The protected Kamchatka region, where the mighty brown bears roam, the rivers are full of spawning salmon, hot geysers and volcanoes are beating from under the earth, perhaps one of the most virgin and untouched corners of Russia..Thousands of tourists from all over the world dream to visit here, but traveling to Kamchatka is not so easy .Variable weather conditions, inaccessibility of settlements and nature reserves, frenzied distances and, alas, undeveloped territory - these are just some of the problems that every traveler in this region can face..But to cope with them, to test their will and courage, to find the strength to overcome all difficulties, is akin to the feeling of a won battle .And expeditions to Kamchatka are the best choice for such tourists..

Types of expeditions to Kamchatka and their cost

Kamchatka is in itself an expensive region, the delivery to some remote places of products or gasoline is worth a lot, therefore it is common to bump into a store for bread for 100 RUB. It's no wonder that expeditions that include registration of permits for visiting national parks, and payment for the services of an experienced guide, helicopter tours, and a lot of trifles and nuances at cost are equal to some not the worst car.

There are two types of expeditions to Kamchatka - land and sea. In the first case, the main means of travel for tourists will be helicopters and cross-country vehicles, and in the second - reliable rescue expedition boats or full-fledged ships, where not only will they steer, but also be forced to watch, listen to important lectures on the rules of behavior and life in Kamchatka and .P.

The standard duration of expeditions to Kamchatka is approximately 14 days. To fly half the world to spend fewer days here is simply ridiculous, and there is much to see in this reserved area, so sometimes two weeks are few.
Expedition to Kamchatka Expeditions to Kamchatka
Gorely volcano, Kamchatka edge, Russia Expeditions to Kamchatka

As for the cost, it depends heavily on the number of people in the group and the program: somewhere you will fly every day on helicopters, and this is expensive, and somewhere you will be landed for a couple of days in unexplored land with tents, so save not a sin .On the average, prepare to lay out from 200-250 thousand..RUB for 14 days .On ships, everything also depends on the duration of the cruise, as well as from the cabin - for a triple room (where there is likely to be at least one two-story bunk) will have to give in the region of 200 thousand .RUR, for superior or luxury - not less than 350 thousand .RUB .But do not wait for such comfort money as in the "Hilton" or "Sheraton" - everything is as sharp as possible for work, thoughts, keeping field diaries and, without it, anywhere, meetings with a glass of brandy .

As a rule, flights to Kamchatka are paid separately.

Land expeditions are traditionally held in July, August and September.

There are two types of expeditions to Kamchatka - land and sea. In the first case, the main means of travel for tourists will be helicopters and cross-country vehicles, well, in the second - reliable expedition and rescue yachts or full ships.

What to see

Depending on the type of expedition - land or sea - depends on what you see. However, wherever you go, everything is amazingly beautiful in Kamchatka, just "wet" kind of travel gives a great romance, but "dry" - reliability and confidence in the firmament under your feet. Traditionally, all expedition routes include a mandatory trip to volcanoes and geysers, national parks and reserves.

In short, the program will look like this: arrival to Kamchatka, check-in at the hotel and helicopter and cross-country excursions around Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky for one or two days (to Khodutkinsky hot springs, Ksudach volcano, Kurilskoye lake and other places). Next - the movement along the route: for example, to the fishing base, to the volcanoes of the Kluchevskaya group, the Uzon caldera, to the Valley of Geysers, to the sea for sea fishing, etc. Then - back to the starting point of the route and go home.

Those who choose a sea expedition should prepare for the next program: boarding a ship in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky and swimming to the distant shores - to the Bay of Olga, where there are gray whales, to the Commander Islands and to the island of Beringa (killer whales, sperm whales, minke whales whales and other dear representatives of the underwater world of Kamchatka), to the coves of the Russian and Cumulus, through the Sea of ​​Okhotsk to the wild Shantar archipelago, to Sakhalin Island Tyuleny Island to Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk. From here, for example, a group can fly home, although some expeditions have a roundabout route, returning to the port of departure. And this is just one of the variants of fascinating sea cruises along the coast of the original, rich and so attractive Kamchatka.