The Sahara's North African residence is the most succinct way to characterize Algeria, 80% of the territory of which is occupied by the sands of the great desert..In addition, Algeria - the second largest country in Africa with a rich heritage of the Phoenician and Roman eras and the stronghold of the indigenous population of the continent - Berbers .Because of the smoldering civil strife and the periodic kidnapping of foreigners, Algeria has undeservedly been in the shadow of its tourism-oriented prosperous neighbors - Morocco and Tunisia - for two decades already, but the bold and sophisticated traveler of the country shows an almost fantastic splendor of the landscapes and deeds of human hands. >.

The capital is Alger. The main cities are Oran, Annaba, Tamanrasset, Constantine, Setif, Batna.


  • 1 How to get to Algeria?
    • 1.1 Search air tickets to Algeria
  • 2 Algeria visa
  • 3 Customs
  • 4 Money and currency exchange
  • 5 Useful phone numbers are
  • 6 Transport
  • 7 Rent a car
  • 8 Safety of tourists
  • 9 The climate of Algeria is
  • 10 Beaches
    • 10.1 Book hotel in Algiers at the best price
  • 11 Shopping
  • 12 Kitchen and restaurants
  • 13 Entertainment, Excursions and Attractions of Algeria
    • 13.1 We also recommend

How to get to Algeria?

The state-owned airline Air Algerie operates direct flights from Moscow's Sheremetyevo to Algiers airport on Tuesdays: weekly in summer and every 2 weeks in winter. The flight time is about 5 hours.

From other cities of Russia and CIS countries, Algeria can be reached with a transfer in Europe by air carriers such as Air France (via Paris), Lufthansa (Frankfurt), Alitalia (Rome and Milan), Turkish Airlines (Istanbul).

Search air tickets to Algeria

Algeria visa

For Russian citizens and CIS countries arriving in Algeria, a visa is required.


The import of foreign currency into Algeria is unlimited, but it must be declared at the entrance to the country. Personal jewelery from platinum, gold and silver is also subject to declaration. The first currency exchange for Algerian dinars is recommended to be made at the bank branches on the airport territory: in this case, the exchange mark will be stamped on the cash declaration form, which may be required for presentation upon departure from the country. It is also recommended that you save all receipts for exchange.

One block of cigarettes or 50 cigars, 2 liters of low-alcohol beverages (up to 22%) and 1 liter of alcoholic beverages with a strength of over 22%, video and photo equipment for personal use can be imported into the country without charge.

Forbidden to import weapons and explosives, drugs, pornography, any recorded video tapes, art objects of value, as well as items that can offend local morals and mores.

Aeroworks of Algeria

Money and currency exchange

Exchange currency is needed only in the offices of banks and mail, hotels and certified exchange offices. Be sure to keep the receipt for the exchange. ATMs are ubiquitous.

Some ATMs may ask for a 6-digit PIN code. In this case, you just need to enter the first two zeros.

You can pay with a credit card only in organizations focused on tourism - large hotels, airline offices and travel agencies, some European restaurants. Try to avoid this, because in Algeria you still use the credit card slip-up method, which is very convenient for scammers.

Useful phone numbers are

Embassy of Algeria in Moscow: Krapivensky per., 1A; Tel. (495) 937-4600; website (in French)

The Russian Embassy in Algiers: Alger, el-Biar, Chemin du Prince d'Annam, 7; Tel. 021-92-26-14, 021-92-31-39; fax 021-92-28-82; website (in French)

Codes of the cities of Algeria: Algeria - 21, Oran - 41, Annaba - 38, Tamanrasset - 29, Setif - 36, Batna - 33.


Algeria is a huge country, and air transport is preferred for travel between remote regions. The country has 30 airports, the largest - Tamanrasset, Oran, Constantine, Annaba. All domestic flights are served by the national carrier Air Algerie.

Although Algeria has almost 990 km of coastline, hotels of good level are not so many and local beaches are noticeably inferior to Tunisian and Moroccan.

You can also travel by Algeria by bus, shuttle ("llua") and trains. As a rule, regional transport companies provide bus services in their area, and all of them have a network of long-distance routes. Buses are more common in the north and less in the south, where they are replaced by four-wheel-drive jeeps and pick-up trucks designed for the transportation of passengers. The fare is not high: from the end to the end of the country you can drive for $ 20.

Marshrunks are designed for 7-8 seats and are sent on the road when everyone is busy; they also circulate briskly only in the north.

Algerian SNTF railways offer an extensive network of routes throughout the country, including high-speed lines LGV (lignes à grande vitesse). The main lines: from Algeria to Oran, Constantine and Annabu; by train you can get to the southern Tamanrasset.

Rent a car

To rent a car in Algeria, you will need an international driving license and a minimum of 1 year of service .Rent a car is recommended in international agencies - this reduces the risk of getting an unclear car with doubtful technical characteristics .At the same time, in the capital and large cities, as a rule, good cars are offered for rent and in private agencies .The cost of rent - from $ 50 per day .The rules of the movement are European, but it should be taken into account that the style of driving in Algeria is far from reasonable: the signs are more of an advisory nature, and drivers in most cases are guided by considerations of convenience, not security..A solution to the problem may be renting a car with a local driver (possibly for the first few days) .

