Belgrade Fortress

Stari Grad, Belgrade

Sights of Serbia The place where "there is a go" Belgrade, the Belgrade fortress occupies the top of a 125-meter hill at the confluence of the Sava and the Danube. The territory inside the fortress walls is divided into two parts - the Lower and Upper Town, each of which is literally crammed with monuments.

St. Sava Cathedral

ul. 2a Krusheldolsk, Belgrade

Sights of Serbia The main temple of the Serbian Orthodox Church and the largest church in the Balkans, St. Sava Cathedral is located in the historic district of Belgrade Vrachare. Its majestic simplicity reminds the temple of the best Byzantine constructions.

Palaces of Belgrade

Sights of Serbia Along with the fortress and the cathedral, four magnificent palaces belong to the main sights of Belgrade, inherited from the dynasties of the first rulers of Serbia after independence from the Ottoman Empire.

House of Flowers

ul. Zhupan Vlastimira, Belgrade

Sights of Serbia Under the romantic name "House of Flowers" lies, as one would imagine, not a botanical park and not a masterpiece of landscape design. Raison d'etre constructions - the mausoleum of the former ruler of Yugoslavia, the odious Josip Broz Tito, whose name is broken many copies.


Drvengrad, Mokra gora

Sights of Serbia The fruit of the indefatigable fantasy of the Serbian director Emir Kusturica, the village of Drvengrad is the embodiment of his love for his native land and nostalgia for peaceful times before the Balkan conflict.

Nikola Tesla Museum

ul. Kruns'ka, 51, Belgrade

Sights of Serbia The national pride of Serbia and the scientist, without which it is impossible to imagine the development of modern science, Nikola Tesla is a man ahead of time. "If you want to understand the universe, think about energy, frequency and vibration," the inventor said.

Derdupa National Park

Borsky District

Sights of Serbia This national park is located in the east of the country, near the Romanian border. The area of ​​the national park exceeds 60 000 hectares, it stretches along the right bank of the Danube for about 100 km. The landscape of the national park is predominantly mountainous.


Scardalia, Belgrade

Sights of Serbia Belgrade "cross between" Arbat and Zhukovka, Skadarlie - a pedestrian quarter, inhabited by representatives of bohemia and nouveaux riches. On the streets, musicians always play here, and on both sides classic dotted mansions alternate with graffiti painted walls of buildings.

Gorge Iron Gate and Golubatskaya fortress

Sights of Serbia Djerdap Gorge (Iron Gate) is located on the territory of the national park of the same name, in the place where the Stara Planina are close to the Carpathians, forming a river gate in the course of the Danube. The length of the gorge is approximately 15 km, width - more than 150 m.

Holdos Hill


Sights of Serbia Gardosh Hill is located in the historical district of Belgrade Zemun, on the right bank of the Danube. It is here that you can feel the mysterious spirit of the charming Belgrade - on the slopes of the hill loop through the narrow medieval streets, on each side of which are crowded "doll" houses.

Serbia, this island is surprisingly rich in nature, for centuries, attracts tourists with the harsh beauty of ancient monasteries, bewitching ancient cities, and at the same time the opportunity to patch up health in the numerous balneological resorts of the country. Not to mention the optimism and affability of the local population, cordially opening its guests not only at home, but also the soul.


Heart of Serbia beats in ancient Belgrade .The stunning and shuddering history of this city is seen in every lane, every avenue or square .This city was completely destroyed 39 times, and a mixture of styles and cultures in a bizarre way merges into a single inimitable ensemble .In the center of the city is the oldest fortress in Europe Kalemegdan, where the Military Museum is located .It is erected from white stone, in its territory can be found and medieval gates, and Orthodox churches, and Muslim graves, and Turkish baths .It is surrounded by this unique complex of park facilities, decorated with numerous monuments .

In a few steps begins the old part of Belgrade Stari Grad, where it is worth looking for museums, palaces and expensive presentable restaurants, wrapped in the haze of history. It is a pleasure to stroll through the picturesque old quarter of Skadarlie, to look into the park of Ada-Siganliya. Nearby find the remains of Roman, medieval Serb and Turkish fortifications.

