Children's health is the most important for parents..That is why the question of children's recreation in Russia does not lose relevance .Moreover, children's rest is also a priority of the social policy of the state .It's no secret that state and municipal children's recreation organizations in Russia are inferior to private ones as the services provided, and private ones are not able to provide mass rest for young citizens of Russia..But modern state programs for children's recreation in Russia, as well as socially-oriented private projects, are also called to smooth out the situation .

The most promising project of children's recreation in Russia is called the network of creative camps "Country of Children" .The project assumes an innovative approach to the organization of children's leisure .Statistics show that many parents would like to send a child to a children's camp, but do not find suitable options..And it's not just about finances, but just in the absence of organizations with favorable conditions for recreation..The concept of "Country of Children" is designed to solve the problem of mass children's recreation in Russia..In fact, this is an unprecedented project, based on unique methods of professional work with children, aimed at revealing their internal potential .

The most promising project of children's recreation in Russia is called the network of creative camps "Country of Children." The project assumes an innovative approach to the organization of children's recreation.

The first camp of the network in Borodino will be called "SELO". The infrastructure of the camp presupposes the presence of water parks, concert halls, galleries, museums, etc. Children aged 9-15 can visit the camp, including children with disabilities.

In each subject of the Russian Federation the program "Mother and Child" is working, through which a child and one of the parents have the opportunity to go on vacation to a sanatorium-and-spa institution.

About existing health programs need to ask the district pediatrician. For privileged categories of the population, vouchers are issued free of charge, and in case of disability even transportation costs are paid. In other cases, permits are purchased for money. If the child does not need health procedures, they can be abandoned. In any case, a restful sanatorium rest will positively affect the health of children.

Children's rest in Russia - $ Children's rest in Russia - $
Children's rest on the Russian coast

The structure of children's recreation in Russia is represented by day and country children's camps .And daytime is much more common .As a rule, camps of this type are located within the city and operate on the basis of educational institutions .That is, during the day, the children are in the camp, and at home come home .Countryside is losing relevance due to some of its non-modernity .Although the latter statement is more true for state organizations, because now in Russia there are quite a few private camps of the so-called new type .They focus on modern children's interests, as well as knowledge and skills that will help children in the future..But meanwhile, with the advent of summer, both of them invariably become filled with life, the sun and merry childish laughing .

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