It can not be said that Tunisia directly grabs the stars from the tourist sky, but its annual "portion" of tourists (and for the most part - tourists), it gets stable .At the same time it could be considered a very ordinary beach destination with a good sea without excessive underwater beauties, medium "excursion" and not too modern hotels .If not for one "but" called thalassotherapy .Successfully borrowing from their former colonialists-French "technology" thalassotherapy, the Tunisians, unfortunately, still have not bothered to properly deal with their hotel fund .

So it extends to this day: the thalasso in the country is quite on the level and at very attractive prices, but the hotels - alas and ah - are mostly very old, with small areas. And, besides, a few. The idea to offer almost the same to tourists as in Europe, but at lower prices brings profit for more than a year: a fair number of fans of wraps and coatings confirm this. If there were more new hotels in the country, things would be even better with tourism.

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The capital is Tunis (Tunis).

The main resorts of Tunisia: Hammamet, Sousse, Monastir, Mahdia, Djerba Island.

Also noteworthy are the small resorts of Tabarka, Bizerta, Gammarth, Nabeul and a thermal resort in the mountains of Ain Draham.

Tunisia? I can confirm: such a country, with the same capital, exists for sure .Otherwise, where would my plane land? There and summer, apparently, is .But I will not write about this, because I myself have not seen .No summer, no camels, no Carthage, no discos in Sousse, no bazaar in Hammamet ... I'm sure there will be a lot of people who know a lot and can tell about Tunis .But this is not me .I'm on the other .About the most refined, from my point of view, rest: the luxury of being alone with yourself $ $ .This is why I return here every winter here .And the weather? Thalasso does not have bad weather .
Yuliya Boldinuk


  • 1 How to get
    • 1.1 Search for air tickets to Tunisia - $
  • 2 Tunisian visa
  • 3 Customs
  • 4 Useful phones
  • 5 Money and currency exchange
  • 6 Transport
  • 7 Rent a car
  • 8 Safety of tourists
  • 9 Climate
  • 10 Beaches of Tunisia - $
  • 11 Tunis hotels
    • 11.1 Book hotel in Tunis at the best price
  • 12 Shopping and shopping
  • 13 Cuisine and restaurants in Tunisia - $
  • 14 Entertainment, sightseeing and sightseeing
  • 15 Popular Tunisia excursions
  • 16 Diving in Tunisia - $
    • 16.1 We also recommend

How to get

Direct regular flights from Moscow to Tunisia are performed by Nouvelair and Tunisair all the year round (with a landing at the capital's Tunis-Cartage airport). In the summer, Transaero flies to the newly built Anfida Airport, halfway between Sousse and Hammamet, and also operates several flights a week to Monastir Airport. In high season, a charter flight to Djerba is added. You can also get to the country by Alitalia through Rome or Turkish Airlines via Istanbul, but it's more expensive and longer: from 6, 5 hours.

In the season before Anfida, Monastir and the capital of the country, many charters are put from Moscow, St. Petersburg and other cities of Russia, as well as Minsk and Kiev. Time in the air - 4 hours with a little.

Details about the charter program in Tunisia from Russian cities are told on the page of Charter flights to Tunisia.
  • Flight program in Tunisia - $
  • Moscow - Tunisia: how to get

Search for air tickets to Tunisia - $

Tunisian visa

From December 1, 2014, Russian citizens do not need a visa to Tunisia. At the entrance to the country it is enough to present a valid passport, the validity of which is at least 3 months at the date of entry.

On the approach to Tunisia in an airplane special immigration cards are distributed. They can also be found on the desks in the arrival hall. The card must be filled out with basic information: name, date of entry and exit, name of the hotel. At the passport control the border guard will take one part of the card, and the second will put it in your passport. It must be saved and given away when leaving the country.


