Mozambique is one of the most ancient states on Earth, where life was a key already about two million years ago. It is a country of amazing nature (both terrestrial and underwater), rich fauna, ancient cities and chic beaches. Over the past 20 years, Mozambique has become a sure way to get out of the post-war crisis, and attract more attention of tourists. First of all - rich, loving comfort and exotic, and secondly - saving on all backpackers who do not fear comfort of a bed for five bucks.

Capital - Maputo.

For a complete list of the cities of the country you can find on the city page and resorts Mozambique


  • 1 How to get to Mozambique
    • 1.1 Search for airline tickets to Mozambique
  • 2 Visa to Mozambique
  • 3 Customs
  • 4 Where to call, if that
  • 5 Safety of tourists in Mozambique
  • 6 Climate of Mozambique
  • 7 Banks, exchange offices and tips
  • 8 Transport in Mozambique
  • 9 Internet
  • 10 Beaches of Mozambique
  • 11 Father and Mozambique
    • 11.1 Book a hotel in Mozambique at the best price
  • 12 Shopping and shopping
  • 13 Cuisine and restaurants in Mozambique
  • 14 Entertainment, excursions and attractions in Mozambique
  • 15 National parks of Mozambique
    • 15.1 Also recommend

How to get to Mozambique

Most international flights to Mozambique come with a dock at the airport of Johannesburg (South Africa), although there are direct flights from Maputo and to Swaziland, and Zimbabwe, as well as to Tanzania, Kenya and Portugal. For example, Kenya Airways, Swazi Express Airways and TAP Portugal - from Durban, Swaziland, Dar Es Salaam, Harare, Nairobi and Lisbon - fly directly to Maputo.

The most convenient way for Russians to travel here is with Qatar Airways (via Doha) or Lufthansa (via Frankfurt) to Johannesburg, and from there by South African Airways or Linhas Aereas de Moçambique to Maputo

Pemba is visited several times a day by South African Airways and Linhas Aereas de Moçambique from Johannesburg, Salama and Nairobi. It is said that the local carrier Air Corridor in the near future promises to launch several more direct international flights from the capital of Mozambique

passengers flying on an international flight are charged an airport charge of 10-20 USD depending on the airline, for domestic flights the fee is ~ 5 USD

Airline Tickets to Mozambique

Visa to Mozambique

Citizens of Russia need a visa to visit Mozambique


Import of foreign currency is not limited, the declaration is obligatory for amounts over 5000 USD. Importation and exportation of the national currency is prohibited.

Permission is granted for duty-free importation to persons over 18 years of age: up to 200 cigarettes or 100 cigarillos, or 50 cigars, or 250 grams. tobacco; wine - up to 2, 5 liters, spirits - up to 1 liter, up to 50 ml of perfume or 250 ml of toilet water, medicines - within personal needs, gifts worth not more than 100 USD.

The import of drugs, weapons and ammunition, gold, platinum and silver in bars, plates or coins without the permission of the country bank, handicrafts, as well as photographs, graphics, printed products and video materials "of obscene content or directed against the Republic of Mozambique or the dignity of the Mozambican people". It is forbidden to export ivory and ivory products.

Where to call, if that

Embassy of the Republic of Mozambique in Moscow: ul. Krutitskiy Val, 3, page 2; tel .: (495) 786-30-05, 786-30-06

Embassy of Russia in Maputo: C.P. 4666, Av. V. Lenin 2445; tel .: 214-173-72, 214-198-72; website

Tourist safety in Mozambique

Despite the long civil war in the country, the people of Mozambique are very friendly and friendly to tourists. In the country there is a risk of diseases of various types of hepatitis and dysentery, therefore on arrival it is necessary to strictly observe the simplest rules of hygiene: do not drink unboiled water and use personal hygiene products. Vaccination is not necessary, but it is recommended to vaccinate against tropical fever, and also to carry out prophylaxis against malaria.

An unusual unit of sappers operates on the territory of Mozambique. Served in it are African marsupials. Rodents have established themselves as brave pathfinders in search of mines, shells and other dangerous artifacts from the Civil War.

