Greenland (local name Calallit-Nunaat) is the largest island of the earth, located to the north-east of the mainland of North America. The main "highlight" of tours to Greenland - fantastic beauty is the fabulous snow landscapes.

The capital is Nuuk (Gothob).


  • 1 How to get
    • 1.1 Search for air tickets to Greenland
  • 2 Greenland visa
  • 3 Customs
  • 4 Time Zones in Greenland
  • 5 Phone Numbers
  • 6 Safety of tourists
  • 7 The climate of Greenland is
  • 8 Transport
  • 9 Greenland hotels
    • 9.1 Book hotel in Greenland at the best price
  • 10 Banks, currencies and exchange points - $
  • 11 Shopping and shopping in Greenland
  • 12 Greenland cuisine and restaurants
  • 13 Wi-Fi in the country
  • 14 Entertainment, excursions and attractions in Greenland
    • 14.1 We also recommend

How to get

The most convenient way to get to the island is from Denmark. The national air carrier Air Greenland makes flights from Copenhagen to Kangerlussuaq (four flights a week in winter and eight in summer) in the west of the country and Narsarsuaq (one flight a week in winter and three in summer) in the south. Time in flight to Kangerlussuksaka and Narsarsuka is the same - 4, 5 hours.

The Icelandic airline Air Iceland (NB! Not Icelandair, namely Air Iceland;) flies all the year round from Reykjavik airport to Kulusuk (twice a week in winter and every day in summer) and Nerlerit Inaat in the east of Greenland. In summer, Air Iceland also flies to Narsarsuaq and Ilulissat several times a week, and to Nuuk 2-4 times a week. Travel time to Kulusuk and Narsarsuka from Reykjavik ~ 2 hours.

Search for air tickets to Greenland

Greenland visa

For a trip to Greenland, you must obtain a visa in advance. The visa is issued in the visa centers of Denmark and Iceland in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk, Rostov-on-Don, Kazan, Samara, Nizhny Novgorod, Krasnodar and Krasnoyarsk.


There are no restrictions on import and export of local or foreign currency. Duty-free to the territory of the country can be imported: up to 200 cigarettes or 100 cigarillos, or 50 cigars, or 250 g of tobacco; up to 1 liter of alcoholic beverages with a strength of more than 22% or 2 liters of fortified wine; up to 50 grams of perfume and 250 ml of toilet water; up to 1 kg of coffee or tea, as well as other personal items for a total of up to 700 DKK. Import of alcoholic beverages is allowed only for persons over the age of 18.

It is forbidden to import fresh food, weapons (hunting permits require special permission), drugs and narcotic medications, as well as most animal species, including domestic animals (except for guide dogs accompanying visually impaired people).

Export of products and souvenirs from the whalebone, bone and canine teeth is possible only if there is a special permit issued in special shops or tourist offices in Greenland. Removal from the island territory of fish and meat is allowed within no more than 5 kg (11 pounds).

Shops are tax-free only at the airport Kulusuk and in the entertainment complex "Arctic-Wonderland". Tax refunds can be obtained in a special airport window upon presentation of a check from the store.

Time Zones in Greenland

The territory of Greenland is divided into four time zones. Time in the capital Nuuk and most of the major cities of the southern coast lag behind Moscow for 6 hours. The east coast between Cape Brewster and the island of Trail (Scorsbysunn, Itokortormit, Mesters-Vig, Nerlerit-Inat and the vicinity of the Skarsbi Bay) lags behind for 5 hours. Part of the eastern shore between Danube and Shannon lies in the Greenwich belt, the westernmost part of Greenland - the Tula Bay - lags behind Moscow by 7 hours.

The best time to visit the country is during the polar "white nights" from May to July, and for fans of winter fun - in April.
From the last Sunday in March to the last Sunday in October, the clock hands in Greenland are moved one hour ahead.

