March 21, 2015

Holiday "Streletskaya Gulba" in the suburbs of Russia

 Holidays and events in Russia The most anticipated event near Moscow spring, when the shoulder is razed, the hand , but as you go to squat under the buzzing songs of passers-by, it is said that no wonder "Streletskaya gulba." And look, you will leave the crowd with a bruise under the eye, a mug of mead in hand, and merry stories about the past.

June 06, 2015 - June 07, 2015

Sabantuy in Kazan

 Holidays and events in Russia In multinational Russia the word "Sabantuy" often designate a cheerful and noisy, often youthful, party. But in fact it is a national holiday, timed to a certain time of the year. In our country sabantui is celebrated by Bashkirs and Tatars, the latter with a special scale.

June 06, 2015

Vienna Ball in Moscow

 Russian Holidays and Events If you dream to take part in the Vienna Ball and for one day turn into a real princess, then for this it is absolutely not necessary to go to distant Austria. A dream can be translated into reality in Russia. The Vienna Ball in Moscow is a grandiose event.

June 14, 2015 - June 16, 2015

Sabantuy in Ufa

 Holidays and events in Russia Sabantuy - a holiday of the end of agricultural work for spring and summer. In Russia, it is celebrated by Tatars and Bashkirs, although there are similar festivals among other nationalities (for example, residents of Mari El or Mordovia).

June 17, 2015

Opening of fountains in Peterhof

 Holidays and events of Russia Of course, in the glorious and full of sights the city of St. Petersburg can go almost at any time of the year (in winter, however, this is quite for amateurs, although there are many). But the traditionally high season starts here in the romantic period of the White Nights.

June 19, 2015 - June 28, 2015

Moscow Film Festival

 Holidays and Events in Russia The second oldest film review of the planet after the Venice, the Moscow Film Festival - one of the most beloved by the cinephiles, tourists and metropolitan residents of the summer. For ten days in several historical cinemas in Moscow there are screenings of competitive films.

July 06, 2015

Ivan Kupala's Holiday

 Russian Holidays and Events Kupala night was one of the main holidays for the Slavic pagans. The significance of the event is explained by the boundary between the warm and cold seasons: these days were and remain the peak of solar activity (according to the old style, the holiday was during the summer solstice and was celebrated from 23 to 24 June).

July 08, 2015

Gerber Festival

 Russian Holidays and Events Russia is a multinational and multicultural country. Only, unfortunately, some people forget about this. And if many people have even heard about such a Bashkir-Tatar-Chuvash holiday as Sabantuy, then the majority of those polled answer the question: what is a Gerber?

July 12, 2015 - 14 July 2015

Sensation Festival

 Russian Holidays and Events Sensation is one of the most popular electronic music festivals in the world. This event, whose age is more than 10 years old, was originally held only in Amsterdam. But since 2005 Sensation has reached a truly global scale and is taking place in Russia, Poland, Belgium, Serbia and other countries.

July 13, 2015 - July 14, 2015

Festival "Picnic Afisha"

Holidays and events in Russia The music festival "Picnic Afisha" has long gone beyond the framework of a musical event. It's no wonder: at one of the biggest events of the CIS, one could meet in all its different types - both slow-witted dodor and all sorts of interesting young people.

July 26, 2015 - July 27, 2015


Holidays and events in Russia Arhstoyanie is an international festival, which is held annually in the Nikola-Lenivets park in the Dzerzhinsky district of the Kaluga region. This unusual place (as well as the festival itself) attracts hundreds of tourists every summer from all over Russia.

October 11, 2015


Holidays and events in Russia Formula-1 - the most important and most prestigious event in the world of racing, rightfully called the "queen of motorsport", has long become the dream of almost every rider in the world, and, in addition, is also the most expensive kind of motorsport.

October 31, 2015


Holidays and events in Russia The international gathering of evil spirits takes place every year on October 31, immediately after dark. It is on the night of November 1 that Halloween is celebrated all over the world, dressing up in witches and ghouls, putting on masks of dead and vampires and walking around in the streets or dancing in nightclubs.

