Types of Spain

Spain did not force us to wait so long for the normalization of the housing sales sector. Real estate in Spain since the spring of 2011 is again at its height and in price. According to the Spanish company CostablancaVIP, since the beginning of 2011 of all sold housing, 38% are transactions with foreigners. 14% of them were English, while 12% were foreign citizens who are not EU citizens, that is, such as we are with you.

The Spanish market and the leaked statement that the star couple Jolie-Pitt gather with their nannies and parents for the summer to move to Spain, respectively, has stirred up the Spanish market, respectively, buying a luxury villa on the Costa Blanca coast. And after them another stellar Hollywood family Depp-Paradi, not satisfied with the bought up real estate in Italy, are also going to buy an elite property in Spain - a dacha on the beach.

Whatever you say, but the market comes to life .All those who have visited Spain in recent months have managed to appreciate the revived tower cranes along the coast .This suggests that the construction of new housing has resumed .Good news from Spain fostered interest all the time .Not pleased only that the youngest Spanish Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero said that he will not run for 2012 elections..This means that the People's Party will probably come to power .Zapatero was able to disperse the Ministry of Housing, which he also gave birth to .But he was able to lead the country out of the peak of the housing sector's stagnation .

However, 2011 is very favorable for a villa in Spain to turn from a dream into reality..2011 is the year of Spain in Russia .And the ways of growth of relations are already outlined .So, Spanish high-speed trains, accelerating up to 350 km per hour, in 2014 will transport participants from Moscow and Sochi to the Olympics and fans .Perhaps, by this time Russians, property owners, will be able to visit Spain without visas? Today, the situation is such that Spain has adopted a new Regulation on foreigners .While a residence permit can be obtained by having real estate, only without the right to work and showing sufficient funds for living in Spain,.Hundreds of our compatriots have already used this paragraph of the law .Spain considers questions about citizenship only from those who have lived in the country for more than 10 years!

Do not postpone for tomorrow what will start to bring joy this summer, and work for you .Today, Spanish banks have resumed issuing mortgages to Russians $ $ .Slightly tightening the requirements for the income papers from Russia, $ .All documents from the tax must be "genuine", translated and certified at the consulate .In this case, you can expect to receive a mortgage of $ $ .Many of our compatriots rushed to Spain this year as entrepreneurs, buying family hotels, restaurants, settling in this country for a long time .A restaurant or hotel on the Costa Blanca, for example in Gandía, Denia or Benidorm, will bring a decent revenue in the hot season ą $ .You will, what to do, developing business .

Not without reason the Spaniards consider the Russians to be able-bodied, talented managers and managers. In the hands of our fellow citizens, business is booming! The best offers from the beginning of the year for family hotels were in Denia. The hotel, consisting of 14 rooms, sold for a million EUR. The cost of villas on the Costa Blanca is not cheaper. It is always possible for experienced companies to find options from the bank or urgent sale, when the price will be 30-40% below the market. Typically, such options have all the agencies, but the sites are not exposed. It is necessary to ask.

Foreign real estate is capable of yielding income, being in able hands. Summarize your experience, and benefit from buying property abroad, especially in a supportive country like Spain! Who knows, maybe your neighbor in Spain or in Italy, will be the star family of Brad Pitt!