Anyone who has ever been to Madeira remains in love with this magical place all his life. Here the mountains are just on the ocean, and they are full of life. From the very tops of the mountain streams run gaily and cascade of waterfalls, many of which form small mountain lake-basins. And around the riot of greenery, diluted with bright colors and a fragrance of exotic flowers.

Even in winter, the air temperature here does not fall below +18 ° C, whereas in the summer it is never sultry and the thermometer is kept at + 26 ° C. And even the seaside waters of Madeira are always warm, because the Gulf Stream is very near.

Opened was an island in the 15th century by Joao Zark, whose ship was nailed to the shores of Madeira by the storm .He gave the name to the island, which translates as "forest" .Today the forests of Madeira are protected and occupy more than sixty percent of the entire territory .No less important are the botanical gardens, where exotic plants from around the world are collected .And if you want to see all this magnificence from a bird's eye view, you can make an ascent to Pico-Ruivo, which is the highest point of the island, from here all Madeira - as in the palm of your hand .

On the island itself there are no beaches, they are on the nearby island of Porto Santo]

It is worth noting that on the island itself there are no beaches, they are on the nearby island of Porto Santo. And so, every hotel has a huge swimming pool. In general, Madeira hotels have a high level of service, in almost all of them there are SPA centers where the world's best programs for skin care of the face and body are carried out. Most hotels are four- and five-star. There is everything for active recreation - sports grounds, tennis courts, mountain bike routes, a huge water park, etc.

Landscapes of Madeira

How beautiful the nature of Madeira is, its architectural heritage is so interesting .That there is only an ancient women's monastery in the vicinity of a small village Curral-dash-Freyash .Here, when hundreds of years ago pirates regularly made outings to the island, behind the high impregnable walls the nuns felt safe .Learn about the life of the hereditary fishermen Madeira, and see how to prepare, and most importantly to try, the world-famous madera in the village of Kamara do Lobusz .In Funchal there is a magnificent cathedral of St. Clara and an old factory, on which the famous embroidery "burdadosh" is made .

First of all, Madeira should try Espetada de Carne - a meat baked at the stake, marinated in a special sauce, prepared according to a traditional recipe, a swordfish, and of course exotic fruits that grow only here.
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