Cape Town Hotels

Book a hotel in South Africa at the best price

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Expert Reviews of South African Hotels

South Africa hotels
Anna Poznyakova
South Africa (South Africa), despite being literally on the other side of the Earth, is one of the most developed and "Europeanized" African countries. The state is rich in tourist opportunities for a wide range of tourists. There are all kinds of tourism: sightseeing, beach, active, eco-tourism, tours for VIP, etc. And since tourism is very well developed and is one of the income items of South Africa, the infrastructure (including the hotel base) meets the requirements of tourists any level and income.

Even three-star hotels in South Africa try to "keep the brand" and offer tourists quality service, comfort, cleanliness, good food (however, in South Africa everywhere a good kitchen), various additional services .Hotels 4 * can be easily recommended to even pretentious tourists, and the "five" open their potential with might and main: with concepts, good service, right up to the personal names of some rooms .However, tourists traveling to South Africa should not count on "cheap" prices - still can not be said that hotels are cheap .Contract prices that contract hotels with tour operators working on the direction, as well as various hotel promotions and promotional prices.For example, living in several hotels of the same chain in different cities can save up to 20-30% of the cost .The There are no serious specific features for South Africa hotels. They work most often on the basis of breakfast, but if desired, in the hotel restaurant you can have lunch and dinner for an additional fee. By the way, in restaurants you can get a real gastronomic pleasure, for example, in Cape Town you can find fresh seafood, worthy of gourmet. Almost all South African hotels accept bank cards of major types (Visa, MasterCard, etc.) for payment.

Hotels and resorts in South Africa

All 5 * hotels in Cape Town are suitable for VIP tourists and individuals, however, it is not entirely correct to divide the hotel's hotel base into tourist categories. Cape Town is universal and its hotels are suitable for family or youth recreation, and for business trips. More information on the page "Hotels in Cape Town."

Sun City does not go to any coast, but it does not become less attractive to tourists. Family and youth recreation is developed here, and there is also an activity for lovers of active recreation and eco-tourism. More information on the page "Hotels in Sun City."

Durban - an oceanfront resort in South Africa, located on the shores of the Indian Ocean. Most often, Durban is combined with other cities of South Africa as a beach holiday after the program is completed. More information on the page "Hotels in Durban".

Johannesburg - a city - a business center, where the entire economic life of South Africa is concentrated. The city is the largest international airport-hub, from where you can fly to anywhere in South Africa and the world. Johannesburg is interesting for its museums, shopping centers, but tourists for more than 1-2 nights here rarely stop, the main contingent - businessmen. More information on the page "Hotels in Johannesburg".