If you say encyclopedic language, then Transylvania is a Hungarian and Romanian region in the north-west of Romania..Part of Transylvania is divided into historical areas Banat (south), Krishana (center) and Maramures (north) .If you call on to help the writer's muse, it turns out that Transylvania is a stunningly beautiful ancient land where the mountains are replaced by fields, and then - again by mountains, but quite different .Here at every step you can meet fairy-tale castles, singing gypsies, Gothic cathedrals and medieval towns with paved streets .

And now we will perform in our favorite genre and tell about Transylvania as an object of tourist interest .The true glory of Transylvania was brought by castles, or rather - even one of their inhabitants - the great and terrible Vlad Tepesh, nicknamed Dracula .For the sake of justice, we should note that there are other things to be surprised about: for example, well-preserved medieval towns, ancient monasteries and well-equipped ski resorts .And the fact that Transylvania is called the Switzerland of Eastern Europe speaks for itself - dense forests, high-water rivers, mountain peaks with stunning views, caves, waterfalls and friendly people (which today can also be considered a landmark) - all this will be remembered for a long time!


  • 1 How to get
    • 1.1 By plane
    • 1.2 Flight search to Cluj-Napoca (nearest a / p to Transylvania) - $
    • 1.3 By train
  • 2 Areas of Transylvania
  • 3 Safety of tourists
  • 4 Transport Transilvania
  • 5 Entertainment, excursions and attractions of Transylvania
    • 5.1 We also recommend

How to get

By plane

Getting to Transylvania is not difficult, in the region there are already three large airports .The largest one is located in Cluj-Napoca, accepts international flights of WizzAir, national TAROM, Carpatair (flies to Bucharest and Timisoara) .Sibiu International Airport is located in the south of the region, from here depart BlueAir (London, Madrid, Stuttgart), Austrian Airlines (Vienna), Lufthansa (Munich) TAROM (Bucharest and Munich) and Carpatair (Timisoara).The third airport, which is called - the international airport of Transylvania - is located near the city of Targu Mures and takes daily flights from Bucharest (Wizzair, Malev and TAROM) .

Flight search to Cluj-Napoca (nearest a / p to Transylvania) - $

By train

In addition, you can get to Transylvania by train .The Dacia Express international train runs from Vienna to Bucharest (via Budapest), making stops in Virgo, Alba-Julia, Mediashe, Sighisoara and Brasov .Ister Express - fast night train that connects Bucharest with Budapest and goes on the same route as Dacia .Pannonia Express runs between Prague and Bucharest (passing through Bratislava and Budapest) .Corona Express - another night train, from Budapest to Brasov and Cluj .And the train Ady Endre Express goes from Budapest directly to Cluj-Napoca .Mureş Express follows from the Hungarian capital to Targu Mures .

Regional trains run often enough, connecting the country's capitals with all major cities of Transylvania.

Areas of Transylvania

  • In the south-eastern region of Transylvania are the medieval towns of Brasov and Sibiu, as well as many Saxon settlements with unique fortified churches, such as Prezhmer or Herman. This is one of the most popular areas for tourists, thanks to the picturesque fortress of Ryshnov, the castle of Count Dracula Branu, the ancient towns and settlements that are in relative proximity to Brasov, which allows one to explore the many attractions of this glorious land.
  • The east of Transylvania is the cities of Sfintu Gheorghe and Targu Mures, as well as the beautiful St. Anne lake - the only volcanic lake in Europe.
  • The south-west of the region is famous for the ancient fortress of Virgo, the castle of the Corwin family in Hunedoara and the bastions of Alba-Julia. In addition, it is one of the most picturesque areas: with caves, lakes, hills and mountains, as well as the national park Retezat.
  • In the north-west of Transylvania lies the beautiful university town of Cluj-Napoca, many Hungarian, Romanian and German villages.
Neighborhood of the inhabitants of Transylvania with brown bears (English)

Safety of tourists

In Transylvania it is safe, in the large tourist towns in the evening you can safely stroll through the city center. It is necessary to observe reasonable security measures, such as: do not err on the outskirts of cities and near train stations with a full purse, do not carry originals of passports with them, and leave them in the hotels safe. Problems with the Roma, as well as with the Romanian language here will not arise: almost all the population engaged in tourism, speaks English.

Map of Transylvania

Transport Transilvania

Local transport is not very convenient: to see everything you want, it is better to rent a car. The major routes are of good quality, their only drawback is just one lane on each side. Parking in major tourist cities can not be found easily, they are either free, or cost no more than 1, 5 RON per hour.

Entertainment, excursions and attractions of Transylvania

Brasov is one of the most popular cities in Transylvania. And, of course, Bran Castle (Dracula), which is located in the suburb of Brasov. Sighisoara is the city where Vlad Tepes was born (the same Count Dracula).

Photo of Transylvania (56)