Palmyra (Tadmor, the "city of palms"), once a flourishing city, the capital of an ancient state, located in the heart of the Syrian desert, 210 km from the capital - now a poor village and one of the most impressive dead cities of the ancient period.

How to get here

The easiest way to get to Palmyra is by bus from Damascus (125 SYP, en route 3 hours), Homs or Deir az-Zura (85 SYP, 2 hours). The bus station is on the outskirts of the city, 2 km to the north of the museum (taxi 25 SYP).

Search for airline tickets to Damascus (nearest airport to Palmyra)

Climate of Palmyra

Palmyra March 1, Sunday
+17 ° C in the afternoon
+5 ° C at night
° С water
Palmyra 2 March, Monday
+16 ° C in the afternoon
+4 ° C at night
° С water
Palmyra March 3, Tuesday
+14 ° C in the afternoon
+7 ° C at night
° С water
Palmyra weather forecast for 10 days
Average monthly temperature, ° C
Jan Feb Mar Apr MayJun Jul Aug sen Oct but IDec
in the afternoon +12 +15 +19 +25 +31 +35 +38 +38 +34 +28 +20 +14
at night+2 +4 +7 +11 +16 +19 +21 +21 +19 +14 +8 +4

Entertainment, excursions and attractions in Palmyra

A huge site of archaeological excavations, including the high-walled temple complex of Bela (Vaala), a large colonnade across the main street, the thermae, the shopping area, the Senate, the theater, the Roman camp with the pretorium and the triumphal arch, the ruins of antique houses with large mosaic panels - and even a valley of tombs with unique "multi-layered graves" and several dozen funerary towers .And all this is just a tiny part of the ancient buildings hidden by the sands of the desert .In general, it is not surprising that the entire Palmyra is inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List .

Palmyra at sunset, Syria Palmyra
Palmyra at sunset
Palmyra, Syria Palmyra
Palmyra, Syria
Ruins of the theater, Palmyra, Syria Palmyra
Ruins of the theater, Palmyra
The surviving columns, Palmyra, Syria Palmyra
The surviving columns, Palmyra
Fragment of the column, Palmyra, Syria Palmyra
Fragment of the column, Palmyra