The coat of arms of San Marinohttp: // export = view & id = 1CqE7VvVSA5Ca-GIxjUxR4mLDIcwYN5nk

The history of San Marino begins with the legend of Saint Marino, who fled from the picturesque Dalmatia (now the island of Rab in Croatia) from 298-300 from religious persecution. After working for a while on the site of the present Rimini as a stone quarry, he first opened the quarries on Mount Titano (Monte Titano), where he later built himself a small cell, wishing to retire from the world.

The glory of his holy life began to attract to the mountain a lot of pilgrims who built their homes around the cell of St. Marino, thereby forming a small mountain monastery. Named after its founder, Saint Marino (in Italy, San Marino), this monastery already at the end of the 6th century gained complete independence and political independence.

History of San Marino
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Middle Ages

Over the centuries, the powerful walls of this monastery defended the rights and freedom of its inhabitants. It is known that in 951 in San Marino the Duke Berengar II sheltered from Emperor Otto. Then the fortified ramparts of the commune more than once coped with the raids of the Magyars and the Saracens.

In the 13th century, the commune replaced the power of the people's congress with the General Council. Around the same time, San Marino was expanding its holdings with might and main, acquiring small plots of land from neighbors. Thus it was clamped between the warring neighbors: the possessions of the Counts of Montefeltro (San Leo), who were supporters of the Ghibellines, and Rimini, who stood for the Guelphs. Making his choice in alliance with the counts of Montefeltro, San Marino was subjected to the curse of Pope Innocent IV.

Later Middle Ages

Since then, the Pope's dislike for this monastery has more than once led to fruitless attempts to capture San Marino .Perhaps the most dangerous republic was under the reign of Rimini Malatesta .To avoid a lamentable fate, San Marino had to sign an agreement with Alfonso V of Aragon, King of Naples .It was thanks to this coalition that the republic managed to capture the castle of Fiorentino, which belonged to Malatesta, which since then is listed for San Marino .The villages of Serravalle, Faetano and Montegiardino joined the monastery in 1462, after Pope Pius II resorted to the help of San Marino in his war against Malatesta .The

Renaissance in the history of San Marino

In the 16th century the popes also tried several times to capture San Marino, however, unsuccessfully. In 1543, an army of 500 people thought to break into the city at night, but lost their way in the gorges of Mount Titano. The day of this bloodless victory is still celebrated in the republic.

October 8, 1600 San Marino passed the constitution.

In 1631, Pope Urban VIII recognized the independence of the republic and granted it freedom from customs duties, but due to the fact that San Marino provided fugitives from the lands of the Pope of Asylum, clashes between them arose more than once.

New time

San Marino survived even in the era of revolutionary wars, Napoleon I offered him a friendly alliance, and also did not touch the republic and the Viennese congress. Not surprisingly, since 1831 San Marino has become a favorite refuge of political immigrants.

Due to the fact that San Marino stood apart from the feuds that lasted in Italy in 1859-1860, the republic survived during the unification and in 1862 concluded a treaty of good neighborhood.

San Marino in the newest times and today

During the First World Republic, San Marino was an ally of the Entente, and in the Second World declared its neutrality, which, however, did not save her from a two-week occupation. In 1951, San Marino was thinking of opening a large casino, building a powerful television and radio station, but Italy protested and declared the San Marino blockade. So the miniature state had to give in.

Since 1956 San Marino has received the status of a free economic zone with a low level of taxation. And since July 2008, the historic center of the eponymous capital with the mountain Monte Titano was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Read also about the population and state structure of San Marino. The