Mysterious and mystical, magical and extraordinarily beautiful Romania is a country of Gothic castles and their mysterious legends, dense forests of the Carpathians and picturesque mountain slopes..Nature and culture, cities and customs - everywhere there is a wonderful spirit of the Middle Ages and an ineffable atmosphere of fairy-tale .Sightseeing tours to Romania are varied and saturated .Local attractions, widely glorified country, cause invariably high demand in the global tourism market .What is the legendary Transylvania - the birthplace of all the vampires Count Dracula, where thousands of tourists come every year! And this is only a small part of the magic that Romania is ready to share with everyone..

Popular excursion tours

"Beauty of Romania" is one of the most popular summer sightseeing tours. The route begins with the city of Iasi, where, after viewing the main attractions, the group is accommodated in a comfortable hotel. The second day of the tour involves a visit to the picturesque Bicaz gorge and the Red Lake, the medieval towns of Sighisoara and Sibiu, each of which organizes walking tours.

The cost of the tour lasting 6 days and 5 nights is 370 EUR, which includes accommodation in three-star hotels, 4 breakfasts, a transfer in Romania and the services of a Russian-speaking guide. Air tickets are paid separately from Moscow to Chisinau and back - from 12 500 RUB, visa - 60 EUR and other expenses (entrance tickets, additional excursions, lunches and dinners).

Further on the program are guided tours of the old part of the city of Brasov, the Ryshnov fortress and, perhaps, the most famous symbol of Romania - the Dracula castle, located on a high hill in the town of Bran .After a rest at the hotel, the route continues with a visit to the summer residence of the kings of Romania - Peles Castle and the bus and walking tour of Bucharest with a tour of the main Moscow attractions..On the last day of the tour, a visit to the palaces of Cotroceni and Mogosoaia, as well as to the Museum of the Romanian village and the Palace of Parliament is offered for an additional fee..

In addition to the standard tour of the "Beauty of Romania", its extended version is offered - with a rest on the Black Sea coast of the oldest Romanian resort Mamaia. The minimum price for a combined tour is 750 EUR.

No less bright and rich excursion tour to Romania "Pearls of Transylvania" also involves an inspection of the most significant sights of the country. Among them is a small but very beautiful town in the Carpathian Mountains Sinaia, the capital of Romania Bucharest, the UNESCO-protected Sighisoara, the village of Harman, the castle of the bloodthirsty ruler Vlad Tepes, who served as a prototype of the famous Dracula, and the old town of Brasov.

The nature and culture of Romania, its cities and customs - there is a unique atmosphere of magic and fairy-tale everywhere.

The minimum cost of a four-day tour of the "Pearl of Transylvania" is 295 EUR, excluding air travel, visas and paid excursions. The price includes accommodation in a three-star hotel in Sinai, breakfast and guide services.

All prices are indicated as of August 2014

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Excursion tours to Romania