Are there any burning tours to Tunisia? The

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Last minute tours are not only tickets given at the last moment from those who for some reason changed their mind about going. The bulk of the "burning" offers are tours sold at a lower price in periods of "low demand". Discounts and tight terms of implementation are explained by the fact that travel agencies do not want to incur losses of booking charters, hotels, etc. in the "low season", and often sell out the remaining seats almost at the purchase price, so as not to stay in the red.

"Low Season" in Tunisia, when it is most likely to "grab" a burning offer - in the summer, especially in the second half of May, the first half of June, at the end of August.

In addition, lucrative proposals may not apply to such advertised areas as Sousse and Hammamet - Tabarka, Mahdia, Monastir, Gammarth, Nabeul and Djerba Island.

However, the growing popularity of Tunisia among Russians makes the pursuit of burning offers increasingly difficult: many vouchers are redeemed in advance, and vacant seats are likely to remain in the autumn, when not so comfortable beach holidays, how many excursion programs.

Answered by Alexandra Azarov
Of course. Tunisia is a popular inexpensive beach destination, and burning tours are not uncommon. Follow the proposals of tour operators in Tunisia.

April 6, 2011

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