The country still has a high level of danger to stumble into mine fields. Some of them have warning labels, but most, alas, are not labeled. Hence the conclusion: lovers of self-drive tours should use the services of a qualified guide and trodden trails, or even abandon the idea of ​​traveling the country on their own.

A license is required for fishing in the Maritime Administration of each particular province.

In the country it is prohibited to smoke in public places since 2007, but most restaurants and bars simply ignore this law.

Climate of Mozambique

The climate of Mozambique in the north is close to the equatorial (+25 ... +28 ° C), in the south - tropical trade-wind (+20. .. +22 ° C). The wet season lasts from November to April-May. Drought and destructive tropical cyclones are frequent.

The best time to visit the country is from May to November, in the cooler and less rainy winter months. You can also travel during the rainy season, but closer to March, some roads are very diluted, especially in the center and in the south. To watch wild animals in Mozambique come in August-September, birds - from December to April.

Actual information: weather forecast for the main resorts of Mozambique for the next few days.

Banks, exchange offices and tips

Money it is better to change it in private exchange offices in Maputo (better course) or in banks (safer, higher commission). About the exchange of money on the street is to forget at once - extremely unsafe. The use of credit cards and traveler's checks is difficult throughout the country, and in the province it is completely impossible. Bank opening hours: Mon-Fri 7: 30-11: 15 and 15: 00-16: 30.

Almost all shops and souvenir shops are happy to accept not only the national currency, but also US dollars and South African rand south of them love in particular.)

In Mozambique it is customary to tip at the restaurant about 10% of the total amount of the order. The porters are given "for tea" about 0, 5 USD per baggage, the driver or guide - 1-2 USD per day.

Maps of Mozambique

Transportation of Mozambique

Domestic flights - the fastest and most reasonable way to travel around the country . The airline Linhas Aereas de Moçambique organizes flights to all major cities of Mozambique, the planes are comfortable and modern. Railway in the country is not popular, there is a line in the north of Mozambique, near the border of Malawi - from Nampula to Cuamba. Trains run from Kenya (Harare) to Beira, and from Johannesburg (South Africa) through Swaziland to Maputo.

Local people mostly use buses and chasis (original "Mozambican buses") . They begin their work the day is very early, about 4 am . Chapas, as a rule, ply for shorter distances than buses, and also are famous for minimum comfort and lack of air conditioners. . The fare to the chapel is not indicated anywhere, so that from a rich white tourist can ask at times more than the local resident pays l . To prevent this, it is enough to ask the hotel beforehand how much the trip from point A to point B can take. .

Taxi in Mozambique do not have counters, so the cost of the trip must be agreed in advance. In addition, it is worth sticking to one rule: do not pay until the taxi arrives at your destination. In Maputo the payment is fixed: 200 MZN for a trip to the city center and 400 MZN and more for long distances. Early in the morning taxi drivers tend to be insolent and demand a double tariff.


Internet cafes can not be found in the capital of Mozambique - the city of Maputo. Operators mCel and Vodacom also offer mobile Internet and USB modems. However, outside the capital, the connection is content with illusory and less established only in large tourist centers. Telecommunication de Mozambique (TDM) offices also have Internet access points, but the speed there leaves much to be desired.

Beaches of Mozambique

Mozambique can boast of truly beautiful sandy beaches. The most popular among them is Tofu (also famous for its excellent diving), Moma, Langoche, Lurio and Cape Barra (with the cleanest dunes and surf on one side and mangrove forests and palm groves on the other.)

Hotels in Mozambique

In Mozambique there is as budget guesthouses and hostels for backpackers, and luxury hotel complexes that will please even very whimsical travelers . However, many hotels in the country have not yet been classified, and some have not even been updated since independence (that is, years so 20-30) .At the same time, in connection with not the largest selection of placements, some hotels require 50 USD per night, while services are provided well if at 10 .And yet we have to pay, because the hotel fund in the country is still in its infancy .Hostels and guesthouses for independent travelers with backpacks behind are in Maputo, Tofu, Vilanculos and Pemba .

Electricity 220 V, 50 Hz, European sockets.

Book hotel in Mozambique at the best price

Shopping and shopping

Shops work on weekdays 9: 00-13: 00 and 15: 00-18: 30, at Sat 9: 00-13: 00.