Try not to delve into the car without a full drive to the southern regions of the country - a sudden sandstorm can immobilize you in the middle of a deserted territory. In the Sahara region it is prohibited to enter without an escort of a local official guide.

Safety of tourists

The situation with the safety of tourists in Algeria is far from ideal: in the modern history of the country there are several cases of abduction of European travelers, including fatalities .The situation was further exacerbated by recent unrest in the north of the African continent .At the same time, a visit to the north of Algeria is absolutely safe .It is recommended to travel to the Sahara in organized groups with local accompaniment .Excursions and tours around the country must be ordered only in official travel agencies, whose list can be found at the National Tourism Office of the country..

Do not take pictures of the local population: at best, the Algerian will turn away, and at worst - try to defend his honor by force. Especially do not try to capture women.

Drinking tap water is not recommended; buy bottled.

Maps of Algeria

The climate of Algeria is

On the northern coast of Algeria - the Mediterranean climate with hot summers and relatively cool winters .The average temperature in January is +11 ° C, July +27 ° C .Most of the country is dominated by semi-arid climate with dry summer (the thermometer rises to +36 ° C) .The southern regions of Algeria lie in a deserted climatic zone with a minimum of precipitation and a constant summer temperature of about +40 ° C .The coast can be visited comfortably throughout the year, and in the Sahara it is better to leave in March-May and September-November .Actual information: weather forecast for the main resorts of Algeria for the next few days .


Algeria can not be called a country of beach rest: although there are almost 990 km of coastline, there are not so many good hotels and local beaches are much inferior to Tunisian and Moroccan beaches. Enjoy the beauty of the water surface can be on the so-called Turquoise coast (Сte Turqoise) and Cape Sidi Fredzh.

Book hotel in Algiers at the best price


Shops in Algeria work in two sets: morning and afternoon, with a two-hour break for a siesta. Opening hours are usually from 8 to 12 and from 14 to 18. This does not apply to souvenir shops: here the principle "up to the last buyer" is valid. Supermarkets in the capital work from early morning until late at night.

Algeria is the second largest country in Africa with a rich heritage of the Phoenician and Roman eras and the stronghold of the indigenous population of the continent, the Berbers.

From Algeria you can bring copper coining and bronze products, leather and wood products, Berber carpets and straw products. A separate line is the legacy of Berbers: from massive silver jewelry to mats with national motifs.

Kitchen and restaurants

Algerian cuisine - part of the vast complex of Maghribian culinary traditions .National dishes - soup-shorba from mutton, couscous with meat or vegetables, shakshuka - vegetable salad with egg, tazhin - dense omelet with stuffing from potatoes, chicken or meat, sieve - homemade noodles with chicken and beans, dawar - stew with vegetables inside , meshui - steaks from mutton or beef, grilled on the grill .From the Turkish cuisine in Algeria, a lot of varieties of chebureks, dolmas and kefifts settled - $ .French baguettes (white bread) are widespread, in the southern regions they eat tagella - a cake baked in the sand .From sweets it is possible to allocate kalb-el-loz ("almond heart") and bakhlava of every possible kinds .Finish the meal with sweet green tea or strong "Arabian" coffee .

Entertainment, Excursions and Attractions of Algeria

Sahara is the main tourist attraction of the country. Attention of tourists is offered many excursions into the depths of the Big East Erg, the largest of the sandy "seas" of the desert, lasting from several hours to two weeks. You can travel on foot, on camels or on all-wheel drive jeeps. Of the pearls - the city of Ouargla, the "golden key of the desert", Mzab with its fantastic architecture, Beni-Isgen behind the imposing fortress gates. In the south of Algeria, Tassili National Park is also located.

Kabila mountains are famous for the beautiful Schiff gorge ("lips").

On the coast of Algeria there are many Phoenician, Roman and Byzantine ruins. Among the most popular are the ruins in the vicinity of the capital - Jamila (with magnificent basilicas, temples, forum and triumphal arch), Timgad and Tipass (here is the Royal Mausoleum of Mauritania).

In the city of Algeria, the medina (the old city behind the fortress wall), the tomb of St. Sidi Abderrahman and the Jemaah al-Jadid mosque deserve attention. From the cultural institutions can be identified the Ethnographic Museum of Bardo with the richest collection of ancient artifacts and the National Museum of Fine Arts.

Other cities in the country include Oran (the Santa Cruz Citadel and the Great Mosque built in the 17th century), Blida (a mosque built by the pirate Barbarossa), Annabu with the ruins of the ancient city of Aphrodisium, Constantine and its Roman citadel, Biskra, where the tomb of the Islamic conqueror of North Africa Okbah ibn Nafaah. Photos of Algeria (15)

Maps of Algeria
Ekaterina Vasilyeva
Cities and resorts of Algeria
Tours to Algeria
Flights to Algeria
Video about Algeria
Photos Algeria
Managers for Algeria on the "Subtlety of Tourism"
Algeria hotels
Visa to Algeria
Weather in Algiers
City of Algeria