Bojnice Castle

Bojnice, Zamok a okolie, 1

Castles of Slovakia Bojnice Castle is located on a hill and is surrounded by the same city. This citadel is one of the oldest and most valuable in Slovakia. It exists for more than 10 centuries - the first mention of the Bojnice castle is found in historical documents in 1113.

Bratislava Castle

Zámocká 862/2

Castles of Slovakia Bratislava Castle is a monumental castle, a massive quadrangular structure towering above the city on a cliff above the left bank of the Danube, on the southern spur of the Lesser Carpathians. It symbolizes more than a thousand-year-old Slovak history, and its towers and terraces in front of the main facade offer a magnificent view of the city and the surrounding area.

Betliar Castle

Betliar, Lesna, 6

Castles of Slovakia Betliar Castle, built in the 15th century, is considered one of the most visited castles in Slovakia. Still this castle is a real hunting museum, which reflects the tastes and hobbies of its owners - the Andrashi family. Since 1985, Betliyar Castle and its surrounding park have been regarded as national cultural monuments of Slovakia.

Castle Budmierice

Budmerice, Revolucna

Castles of Slovakia Castle Budmerice is included in the list of national monuments of Slovakia. Ши Cшиши Cши C C Cши C C Cшиши C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C Cши C Cши C Cши C Cши C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C Built the castle of Count Jan Frantisek Palfi in 1889. The rich aristocrat was fond of the architecture of France and wanted to make a house for himself in a similar style.

Krasna Gorka Castle

Krasnohorske Podhradie, 41

Castles of Slovakia Admire the medieval architecture of the castle come thousands of tourists every year. Looks like Krasna Gorka, as they traditionally draw locks on illustrations in books: a majestic white stone building, standing on a high hill.

Sveta Anton Castle

Svaty Anton, 575

Castles of Slovakia Built in the 15th century. the castle of Sveta Anton has been on the UNESCO World Heritage List since 1985. This is one of the most popular castles in Slovakia, it is always included in tourist routes. Initially, the noble family of Kohari built Sveta Anton in the Gothic style.

Zvolenky Castle

Zvolen, Namestie Slovenskeho narodneho povstania

Castles of Slovakia Zvolensky Castle is a historical monument of Slovakia. In spite of numerous perestroika, it has remained in excellent condition, and its appearance has changed little. The last major reconstruction of the building was carried out in the middle of the last century. Now the castle houses the Slovak National Gallery.

Kezmarsky Castle

Kezmarok, Hradne namestie, 64/42

Castles of Slovakia Kezmarsky Castle is the main attraction of the High Tatras. Tourists coming to the High Tatras to a ski resort, as a rule, do not deny themselves the pleasure to spend several hours studying the history and architecture of a perfectly preserved castle.

Oravskiy Grad

Oravsky Podzamok

Castles of Slovakia Oravsky Castle is one of the most colorful castles in Slovakia. It is located on the bank of the river Orava on a steep rock at an altitude of 112 m, so sometimes it is called "Eagle's Nest". From the castle you can see a splendid view of the valley.

Spišsky Grad

Spisske Podhradie, Stefanikova, 957/109

Castles of Slovakia The most significant castle in Slovakia is the Spišsky Grad. The splendidly preserved, with its rich architecture and interior decoration, an interesting history, the Spišsky Grad rises above the small town of Spišské Podgorie. There is a castle on the dolomite rocks at an altitude of 200 m.

Strechnyanskiy Grad


Castles of Slovakia The Strechnyanskiy Grad was built in the late 13th and early 14th centuries by the aristocrat Matush Chak, who was considered the king of the western part of Slovakia. For three centuries the owners of the castle had several, and by the end of the 17th century the fortress had perished.

Most tourists come to Slovakia not because of ski resorts or sanatoriums in an area where clean air can literally be drunk. Although, of course, these kinds of pastime have many fans. But first of all they go to Slovakia for the sake of architectural impressions. In the country there are more than 170 medieval castles.

However, they are all kept in a different state - there are shiny palaces and ruined fortresses. But they are all different: among the castles of Slovakia there are also gloomy Gothic castles with dungeons and huge parks, and modest monasteries, and lush palaces with Renaissance architecture.

Among the castles of Slovakia are a lot of "high-rise". Thus, the Oravsky Castle (Oravsky Podzamok) rises on a steep cliff above the Orava River at an altitude of 112 m and strikes the eye with a composition of three separate buildings "attached" to the profile of the rock. A Strechnyanskiy Grad hovers on a cliff at an altitude of 420 m above sea level. You can imagine what kind of view opens from the fortress - it is worth it to sweat, climb the rock and look from it to the valley of the river Bar.

In some regions of the country there are a lot of architectural monuments, for example in the Spišské Region, the center of which is the famous Spišsky Grad. This castle is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List (with the addition of six more castles of Slovakia). Spišsky Castle is considered to be the main castle of Slovakia, and most often it is depicted on all kinds of souvenirs, dedicated to the country.

In Slovakia, more than 170 medieval castles have been preserved.

If the most popular character of the castles of Romania is Dracula, then Slovakia also has its bloody heroes.

Fans of horrors should visit the Chakhtinsky Castle. Here lived the famous Elena Bathory. It is believed that this woman killed more than 650 people. The bloody countess was very cruel to beautiful girls, and all the murders fell into her hands. The bloody horrors of the past have become a well-sold legend - there are enough tourists in the Chakhtinsky castle.

The ghost castle in Bojnice is one of the most beautiful and oldest castles in Europe. In the vicinity there is a zoo and a thermal pool Eva.

Every self-respecting castle (and in Slovakia, if you still do not know, just these) is simply obliged to have your own ghost. Well, every self-respecting ghost (and in the Slovak castles ... well, you understand) must certainly have an eerie, dramatic story, if possible - with elements of romance and unhappy love.

Therefore, a rare tourist will fly from Slovakia without two or three variations of the tragic and romantic story of the "white Pani". For example, in the castle of Moshovce the ghost of the countess, who married against her will and died from grief after the execution of her lover, dwells. And her colleague from the castle Devin was at one time the daughter of his owner - a girl of exceptional beauty, withered from lack of exercise and fresh air in the tower, where her own father sharpened her, to hide from numerous competitors hands and hearts.

Bojnice Castle, Betliar, Budmeritsa, Zvolensky Castle - all worth visiting.

Almost all castles in Slovakia work as museums, in which the history of the country is kept from feudal fragmentation until the end of the 19th century.

It is especially pleasant that the cost of tickets to most castles is democratic, there are discounts for students and children. When planning excursions, remember that many castles are closed on Mondays, and in the winter months the visit time is short.

In Bratislava, there is a special card Bratislava City Card, which gives the right to free travel on public transport and various discounts in museums, galleries and concert halls. The card is valid for 1, 2 or 3 days and costs 10, 12 or 15 EUR, respectively.