Pyramids of Guimar

On the island of Tenerife, belonging to the archipelago of the Canary Islands, there is one enigmatic and interesting attraction - the Pyramids of Guimar .The building is a complex of six stepped pyramids, supplemented by stony terraces .This place does not enjoy very much popularity among domestic tourists, and in vain is .The ethnographic park created here allows you to see the pyramids, learn theories of their origin and learn many more interesting things about the history of ancient civilizations..In addition, the park has an exhibition of Canary Island plants .

Riddles of the Pyramids of Guimar Riddles of the Pyramids of Guimar

Two ideas for the creation of the pyramids in Guimara

It is known that the pyramids in Huimar are built of volcanic stones. The dating of such materials is senseless, because they appeared simultaneously with the island of Tenerife.

As a result of studies conducted in the early 90's, scientists concluded that the pyramids were created not earlier than the XIX century. However, the well-known scientist anthropologist Thor Heyerdahl believed that the age of the pyramids is much older - they should be related to ancient cultures and peoples living in the Canary Islands.

Modern theory

Scientists who conducted point excavations in the body of the pyramids, decided that they were built only in the 19th century. According to their version, they were erected when farmers removed stones from surrounding fields that would be able to plow the land there. According to some testimonies, earlier on the island it was possible to meet many similar structures in different places. In Güimar itself there were nine pyramids, but some were later disassembled, and the material was sent to build new houses.

Arguments of Tour Heyerdah

In fact, the theory of modern scientists does not explain why the pyramids of Guimar have a clear astronomical orientation. For example, during the summer solstice one side of the pyramids will indicate the direction exactly in the sun. In addition, in the evening you can observe the effect of "double sunset"

Tour Heyerdahl believed that the pyramids were built by the people of Guanche - the aborigines of the Canary Islands, which were completely exterminated by the Spanish conquerors, who appeared on the islands in the early 15th century. Guanches were tall, white-skinned, red-haired and blue-eyed, and more like Europeans. However, the level of their development was quite low - they lived in caves, engaged in primitive farming and cattle breeding. They did not know how to make metal tools or weapons.

By the way, under one of the pyramids was found a cave - in which the Guanches lived. There were found objects and remains of animal bones, dated to the period, 500 years before the arrival of the Spaniards on the islands.