korvinov, the castle was replaced by more than a dozen owners, and almost everyone changed something in the guise of a building.

Pelischor Castle

Sinaia, Aleea Pelesului, 2

Sights of Romania King Karol I built Pelishor for his nephew Ferdinand I. Pelishor is a summer residence for the heir to the throne. The construction took place in 1899-1903. Pelischor is not one building, but a complex of several: a central castle and small terraces.

Castle Poeneri

Arges County, Arefu commune, Capatanenii Pamanteni village

Sights of Romania The Castle of Poenari in Romania is one of the oldest in the country. The fortress was built in the 13th century, and then in the 15th century it was seriously converted by Vlad Tepes, who lived here for several years. This fact explains the popularity of the Poenari among fans of the Dracula Story

Fagarash Castle

Fagaras, Str. Mihai Viteazul, 1

Sights of Romania Fagaras is a small but very beautiful old town (total about 35 thousand people) in Romania, in the southeast of the historical area of ​​Transylvania. It is here that the legendary castle-fortress of the same name is located, which is more than 700 years old.

Fortress of Alba Iulia

Alba Iulia, Cetate, Zorilor Str. Bl. Columna, 10B

Sights of Romania Alba-Julia is one of the most ancient cities of not only the historical region of Transylvania, but also of all of Romania, whose history dates back to ancient times. Moreover, most recently in the city during the archaeological excavations were found the world's first letters.

Ryshnov fortress

Rasnov Fortress

Sights of Romania Ryshnov is a small town on the border between two historical regions - Wallachia and Transylvania, 15 km from the city of Brasov and at the same distance from the legendary residence of the Count Dracula - Bran Castle. The population of the city is only 16 thousand people, and Ryshnov was founded in the 13th century.

The fortress of Sighisoara

Sighisoara, Strada Octavian Goga

Sights of Romania Sighisoara is a small town with a population of just over 30 thousand people in the historical area of ​​Transylvania - it was founded in the 12th century, and in 1999 it was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. The beauty of its streets, on which the spirit of the Middle Ages is felt, is difficult to convey in words.

Monastery of Darkness

Casa Mircea

Sights of Romania This ancient monastery is located in a picturesque place in front of the ancient Trajan road, 15 km from Orsovy. During the centuries of its existence the monastery was called in different ways: the monastery of the Danube valley, the monastery of the Mrakun valley, the monastery Orshova or Ogradena Veche.

Museum of the History of the Jewish People in Bucharest

Bucharest, St. Mamulari, № 3

Sights of Romania The Museum of the History of the Jewish People is located in the historical quarter of the Jewish people's residence, in the building of the Great Synagogue, built in 1850. It appeared in January 1978 in a difficult time for the country - the era of the totalitarian regime of Ceausescu.

National Museum of Arts of Romania

Bucuresti, Calea Victoriei, 49-53

Sights of Romania The exhibits of the National Museum of Art of Romania are housed in an old neo-classical building, built in 1812. It once served as the main residence of all Romanian kings, and now there are more than 60,000 items of national and foreign art.

National Museum of Romanian History

Bucuresti, Calea Victoriei, 12

Sights of Romania In the heart of the Romanian capital in a luxurious neoclassical building are exhibits of the National Historical Museum of Romania. Once it was the Postal Palace, then the building moved to the Central Post Office, until it was taken over by the History Museum in 1970.

National Museum of the Romanian Peasantry

Bucuresti, Soseaua Pavel Dimitrievici Kiseleff, 3

Sights of Romania The evolution of any country often leads to a conflict between tradition and progress, between old foundations and new order, and Romania is no exception. Historians and museum workers seek to capture the unique and distinctive features of peasant life.

National Museum of the village. Dmitry Gusty

Bucuresti, Sos. Kiseleff, nr. 28-30, sector 1

Sights of Romania In the heart of the Romanian capital there is a place where for a while you forget that you are in the heart of a modern European metropolis. This is the National Village Museum, more like a nature reserve than a traditional museum.

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You do not often find yourself in amazing places, where the sea breeze is breathtaking and breathtaking from the rapid flow of a powerful river stream, the aroma of forest expanses the head and affects the antiquity and uniqueness of historical monuments. Romania is a country that combines virtuoso features of resort towns, districts marked by an unquestioning hand of history, and natural oases with stunning scenery and landscapes.


An ancient Wallachia, south of the country. An ancient city, reminiscent of a wise old man, frowning in the sun, from the mouth of which pour amazing legends and stories. His palaces, for example, Stirbey, turned enterprising businessmen into a comfortable hotel. Monasteries of Cernica, Tsiganesti, Kaldarushan, Pasire and Buffet are ready to tell a lot of events of the past centuries.

"Old Bucharest", in the web of narrow streets, the Palace of Justice, the Presidential Palace, the Triumphal Arch, the building of the National Bank, the University Square, Kurtia-Veke (Old Yard) and the caravanserai Hanul-lui-Manuk deserve special attention. br>

Dracula's Castle

The mystical figure of this mysterious count is known to everyone in the world. It is generally believed that his homeland is precisely Romania, and perhaps deep down, every tourist dreams of meeting with the legendary vampire, going to explore the sights of this country. For example, Bistrica is considered the favorite city of the count. The place is pretty, modest. In Sighisoara, Dracula was born, not by accident choosing an impregnable fortress, inhabited by people.

But the strength and emotions are best reserved for a visit to the castle of Dracula - Bran Castle in the village of the same name, near Brasov. A labyrinth of halls, rooms, an eerie situation guarantee a spiritual shock and thrill.

Reserves of Romania

The natural riches of Romania are another reason for the popularity of the country, so the reserves of the Mud Volcanoes, Romescucco Park and Mynzalesht with the salt cave system in Buzau County will be appreciated by lovers of such adventures.

Monasteries of Romania

Not far from Calimanesti is the monastery of Kozia, and in the village of Komana - the monastery of the same name, the Bukovec monastery should be sought in Craiova. The county of Vulcea is generally rich in religious monuments, which are the monasteries of Khurez, Dintr-un-Lem and Govor. And the most ancient monastery of the country - Tisman is in Gorz district.

Carpathian Mountains

Ancient Dakia is a picturesque region of Romania, the most famous object of which is the hydropower complex "Iron Gate". There is a museum of the same name. The eloquent ruins of the Roman camp Drobeta, the ancient island of Shimyan, the fortified Dacian settlement in Spryncenata, the ruins of the Byzantine fortress in Sucidava, the symbol of which is the "Secret well", the ruins of the Roman city of Romul in Karakal, the wooden church in Parosh-Lelyaska and ruins of the Roman fortress of the times of the emperor Trajan in Turnu-Magurele.


The historical fount of Romania, as it is affectionately called "Cradle of the Romanian people", Transylvania is rewarded with the stunning beauty of the Carpathian region and man-made delights. For example, Alba-Julia is entirely built up with palaces, churches, and the surrounding area is riddled with caves. Here is the oldest museum in Romania, the Citadel was erected. The ancient city fortification of Transylvania in Ayud is still awe-inspiring, the Museum of gold mines in Roshia-Montane is popular.

Known to all the fortress of Oradea, a trip to the Museum of "Tsar Krishurilor" will reveal many secrets of the Romanian people, a cave complex in Bihor county is interesting. Monuments of the feudal era found comfort in Brasov, which is the ancient center of Transylvania. Not inferior to Cluj-Napoca and the county of Cluj.


The county of Maramures is famous for Cimitiril-Vesel ("Funeral cemetery") in Sepinets, which is a memorial building, the only one in the world where death and humor caused the birth of quaint crosses, epitaphs and carved monuments.