Population and device San Marino
 Population and device San Marino
Flag San Marino

San Marino is divided into nine areas - "castelli" (from Italy castelli - "fortresses, towers"):

  1. Accquaviva
  2. Borgo Maggiore
  3. Domagnano
  4. Kjezanuova
  5. Monte Giardino
  6. San Marino (the capital)
  7. Serravalle
  8. Faetano
  9. Fiorentino

Total San- Marino more than 30 settlements, for the most part - small cozy settlements, where the number of local residents is not pr Witzlaus thousand. In the capital, meanwhile, about 4, 5 thousand people live - this is by no means the largest city in the country. The business center of San Marino is Borgo Maggiore, where more than 5,200 Sanmarinians live, and it is only 185 m below the capital. The largest settlement in the country is Serravalle (9,200 people).


Life expectancy at San Marino is quite high - 81, 43 years. At the same time, the average age of residents of the republic today is 39, 6 years. Young people in the city are not so small, Aboriginal people under 15 years old - more than 16%, from 15 to 64 - 67%.

Of course, the lion's share of residents (about 80%) is Sanmarinians, another 19% are Italians. About 13 thousand people live abroad: in Italy, France, the USA and Argentina.

Due to the fact that since 1956 San Marino has the status of a free economic zone with a low level of taxation, many tourists from all countries come here for profitable shopping. Russians among them are a large part, so it is not surprising that in many shops and restaurants of the country they speak in Russian.

Government structure

Highest authority of state power San Marino - A large general council (unicameral parliament), in which there are 60 deputies who change according to the results of elections every 5 years. In addition, every six months, two deputies are appointed "captains-regents", who head the executive branch and are entrusted with the functions of the head of state.

Since ancient times, "Arengo", or the Assembly of heads of families. Today, its functions are reduced to the direction of the captain-regent of petitions relating to the most important issues of the life of the state. Judicial power is exercised by "commissioners on administrative, civil and criminal matters". The highest judicial body is an administrative tribunal established in 1989.

San Marino's sovereignty

San Marino is with Italy in customs and postal union, and the sovereignty of the republic is limited: the country can not independently collect customs fees, to issue their own full-fledged monetary symbols, grow tobacco or produce tobacco products and wine alcohol. For the waiver of these rights, San Marino receives from Italy an annual compensation.

Read also about the history of San Marino.