Twenty-five minutes flight to the east of Mahe Island by helicopter Air Seychelles separates the guests of the Seychelles from the island of Frigate. This island, two kilometers long and not more than a kilometer wide, boasts two picturesque hills, lush vegetation, three deserted beaches and one luxury hotel.

On this tiny island there is only one, but a chic hotel.

The hotel has a promising name Fregate Island 5 *, it is built on the shore of Victoria Bay, which is the most beautiful beach of the island, and consists of several separate villas. In each villa there is only one huge multi-room, each has its own swimming pool. In total, the hotel is designed for 40 guests maximum.

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Entertainment, excursions and attractions of Frigate

The main "treasures" of the Frigate are its flora and fauna. The island is buried in greenery and flowers. There you can see a Dutch pigeon and hear the roulades of the singing magpies, and at the same time - meet one of the largest and harmless land tortoises. They were brought to the island of Frigate from the Aldabra reserve back in the 50's. Some of the local "tortillas" - more than a hundred years.

2 things to do on Frigate
  1. Lie on the beach, close your eyes and listen to the sound of the waves.
  2. Dissolve in tropical nature and forget who you are and where.

Photo of the Frigate (13)