Video cameras are subject to declaration (cameras and accessories for them should not be indicated). Alcohol with a strength of up to 25 ° can be carried to 2 liters, drinks stronger than 25 ° - to a liter, and cigarettes - no more than 20 packs.

It is forbidden to import and export the national currency of Tunisia, some animals, medicines, hides and skins, pornography, drugs, weapons and explosives, antiques. For exporting carpets and jewelry from the country, you need to present at the customs check received in the store when you buy them.

When exchanging currency, you need to take a receipt: it will allow you to exchange dinars back to dollars or EUR before the departure (but not more than 100 TND, and only paper bills), provided that the total amount of receipts is not less than 300 TND. And "duty free" at the airport does not accept dinars for payment.
  • Are there any restrictions on the importation of monetary funds?
Traveling in Tunisia - $

Useful phones

Embassy of Tunisia in Moscow: st. M. Nikitskaya, 28/1; tel .: (495) 691-28-58

The Russian Embassy in Tunisia and the Consular Section: El Manar 1, rue des Bergamottes, 4; tel .: (71) 882-446 (round the clock), 882-757; emergency questions: (28) 400-094, website is

Information Office ONTT: (73) 225-157 (Mahdia), (72) 280-423 (Hammamet), (73) 225-157 (Sousse), (73) 462-894 (Monastir)

Local reference service: 120/12, international: 17, fire service: 198, police: 197, first aid: 190

Telephone codes of cities: Tunisia - 71, Hammamet - 72, Sousse, Monastir, Mahdia - 73.

Money and currency exchange

Exchange currency can be at the reception desk of hotels, bank branches, post office and in recent exchange offices - they are usually located near the hotels or shopping areas. The rate is about the same everywhere, the difference is literally a penny. Equally willing to exchange, both dollars and EUR are accepted. When exchanging currency, you need to take a receipt: it will allow you to exchange unused dinars back to dollars or EUR before the departure (no more than 3000 TND, and only paper bills).

ATMs are ubiquitous: it is mandatory for bank branches, as well as in large stores and some hotels.

You can withdraw money from the ATM only in local currency - neither dollars nor EUR are issued.

To learn before the trip, the current rate of the Tunisian dinar can be found on the website of the National Bank of Tunisia (the information is updated daily).

Traditional Tunisian drink - strong green tea with mint, brewed together with pine nuts or almonds.


It is convenient to travel around the country on high-speed trains with three classes of carriages: the second hard, the first improved (air conditioning and blinds) and comfortable (air conditioning, blinds, increased distance between the seats and careful attitude of the conductors). Tickets are sold at stations, the price depends on the distance of the trip.

In the cities and between them there are buses, quite comfortable and air-conditioned. Tickets are sold at the conductor, payment for travel - zonal. On the route Tunisia - La Gulet - La Mars there are TGM trams running, they cost 1-2 TND.

The most convenient form of personal transport is the usual yellow taxi .Payment on the counter (it is worthwhile to make sure that the driver turned it on, and also remember that it shows the milli, which in one dinar is 1000) .When negotiating with a driver about a fixed price, it's important to immediately specify the cost per car .The cost of landing - 430 millimeters, 1 km will cost a little less than a dinar .More than 4 people do not carry taxis, even if they are children .The night rate is valid from 21:00 to 5:00, it is 50% more expensive .By the way, the counter in this case immediately turns on the night rate, and the driver's assurance that "this is the daily price, you need to add another half" you must resolutely stop $ $ .

"Luizh", 8-seater minibuses of white color with yellow or blue stripe on board (ply inside the city) or with red (long-distance) are sent as they fill and are quite cheap: 1-2 TND inside the city and 4-6 TND between cities.

  • What are the main Tunisian airports?
  • What is the cost of air tickets to Tunisia?

Maps of Tunisia - $

Rent a car

Renting the most affordable car will cost 80 TND per day. The driver must be at least 21 years old, and the driver's license must be issued no less than a year ago. You can rent a car at the hotel, at the airport or at the numerous rental offices in the resort areas.

