Up to what progress has reached: to get from Moscow to St. Petersburg, our ancestors had to spend on the road about a week . And this is still at best, because in bad weather and in case of an influx of passengers traveling on horses that have changed at each station, lasted even longer ą $ . With the opening of the rail service between the two capitals in 1851 ą $ . a new era of passenger traffic began - prices fell sharply, and the journey time was less than a day . AND After some 150 years, by rail to St. Petersburg, you can with one change in Moscow to get from almost any large Russian city .

With the opening of the railway communication between the two capitals, a new era of passenger traffic has begun, and now, after some 150 years, by rail to St. Petersburg you can transfer from Moscow to almost any large Russian city with a transfer.

Description of rail tours to St. Petersburg

Railway tours to St. Petersburg are organized weekly. The duration of the excursion program can be different: from short two- or three-day tours to longer week-long and even full-fledged tourist trips for 10-12 days.

As a rule, the cost of tours on the train includes hotel accommodation, meals at the base breakfasts (some programs offer two meals a day), excursion and transfer services, guide services, but tourists pay for train tickets separately.

Upon arrival in St. Petersburg, tourists usually get to their own guests where the meeting with the guide takes place, however, if you wish, you can pre-order an individual transfer from the station and back.

During the whole trip, tourists travel around the city on comfortable buses, which are sent every day to the entrance to the hotel (sometimes the collection point is assigned in a nearby place). On the last day, vacationers leave the hotel with things, and then, depending on the program, call at the station to leave things in the storage room (in this case they get to the station themselves) or go to the museum and only then arrives arriving at the railway station.

In St. Petersburg there are five railway stations: Moscow, Finland, Ladoga, Vitebsk, Baltic. Trains departing from the capital (station "Moscow Oktyabrskaya") arrive at the Moscow railway station, along this route the famous Red Arrow, fast Sapsan and Nevsky Express run.

A trip from the capital to St. Petersburg on the "Red Arrow" will take you 8 hours, while the "Sapsan" wagons to the city on the Neva River in just 4 hours.

Ticket for high-speed train to the Northern capital can be purchased for 2500-3500 RUB, the fare on the "Red Arrow" starts from 3500 RUB per compartment, the comfort of a soft car will cost 12 000 RUB.

Variants of rail tours to St. Petersburg

St. Petersburg - a city with a huge tourist potential - has an extensive base of sightseeing programs that will return you to the departed world of an aristocratic city, will present many intellectual discoveries and aesthetic pleasures..The program of the tour "Classic Petersburg" will delight the curious tourists who prefer to walk: Peter and Paul Fortress, Tsarskoe Selo, Kunstkamera, Isaakievsky Cathedral, the Hermitage - you will get acquainted with the practically compulsory collection of the cult attractions of the Northern capital..You will be able to see the luxurious palaces of St. Petersburg within the framework of the tour "The Palace Necklace", the route of which encompasses many residences of royal and aristocratic families, each of them has its own amazing history .Tour "Velikosvetsky Petersburg" will take you to the era of crinolines and cylinders, royal hunting and lavish balls, acquaint you with the customs and customs of the court nobility and the traditions of the royal family..

Pompous palaces, grandiose city ensembles, proud temples will appear in all their splendor before the travelers who will choose the "Parade Petersburg" tour, and the popular program "White Nights in the Northern Capital" will acquaint you with the amazing natural phenomenon that literally fills the city with romantic moods. The

Information on prices is given for September 2014

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Tours to St. Petersburg by train