Phone Numbers

The Embassy of Denmark in Moscow: Prechistensky Pereulok, 9; phone: (495) 642-68-00, visa department - (495) 642-68-01; website

The visa center of Denmark and Iceland in Moscow: st. Shchipok, 11, p. 1; tel .: (495) 276-25-18; website

Turofis of Eastern Greenland: 982-243, 981-543;
Tourofis Nanortalika: 613-633;
Tourofis Nuka: 322-700;
Tourist Association of Cacortoka: 642-444;
Rescue service - 911, fire service - 113

All the phones in the country have a through six-digit numbering system and the first digits of the number are, in fact, the code of the settlement: Nuuk (Gotkhob) - 3, Ausiai (Eggedesminne) - 89, Ilulissat (Jakobshavn) - 94, Kasiguanguit (Christianshob) - 91, Kakortok (Julianskhob) - 64, Kanak (Tule) - 97, Kangerlussuak - 84, Kekertarssuak (Gothavn) - 92, Kugatsiak - 87, Nanortalik - 61, Pamiot (Frederikshob) - 68, Sisimiut (Holsteinsborg) - 86, Upernavik - 96 .

Landscapes, Greenland Greenland
Glaciers in Greenland
Snowmobile tours, Kangerlussuaq, Greenland Greenland
Excursions on a snowmobile
Night Nuuk, Greenland Greenland
Northern Lights in Nuuk

Safety of tourists

Traveling in Greenland is safe. Banal baggage theft is considered here as a minimum sensation. There is virtually no risk of natural disasters such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions or tsunamis. Street crime is also absent, at any time of the day or night it is possible to move around the local cities quite calmly. Still, you should follow the usual precautions against pocket thefts and not leave camera and video cameras, mobile phones and other expensive devices unattended.

Much more attention should be paid to your equipment and clothes..Even with a simple visit to Greenland, which does not involve trips outside the cities, you should stock up warm clothes with good protection from the wind, as well as warm and strong shoes .If you want to go to the tundra or in the field of ice fields, you should consult a local travel agency or operator about the weather conditions and pick up the appropriate equipment .Not to mention hiring a guide, stocking up drinking water, maps and walkie-talkies, and also to warn about your route a local turofis or rescue services .

When photographing in the country, you need ultraviolet filters, blends and special lenses with enlightened optics. In winter, all photo and video equipment should be heated, treated with special lubricants that can work in the cold.

In no other part of the world the northern lights are as bright and spectacular as they are over the eastern coast of Greenland in the autumn and winter months.

During the summer period, the country has rather strong solar radiation - the sun is standing almost daily in the sky, and its rays are reflected both from the surface of glaciers and from the sea. It is worthwhile to have with you sunscreen, cream and good glasses, hats, as well as light scarves or shawls covering your neck.

Forbidden in the country a little: to photograph in churches during the service, as well as local residents without consent, to fish without a license (from 75 DKK for 1 day, up to 500 DKK for a month) and litter.

The climate of Greenland is

The climate of the coasts is marine, subarctic (to the south of 68 ° north latitude) and arctic; in the area of ​​the ice sheet - the continental Arctic. The island is often crossed by cyclones, accompanied by strong winds, abrupt temperature changes and precipitation.

The average January temperature on the coast is from -7 ° C in the south to -36 ° C in the north, July - from +10 ° C in the south to +3 ° C in the north-west. In the center of Greenland, the average February temperature is -47 ° C (absolute minimum -70 ° C), July -12 ° C.

The maximum amount of precipitation falls on the autumn-winter period, however, snow can go at any time of the year. In summer there are frequent thick fogs on the coast. From the expanses of the ice shield, almost all year round, the strong stock winds "piterak" are blowing, the speed of which sometimes reaches 60-70 meters per second.

The best time to visit the country - during the polar "white nights" from May to July or for lovers of winter fun - in April.

Look at our portal for the current weather forecast in the regions of Greenland for the coming days.

Maps of Greenland


In Greenland, there are no road and rail roads between cities. Therefore, to get from one end of the island to another, you can either by water or by air. Closely located cities and towns are linked together by means of snowmobiles and dog sleds, if the weather is available.