The heart of Serbia is beating in ancient Belgrade. The stunning and shuddering history of this city is seen in every lane, every avenue and square.

Neighborhoods of Belgrade

Smederevo - the largest flat fortress in Europe - the Brankovich fortress, located in the center of the complex of buildings "Small" and "Big" cities.

Kragujevac can boast a cathedral in the Byzantine style. Lovers of splendid serenity will find harmony and silence in the medieval monasteries of Zhich and Mileshev, in Studenice and Sopochan or in the ancient Mileshevsky monastery in Priepolye, where the relics of St. Sava of Tyrnov and the world-famous fresco "White Angel on the Lord's Tomb" are stored. ±​​$ br >


The destiny and destiny of the city of Nis is surprising, which by chance happened at the crossroads between the East and the West, between the cultures of the Balkans and Europe, torn by the Slavic world and the Islamic religion coming from the south. It was here that the emperor Constantine the Great was born. Being a caravan park of merchants and a place where pilgrims flocked, the city was covered with legends, many of which cause great appetite among tourists.

Monastery of Sv .Paraskeva Iverskaya, monastery of Sv .George in the valley near the village of Kamenice, the Monastery of Our Lady in the Sichevachka-Klisura gorge, the legendary structures "The Tower of Vesla", "The Death Gate", the tragic Bubanj Memorial is just a small fraction of all the riches hiding among the cobweb streets of the bustling city and its colorful neighborhoods $ .The oldest monuments have long become the symbols of Nis: the early Christian crypt of the 4th century on the Kosovske-Devozhka street, the mausoleum in Nishka-Banya, the remains of the church Sv .Archangel Gabriel built on the slopes of Mount Oblik in Sichevachka-Klisura gorge, Byzantine basilica and crypt in Ostrovice, thermae and nymphaeum in Median, Early Christian basilica in Yagodin-Mala quarter .

A trip to the village of Horni-Mateževac, which is a museum of medieval architecture under the open sky, is only one and a half kilometers from Nis. And next to the town of Cacak is the "Serbian Athos" or Troitsky monastic complex, which includes Vvedensky, Voznesensky, Preobrazhensky, Sretensky and Holy Trinity, Blagoveshchensky, Nikolsky and St. John the Baptist.

Novi Sad

Novi Sad is the capital of Vojvodina, the main attraction in which is the fortress of Petrovaradin. Now you can rent a room in it, go down to the museum halls, then dine "medieval" in the restaurant. Also it is worth to warm up and stroll to the museums of the Revolution, Painting and Archeology, bypassing the Church of the Great Martyr St. George, the Assumption Church, the St. Nicholas Church.

Do not miss the tourists and the complex of the Military Hospital Petrovaradin, and the Franciscan monastery Sv .Ivan Kapistran .Admire the Catholic Cathedral of St..Maria with a tall tower is better in the rays of the setting Serbian sun .Beauty is wonderful! As for the museums, the town tried its best: the Museum of Vojvodina and the ethnic complex of Brnnar, the Novi Sad City Museum in the fortress, the Institute for the Protection of the Cultural Heritage of Vojvodina on the boulevard M .Pupin, the Theater Museum of Vojvodina on King Alexander Street, the Museum of Modern Art and many others - there is where to go, there is something to see .

The destiny and destination of the city of Nis is amazing, which by chance happened to be at the crossroads between the east and west, between the cultures of the Balkans and Europe.


In the very north of the country, Subotica, a multilingual subordinate, half of its population speaks Hungarian, being only 10 km from the Hungarian border .Directly to the gates of the city, a capricious Pushta (Pusta), a steppe covering most of Hungary .Thanks to the mixture of different cultures, the architecture of the city is unique and unique, as you can see by getting acquainted with the old Town Hall, where the Historical Museum is located, walking with an interested view through the Halls of the Art Gallery in Lenin Park, having examined the Subotica Episcopate on Kharambasicheva Street, The .George and the Gradsko-Kucha complex, having scotographed the "Reichle Palace" .