What are the bus tours in August?

Responds information department of "Subtlety of Tourism"
Let's clarify that bus tours can be divided into two classes: European tours and tours around Russia. In late summer, the most popular are the directions of bus trips to the Golden Ring of Russia, tours to holy places, literary places, tours to the estates of the European part of Russia.

The cost of a bus tour depends on the number of places visited and the distance, food, recreation points.

Tours in Europe are, first of all, tours to the nearest European countries: Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Finland. More distant tours - usually to Sweden, and from there by ferry to Germany, Norway or Denmark, visiting the Norwegian fjords, France, Italy, Bavarian castles, Austria.

The main plus of the bus tour is that the bus and guide / guide travel with the tourist, which allows you to get as enthusiastic as possible about the journey. The tourist will have only one task - to keep up with the bus, and all transport and excursion issues have been solved a priori.

June 4, 2014

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