The national airline Air Greenland organizes many flights on airplanes and helicopters around the island. Aircraft of the Dash-7 type can carry 50 passengers at a time and fly 4-5 km above sea level, which guarantees fantastic views of glaciers and snowdrifts. Helicopters for the most part fly between cities located in the south of the country.

Another popular way of traveling through Greenland is by boat. The Arctic Umiaq Line's Sarfaq Ittuk passenger ship carries out regular shipments between April and December between the city of Narsarsuaq in the south and Ilulissat in the north. During the summer season it is better to book in advance.

Another company that operates passenger transportation in the north is called Disko Line. It organizes vessels leaving the Disko Bay.

Greenland hotels

All hotels in the country are subject to compulsory classification by a national tour operator and are approximately equivalent in level to hotels of a similar class in Denmark. The highest category of the hotel is 4 "stars". Such hotels are in Ilulissat (Hotel Arctic), Sisimiute (Hotel Sisimiut) and in Nuuk (Hotel Hans Egede). In Greenland, breakfasts are always included in the price.

Apart from the cities of Ittoqqortoormiit, Kangaatsiaq and Upernavik, the hotel can be found in almost every village.

In large cities, there are family-run B & B guest houses where, for a small fee, tourists are offered to "mess" with family members, try out the national cuisine and, thus, get to know the daily life of the Greenlanders. In southern Greenland, also offer to stay on sheep farms (find out at the office information on the spot upon arrival).

Voltage in the electrical networks 220 V, 50 Hz. Standard are round sockets with two round contacts. In Kangerlussuaq and Kanaka (Tula), American-style sockets are preserved - rectangular plugs with two flat connectors or pentagonal with two flat and one round contacts. In many provincial areas, electricity is generated by local diesel generators and therefore is served as scheduled.

Book hotel in Greenland at the best price

Banks, currencies and exchange points - $

Banks work from Monday to Friday from 10:00 to 16:00, on Thurs - from 10:00 to 18:00. Currency can be exchanged only in the banking offices of major cities and ports. At the same time, the rate is quite unprofitable. In the capital and several major cities, there are two or three (not more) shops accepting US dollars or EUR for payment.

It will not be difficult to find ATMs, which, however, may not work on weekends. Travel checks are exchanged for two major banks of the country - Nuna Bank and Greenlandsbanken (commission ~ 5 USD).

Shopping and shopping in Greenland

Souvenirs from Greenland - unique works of art: they are not produced in China, do not create one template, and do it manually by craftsmen, because they are quite expensive. The most popular souvenir is the tupilak figure, which from the local legend means "spirit". Today they are produced from completely different materials: teeth, bones, stones or wood, and they can be found everywhere in shops and turofisah large cities. However, it should be borne in mind that tupilacs, created from whale teeth can not be exported.

Also popular are jewelry and costume jewelery from local stones. For example, tugtupit, which differs with rich pink or purple flowers, is born in the only place on Earth - the city of Narsaq, which is in southern Greenland. Particularly beautiful are jewelry made of nuummit (shiny dark brown) and grønlanditten, which has a fresh green tint. By purchasing a cute bracelet or beads, ask the sellers to issue a CITES certificate that will allow you to take out the jewelry from Greenland.

In addition, as gifts, the Greenlanders offer all kinds of national costumes, masks and paintings.

It is certainly worth trying a national Greenland dish - boiled seal meat, which is served with rice and onions.

The level of prices in Greenland is quite high, even compared to the not expensive Scandinavia, everything here is more expensive than 10 percent. Especially: alcoholic beverages, tobacco products, dairy products, vegetable oil, and fresh fruits and vegetables (lay up to 20% over). At the same time, the assortment of goods is not less than in any of the European countries. Also, transportation services and gasoline, local goods and, alas, souvenirs are not cheap.

Shops work on weekdays 10: 00-17: 30, Friday - 10: 00-18: 00, Sat - 9: 00-13: 00. Private shops usually last a little longer, and some open on Sunday.