In local markets, you can buy all kinds of crafts: wicker baskets and mats decorated with beads, vessels made of pumpkin (kalebasy), products made of wood with thread, smoking pipes, masks and clay vessels.

In Mozambique, everything that does not have a price tag is subject to bargaining. It should also be borne in mind that except for large shops, hotels and chapels (see the section "Transport"), no one will give a tourist a change from a note 500 MZN and higher. So it is worth to advance in advance small money in banks or exchangers.

In 2006, Mozambique's currency lost three zeros - and millions turned into thousands. Old banknotes will completely disappear from circulation only in December 2012, so until this time, do not be afraid of a variety of notes in your wallet. And if someone says that you have one million, do not worry, most likely he meant one thousand new Mozambican mikalak.

Cuisine and restaurants in Mozambique

The Portuguese left a mark not only in the culture and religion of the country, but also in the national cuisine of Mozambique .Mixed with traditional African dishes, it is a pretty mouth-watering and tempting mix, especially in the fish menu .It is worth trying the piri-piri sauce (Piri-Piri) - the African analogue of the sharpest chili .Pãozinho - rolls of pork or beef that are served with semisweet bread .Matapa (Matapa) - fish dishes, usually from crab or shrimp, cooked with leaves of Casave and rice .Shrimp Camarão National marinated in a sauce of piri-piri, garlic, onion, lemon and vinegar - in a word, an unforgettable mixture of .And, finally, kakana (Kakana) - bitter to taste local vegetable .Another of the local dishes is goulash, which is added to the broken dried fish, fried in oil and mixed with chicken, potatoes, onions, chili and water .

Popular local beer is 2M (pronounced "dosh-em"), Laurentina Clara and Manica, as well as varieties from neighboring African countries: Castle or Windhoek. Strong alcohol, like gin or vodka, is inexpensive and is sold everywhere. You can try the local vodka porridge (cashu), which is made from cashew, has a sour taste and is said to have a good effect on the male libido.

Diving in Mozambique

Entertainment, excursions and attractions of Mozambique

The capital of Maputo grew on the site of the Portuguese fort built in 1781, from which only the ramparts survived. Previously, this city could compete in beauty with Cape Town or Rio de Janeiro, but in the 20 years of the war has decayed and collapsed. Of interest is the Museum of Natural History and the station, built in the early 20th century by the architect Eiffel (yes, Paris was remembered for good reason).

800 km from Maputo is the second largest city in the country - Beira. The main port and the terminal stop of the trans-African railway. The heart of Beira is the main square of Pras, surrounded by shops, markets and offices. Also interesting is the local Cathedral, which is located to the southeast of the center.

Pemba is a large coastal city and a popular resort in the "throat" of a large bay. Here the old town of Bayksa and the chic Vimby beaches are noteworthy, which is 5 km from the center.

The island of Mozambique (Il-de-Mozambique or simply Il) is a small piece of land that is 3 km from the mainland and is connected to it by a bridge .Previously, Mozambique was the capital of the East African colony of Portugal, today it is simply famous for a large number of attractions and tourists, as well as being included in the UNESCO World Heritage List .The main attractions of the island are the palace and the chapel of Sao Paolo (18th century) .Nearby is the Museum of Sacred Art, and on the northern tip of the island - the medieval fort of San Sebastian and the chapel of Nossa Senhora de Baluarte - the oldest building in the southern hemisphere .

National Parks of Mozambique

The sea national park of the Bazaruto archipelago is located 10 km from the coast, near the resort of Tofu and is famous for its magnificent sea life. Scuba diving and excellent fishing are also possible here.

In addition, trips to the national parks of Gorongos, Bagnina and Zinave are popular.

Photos of Mozambique (15)

Maps of Mozambique
Diving in Mozambique
Visa to Mozambique
Managers for Mozambique on the "Subtlety of Tourism"
Video about Mozambique
Weather in Mozambique
Flights to Mozambique
Holiday pictures Mozambique
Hotels in Mozambique
Tours to Mozambique
What kind of tourist SIM card can I use in Mozambique
Attractions in Mozambique
Cities and resorts in Mozambique