Volcanoes National Park

Rwanda, Volcanoes National Park

National Parks of Rwanda On the territory there are 7 gorilla families. The life of primates is followed in the most careful way: each gorilla has its name and photo in the book-census, and the birth of a gorilla baby is celebrated all over the world. In honor of this they hold the ceremony of Kvita Izin - the naming by the name.

Akager National Park

Rwanda, Akagera National Park

National Parks of Rwanda The Akager National Park is located in the north-east of Rwanda at the border with Tanzania. Its territory is 1200 km square. The local landscape is a textbook African savannah with plains to the horizon and towering here and there with acacia umbrellas.

Newgve National Park

Rwanda, Nyungwe Forest National Park

National Parks of Rwanda The Newgve National Park is in the south-east of Rwanda, at the very border with Burundi. It covers an area of ​​1000 km2. and is one of the last places in Africa, where virgin mountain rainforest rainforests of medium height grow.

There are three national parks on the territory of Rwanda, one of which is truly of planetary significance: the Parc National des Volcans (abbreviated in PNV), the only place on Earth where you can personally see giant mountain gorillas in the immediate vicinity of .Two other parks - Parc National de Nyungwe and Akagera - deserve the closest attention not only of avid animal lovers, but also of any tourist who wants to at least temporarily forfeit the attributes of modern civilization and immerse yourself in a pristine world of tropical nature .