Greenland cuisine and restaurants

How horrible it may sound, but traditional Greenland cuisine does not provide any heat treatment of products .If this is a whale skin with a layer of fat (delicacy "mattak"), then they eat it fresh, just, sorry, sokurennuyu $ $ .Extremes, of course, can easily find restaurants offering some national dishes of the country .However, the more European-minded stomachs of tourists also will not remain empty: in recent times, traditional methods of cooking are increasingly receding under the onslaught of international cuisine and fast food .

Fish and seafood in Greenland cuisine are used in almost all types - cheese, salt, kvasshen, dried, baked in ashes. The range also includes delicacies - dried halibut and ammisate, cod liver, prawns and crabs in all species, as well as shark and seabird eggs.

Popular drinks - black tea and tea with milk (which often replaces the first dish, with added fat, salt and spices), deer milk, "caffe" - a specific Greenland coffee, which is made from coffee, sugar and three kinds of alcohol with whipped cream often it is also ignited when filed).

Bars are open from 10: 00-12: 00 until 21:00 (in the summer a little longer). Entry to bars is allowed only to persons who have reached the age of 18. Tipping is usually included in the bill.

Impressive views of Greenland

Wi-Fi in the country

Terminals and hotspots Wi-Fi installed in all hotels, post offices and office complexes. Internet cafes are also found in abundance, they can be found in tourist offices and some public libraries.

Entertainment, excursions and attractions in Greenland

Nuuk, the capital of the country and one of the smallest capitals of the planet, is on the west coast of Greenland, on a small peninsula at the foot of Mount Sermitsiak .Its first name - Gotkhob ("good hope") - the city received because of the responsiveness of local Inuit to the sermon of the Norwegian missionary Hans Egede .The oldest neighborhoods of Kolonihavnen are most notable in Nuuk: here is the house of Egede (now the reception hall of the local parliament), the Church of Savur-Church, the Arctic Garden, the Hans-Egged Church church, the University of Ilisimatusarfijk and the seminary, the "meat market" Bradett, Kayak Club and Queen Margrethe's Memorial .

Other attractions of Nuuk: Art Museum, on the seafront of Baffin, the Santa Claus house with a post office and office, the Cultural Center of Catouac with a cinema school of arts and the Polar Institute NAPA, home of the Greenland painter and priest Nils Lings.

The national alcoholic beverage of Greenland can be considered Kaffemik. Its name literally means "please, let's go to my house to drink coffee". It's coffee with sugar and three kinds of alcohol, flavored with whipped cream.

After a walk around the city, it's worth to go to bask in the old building of the National Museum of Greenland, which dates back to 1728 .Here is collected a unique collection that illuminates the life of the island for the last 4, 5 thousand years: a mummy from Kilakitsok (14-15 cc .), folk costumes, dog sleds, kayaks and umiaki, traditional instruments, geological exposition .Here is the National Archive with a collection of documents and relics .Opening hours of the museum: 13: 00-16: 00 in winter (from October 1 to April 30), 10: 00-16: 00 in the summer (from May 1 to September 30), day off - Mon .The archive and reading room are open Tues-Fri from 10:00 to 15:00 .

However, the main attractions of both the country and Nuuk are natural .Since the city is surrounded on three sides by the sea, there are a lot of unique viewing platforms right within the city limits .For example, Vail-Watching-Spot north of the stadium offers amazing views of the coastal line and frolicking nearby whales .In the eastern bay is the marina Igia (the only polarized yacht parking in the world) .Northeast of Nuuk, near the international airport, is the Ororuac (Kloften) ski area with a network of ski slopes, downhill trails and walking tours..

The Greenland National Park, located in the northeast of the island, is the largest and most difficult to preserve planetarium. In addition, it has been closed for many years to outside researchers. UNESCO recently included it in the list of biosphere reserves of worldwide importance, and for some reason - the park has a vast relict tundra zone, home to musk oxen, polar bears, polar wolves and a wide variety of Arctic plants. Photo of Greenland (81)

Greenland Maps
The cities and resorts of Greenland
Video about Greenland
Tours to Greenland
Managers for Greenland on the "Thinness of Tourism"
Flights to Greenland
Weather in Greenland
Hotels in Greenland
Visa to Greenland
Photos Greenland