November 18, 2015

Night of museums in Moscow

Holidays and events in Russia Since 2007, in Moscow in mid-May, the action "Night at the Museum" is taking place. The purpose of the action is to draw attention to museum collections, to increase interest in visiting museums in the youth environment, to make the trip to the museum an entertaining form of leisure.

December 31, 2015

New Year in the Crimea

Holidays and events in Russia In the Crimea, the New Year is almost as lively as in the high season. And it is not surprising - the air temperature here even in January rarely falls below zero degrees, the sightseeing objects for the winter do not disappear anywhere.

December 31, 2015

New Year in Sochi

Holidays and events in Russia It would seem, more recently the idea of ​​a trip somewhere on New Year's even did not arise in the majority of compatriots. But the legalized long New Year holidays made many change their habits and create new traditions.

08 February 2016

The Holiday of the White Month in Buryatia is

Holidays and events in Russia The Holiday of the White Month, Sagaalgan (or Sagaan) is, roughly speaking, the Buryat New Year. It does not coincide with the generally accepted "our" New Year, as Buddhists consider the beginning of the year the moment when spring comes, and necessarily a new moon. Calculated by the lunar calendar of Sagaalgan.

In Russia there are a lot of holidays, and celebrate them with pleasure .State, international, religious, professional - memorable dates in the calendar more than two hundred .New Year in Russia is celebrated noisily, cheerfully, with champagne and fireworks, in a family circle or with friends, with a decorated Christmas tree and gifts .But Christmas on January 7 is celebrated by far not all, but believers on this day visit the church .Exactly two weeks after the beginning of the year comes the Old New Year - a unique holiday and a historical paradox associated with the change of the calendar .Many people on this day discover in themselves something special, unknown to the present .

In Russia there are a lot of holidays, and celebrate them with pleasure. State, international, religious, professional - commemorative dates in the calendar more than two hundred.

Noisy and cheerfully celebrate the January 25 student's day, the day of the founding of Moscow University, the same date is known as Tatyana's day, so Saint Tatiana is considered the patroness of students. With great pleasure, lovers celebrate Valentine's Day on February 14, firmly rooted among Russian holidays.

On Defender of the Fatherland Day on February 23, originally solely a military holiday, now congratulate all men, unofficially implying that each of them is the protector of his family and loved ones. Beautiful women are given flowers, congratulating them on International Women's Day, March 8.

A week before Lent, Shrovetide begins in Russia, rooted in pagan times. They meet it with folk festivals, bake pancakes, symbolizing the sun. On the last day of the week, Forgiveness Sunday, people ask forgiveness for each other.

Since ancient times, it is believed that those who do not celebrate Shrove Tuesday will be in trouble and trouble all year.

April 1, Russian jokes and jokes mark the Day of Laughter. A recent innovation was the International Festival of Flamenco, in April for several days the concert halls are filled with bright, incendiary melodies and dances full of passion. April 12, celebrate Cosmonautics Day, in memory of the first flight into space, committed by Yuri Gagarin. May 1 in the Spring and Labor Day many people go to the nature and just have fun.

On Easter many people visit the church, an indispensable attribute of the holiday is colored eggs. The most, perhaps, grandiose holiday - Victory Day - is celebrated on May 9, congratulating the veterans who defended their Fatherland. This day is an occasion for pride for your great people.

Every year many professional holidays are celebrated, for almost every profession there is a day in the calendar.

Fans of the film industry with pleasure every year in June watching the Russian festival "Kinotavr" and the Moscow International Film Festival.

The Day of the Elderly was introduced on 1 October to draw the public's attention to the problems of the older generation. On the Day of Military Glory of Russia on November 7, a military parade takes place on Red Square. On the last Sunday of November, Russia celebrates Mother's Day, one of the most spiritual holidays. One of the most significant holidays, Constitution Day, falls on December 12.

Also in Russia there are a lot of memorable dates that are relevant for individual republics and territories.