In Tunisia, European traffic rules apply. On the roads should be very careful: first, the Tunisian police do not sleep, and secondly, the actions of other drivers are often far from the rules and simple logic. It is always necessary to have all the documents with you, and for movement in the Sahara you need a special permission from the local authorities (in some areas, entry is allowed only on all-wheel-drive jeeps).

9 things to do in Tunisia - $
  1. Wander through the ruins of Carthage.
  2. Arrange a photo session in the white-blue Sidi Bou Said.
  3. To pass a course of healing thalassotherapy.
  4. Admire the Roman coliseum in El Jem.
  5. Buy a chocolate shade of skin on the best beaches of North Africa.
  6. Listen to the songs of sand in the Sahara.
  7. Dine with couscous.
  8. Meet the sunrise on the salt lake of Schott El Jerid.
  9. To the dump to eat the dates and take home a couple of liters of olive oil.

Safety of tourists

In the country it is necessary to adhere to standard security measures: to check money without departing from cash desk (delivery can give incorrectly), and valuable things, money and documents to store in the hotel safe. In addition, one should not walk with bare shoulders and in shorts around the capital and the old Muslim neighborhoods of cities. It is forbidden to photograph the presidential palace, military facilities and people in uniform.

No vaccinations are required before visiting Tunisia. Water from the tap, although suitable for drinking (the Tunisians themselves are proud of its quality), but it is recommended to use bottled, it costs a penny - 0, 5-0, 6 TND for 1, 5 l.

  • Is it dangerous to rest in Tunisia a single woman? $
  • Things to fear while traveling to Tunisia - $


The climate of Tunisia is very favorable. In summer, typical for these places, the heat at +33 .. + 35 ° C is tolerated quite easily due to the dryness of the air. The average temperature in January in the south is +21 ° C. The swimming season lasts from late May to late October. The Mediterranean Sea warms up well over the summer, and even in the autumn months, the water temperature does not drop below +20 ° C. On Djerba - the climate is special: there is a very mild winter and a fairly comfortable temperature throughout the year. See also the weather forecast for the main resorts of Tunis for the next few days.

  • Which resort in Tunisia is better to rest in October?
  • What is the weather in Tunis in August?
  • What is the weather in Tunis in June?
Sidi Bou Said

Beaches of Tunisia - $

All beaches are municipal. Some hotels are assigned separate parts of the beach, which are diligently guarded, and there is practically no local population there. In most cases, the hotel provides guests with sun beds and umbrellas (in "treshki" - for an additional fee, and in 4-5 "stars", as a rule, free of charge). All beaches are sandy.

The acquisition of a magical chocolate shade of skin with a peach note is promoted by the local natural Olive & Citron remedy - a mixture of olive oil and lemon juice (also available in the SPF version). It can be purchased at any store or supermarket.

Tunis hotels

Really high-level hotels in the country are very few: the officially declared hotel category often does not correspond to reality and turns out to be a "star" below $ $ .But most of the Tunisian hotels are located right on the coast and have a very green territory, except for city hotels and some hotels in prestigious tourist centers..Almost every hotel has cosmetic treatment centers where you can take a course of thalassotherapy .There are also quite unusual hotels in Tunisia: from Skywalker's house from Star Wars to awnings in the middle of the desert..

An unpleasant fact: the territory of many inexpensive Tunisian hotels can almost freely penetrate the local population, which is not accepted either in Egypt or in Turkey. Mains voltage is everywhere in hotels - 220 V, everywhere "eurosettes".

Animation programs in Tunisia are usually more fun in hotels 3-4 *, and not in the "five".
  • What type of food is better to choose for rest in Tunis hotels?
  • In which Tunis hotels can survive with pets
  • The cost of spa treatments in Tunis hotels is
  • What is the "All inclusive" system in Tunisia $ $

Book hotel in Tunis at the best price

Shopping and shopping

The traditional Tunisian souvenir is a "sand rose", ceramics, Berber jewelry made of silver, embossing, hookah ("shisha"), oriental sweets, dates. Bubbling souvenirs: liqueur "Tibarin", vodka "Bukh" from figs or dates, local wines. Carriages from Kairouan are famous throughout the East, they are made here by hand from silk, cashmere and wool.

From 8:00 to 12:00 and from 16:00 to 20:00 on weekdays, Tunisian stores are waiting for their customers. During Ramadan, there is a special mode of work - from 9:00 to 14:00 and from dusk until late at night.

Everything you need for recreation can be bought at the shops on site, but outside the same products will be much cheaper. Almost every resort town of Tunisia has state supermarkets Monoprix and General. In stores with the inscription "fixed price", the price, of course, fixed, but in the rest you can buy bargains. About what interesting can be brought from Tunisia, read on this page.

  • What are the prices in Tunisia?
  • The cost of spa treatments in Tunis hotels is
  • What to bring with you from Tunisia - $
  • What souvenirs to bring from Tunisia?

Cuisine and restaurants in Tunisia - $

A distinctive feature of Tunisian cuisine - a lot of dishes from tuna (which is considered to be the country and owes its name) .It is added here almost in everything - from salads to baking .Widely used are all kinds of spices, aromatic herbs and vegetable oils, most often olive oil .Traditional drink of Tunisia - strong green tea with mint, brewed together with pine nuts or almonds .A great popularity is also enjoyed by coffee, especially with cardamom .More information about gastronomic traditions of Tunisia and the intricacies of going to a restaurant can be found on the page of Tunisian cuisine .

Ancient Tunisia Tunisia
Ancient Tunisia
Deserts of Tunisia - $ Tunisia
Sahara Desert
Tunisian Gulf Tunisia
Gulf of Carthage

Entertainment, sightseeing and sightseeing

In the city of Tunisia, it is worth taking a stroll along the colonial Avenue Habiba Bourguiba, visiting the old city (medina), founded as far back as the 8th century, the Zitoun Mosque, Torbet el Bay mausoleum, the Dar El Bay and Dar Bin Abdell palaces, Bardot, in which the magnificent Mosaic Museum is opened.

An impressive landmark of Tunisia is Carthage with its amphitheater and Birsa Hill, where the Cathedral of St. Louis and the National Museum of Carthage are located, as well as the therms of Emperor Antoninus Pius and the impressive tanks for collecting water from the Maalga.

Sidi Bou Said - located 17 km from the city of Tunisia picturesque village on a hill, at the foot of which splashing waves of the Carthaginian Gulf. The Impressionist painting revived: a spray of bright pink bougainvilleas on white plaster, azure azure and a sea of ​​classic "sea wave" color.

You can go on an excursion to Kairouan, where to visit the main mosque and see the ruins of the Palace of the ruler in the suburbs. And if you have free time and desire - and still have plenty of bargaining in the carpet workshops.

In the ancient city of Dugga there is a monument of the "Three Gods" erected in honor of Jupiter, Minerva and Juno, the temple of the goddess Juno Celeste, the Roman baths, the triumphal arch, and the remains of an ancient amphitheater.

The Douz is like a curtain separating Tunis from Tunisia, which is civilized from Tunisia, and when you turn it away, you become stunned in amazement before the silent greatness of the Sahara desert. Tunisians themselves call this small city - the gate to the Sahara, and in support of these words on the very edge of Duse, in front of the Great Dune, there is a monument in the form of a key. It's very hot, very quiet and insanely beautiful.

El-Kef is a small town with a population of 50,000 at a distance of 175 km from the country's capital and just 40 km from the border with Algeria, the olive heart of Tunisian outback and a strategic point on the way to several carefully hidden history of Tunisia miracles. ±​​$ br >

In addition, new pleasant experiences await in Tunisia literally at every step - you just have to abandon the vain and allow yourself to smell, eat and listen.

Mandatory tours to Tunisia - a two-day trip to the Sahara and a trip to Tunis, Carthage and the picturesque Sidi Bou Said.
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Popular Tunisia excursions

The most popular excursion in Tunisia is a two-day tour of the country with a visit to the Sahara (210 TND): a Roman amphitheater in the city of El Jem, settlements of Berber troglodytes in Matmata, camel riding on barkhans and overnight in Douza, a three-hour jeep ride in the desert and a visit to Kairouan - the holy city of Maghreb.

Other excursions: Tunisia - Carthage - Sidi Bou Said (75 TND), Cap Bon Peninsula (65 TND), a trip to the Phrygia animal park and the Zulu show (a possible option with dinner), a visit to the light-music performance about the history of the country "Medinat Alzahra", half-day excursions El-Jem - Kairouan, Sousse - Monastir - El Jem. A sightseeing tour to the north of Tunisia is gaining popularity for two days with a visit to the "Tunisian Switzerland" of Ain Draham, the coral resort of Tabarka, the French colonial city of Bizerte and the Roman ruins of Duggy.

Those who want to tear themselves away from the perishable and immerse themselves in the eternal can take long trips through the vastness of the Sahara.

Diving in Tunisia - $

Although the underwater world of Tunisia is inferior to, say, Egyptian, however, the diver, immersed in a successful place, still will not remain here alone: ​​he will be visited by groupers, sea bass, crucian carp and bream, red mullet, shrimp, squid and octopus. The best diving is in Tabarka, it is in its coastal waters that the largest coral reef in the Mediterranean is located, and on its coast is the largest diving center in the country. By the way, every year a festival of underwater photography takes place in Tabarka.

Professional dive centers are still in Port El Kantaoui and Mahdia. Dive sites near Port El Kantaoui are at a shallow depth (10-20 m) and are well suited for beginners. Advanced divers are interested in wrecks near the cape. Photo of Tunisia (386)

Maps of Tunisia
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Is it possible to visa-free entry of a citizen of Kazakhstan to Tunisia, if departure from Russia
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Will there be difficulties with the return from Tunisia, if the validity of the passport is less than 3 months
How to get a visa to Tunisia to travel to friends
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How to get a visa to Tunisia for a Russian living abroad
Are there any fees or charges at the entrance to Tunisia
How to get a visa to Tunisia for self-organized leisure
Visa to Tunisia
Is it possible to enter without a visa to Tunisia from France on a tour package
Can I stay in Tunisia on a tourist visa for a month and a half
Is it possible to transfer the valid visa to Tunisia from the old one to the new passport
Do I need a visa to Tunisia, if the trip is not on a tour package
Is it possible to issue a Schengen visa in advance if you are planning a trip to Tunisia, and from there transfer to Malta and Sicily
What period of validity should a passport have for a trip to Tunisia
Is it possible to apply for a visa to Tunisia in St. Petersburg
Can I go to Tunisia on a valid passport, but with a girl's name
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Is it possible to travel from Tunis to Ghadames
Is it possible to fly to rest in Tunisia from Ukraine to the Russians
Do I need a visa to Tunisia for Russian citizens arriving in the country via France at the invitation of friends
Can a Russian citizen visa-free enter Tunisia through Turkey if the residence permit expired
Do I need a visa to Tunisia if an independent trip is planned, rather than a ticket
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Do I need to get a visa to Tunisia, if the rest is organized independently, without the participation of the travel agency
Is the account statement the basis for obtaining a visa to Tunisia, if the tourist does not officially work
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Alexandra Azarova
Marina Zaikina
Flights to Tunisia
Tunis hotels
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Towns and resorts of Tunisia
Tours to Tunisia
Photos Tunisia
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Russian-Arabic (Tunisian dialect) phrasebook