Carthago Carthage today is a prestigious suburb of the country's capital, here is the summer residence of the president. Thousands of years ago, this city was one of the most powerful and wealthy. Founded 60 years before Rome, Carthage was almost completely destroyed.
Bardo Museum
Tunis, Le Bardo, Musee National du Bardo The main museum of the city of Tunis and, perhaps the whole country, the Bardo National Museum is the world's largest collection of magnificent Roman mosaics and a not-uncommon collection of artifacts from the three thousand-year history of civilizations in Tunisia.
Habiba Bourguiba avenue
Tunis, avenue Habib Bourguiba The central street of the Tunisian capital is the avenue named after the first president of Tunis, Habib Bourguiba. The avenue stretches from the very lake of Tunisia to the ancient Arab city behind the fortress walls - the medina.
Cathedral of Saint-Vincent de Paul
Tunis, Av. Habib Bourguiba Architectural dominant of Habiba Bourguiba avenue, Saint-Vincent de Paul cathedral - a spiritual center for Catholics living in Tunisia. It bears the name of St. Vincent de Paul, a Christian preacher sold into slavery in Tunisia in the 17th century.
Medina of Tunisia
Tunis, Ville Arabe A glittering, bright and slightly insolent, Arab city of Tunis is located just behind the massive medieval Sea Gate. This is the number one place for absorbing the original flavor of Tunisian life and, of course, for the purchase of souvenirs.
Zitoun Mosque
Tunis, Ville Arabe, rue Jemaa Ezzitouna Olive Tree - so translated from the Arabic name of the mosque Zituna - the main religious site of the city of Tunisia. According to legend, once there preached the conqueror of Byzantine Carthage, Hassan ibn-Numan.
The Mosque of the Seven Sleepers
Tataouine Mosque, Chenini One of the most amazing sights of Tunisia is the mosque of the Seven Sleepers in the desert region of Tatauin (it was he who gave the name to the fantasy world George Lucas). According to legend, some ancient giants are buried in it - it's easy to believe in looking at the five-meter-long graves
Sakhara desert
Sahara We say "desert" - mean "Sahara" ", And in Arabic there is no other word for the desert except for the actual" sugar ". And this is not accidental: the Sahara is the largest sandy region in the world, stretching in North Africa from the Red Sea to the Atlantic by almost five thousand kilometers.
The Church of the Resurrection of Christ in Tunisia
Tunis, avenue Mohammed V The Orthodox Church of the Resurrection of Christ in the city of Tunisia is one of two Russian churches in the country. The history of the temple dates back to the 1920s, when the remains of the Russian Imperial Navy came to the northern Tunisian city of Bizerte
The history of the region is conventionally divided into Punic, Christian and colonial periods . This is reflected in museum evidence of former times, in the exterior and interior of buildings, works art . However, speaking of the capital of the state, called Tunisia, a very significant period for it can be called the colonial era . French colonists did not treat the local culture with the liberal understanding and respect, planting their own orders . And since nostalgia for the "best of the cities" has already eaten them in order, on the African continent grew a city-like Paris . To this day, the building of the 19th century did not fully, but the colorful "Arab Paris ", surrounded on the perimeter by more traditional buildings and preserved in the form of a small business quarter, still attracts tourists from all over the world .Do not miss the chance to stroll along Habib Bourguiba avenue, visit the medina (the old city founded in the 8th century), view the Zitoun mosque and Torbet el Bey mausoleum, look into the palaces of Dar El Bay, Dar Bin Abdellai and the famous Bardo palace , which houses a very colorful Mosaic Museum .
However, the main attraction of Tunisia is the ancient remains of the city of Carthage .As the elder brother of Rome, he was the most prosperous city in the Arab world until he seriously threatened world domination - and that's why the location on the top of the mountain did not save him from being destroyed by militant Romans .It was literally wiped off the face of the earth a couple of thousand years ago, but to this day the ruins of Carthage store echoes of magnificent architecture, and its cultural heritage and household items adorn the collections of museums not only of Tunisia but also of many world capitals .Obligatory to visit the amphitheater of Carthage, Birsa hill with the cathedral Sv .Louis, the National Museum of Carthage, the thermae of Emperor Antoninus Pius and the huge water-collecting tanks Maalga .
One of the best in the degree of preservation of the archaeological parks of Tunisia and the greater territory of Africa, the present ancient Roman city of Dugga testifies to the times when the local lands were provinces of Rome .Being a UNESCO World Heritage Site, Dugga offers connoisseurs an abundance of ancient ruins of all time: an amphitheater built in 199 g .n .e ., still serving as a venue for the annual theater festival, the Punic Mausoleum, the Forum and the Winds area, the Capitol, the thermae of Caracalla, 21 temples of various periods and religions and much more .
Sidi Bou Said, 17 km from the capital of Tunisia, is a small town-museum on a hill that opens a picturesque view of the Carthaginian Gulf .The landscape is perfectly complemented by contrasts of local architecture: snow-white buildings with shrill blue shutters, window frames and figured lattices on them .Since 1915 year .here it is legally forbidden to change anything in the appearance of buildings, and because most of the houses in the old part of the town are ready museum exhibits .Especially it is worth paying attention to the manor Dar el-Annabi, as well as the Museum of Arab and Mediterranean music .
To wander through the streets of the most authentic medina of Tunisia, you need to go to Kairouan - once the sacred capital of Tunisia, for Muslims and is still considered the fourth most important after Mecca, Medina and Jerusalem. In addition, Kairouan, founded in the 7th century by the Arabs at the crossroads of the most important trade routes of Africa, is on the UNESCO World Heritage List. Of the places that must be visited, it is necessary to highlight the main mosque and the ruins of the Palace of the ruler, as well as authentic carpet workshops with the finest knot carpets.
Sousse is the noisiest youth resort of the coast with an indispensable medina behind the fortress wall, a medieval fortress, picturesque architecture, as well as the noisiest disco of the coast - Bora Bora. Very close to Port El Kantaoui - a tiny port garden that attracts tourists with luxury hotels, villas and a wonderful yacht club.
But lovers of silence, seclusion and natural attractions should not miss the excursion to Duz - the gate to the silence of the largest on the planet of the Sahara desert .In support of this, on the outskirts of the city, right in front of the Great Dune, stands a monument in the form of a key .Many excursions to the Sahara are sent from here, but the city itself remains part of it: one half of it is similar to many other Tunisian cities with their medines, and the second reminds that this is a real oasis in the desert with the thick of the fir palms .Today it is a tourist center with all the necessary services .
However, this is only part of the variety of impressions, the curious evidence of antiquity and modern color that you will find in Tunisia. Each town here hides a lot of interesting places, on each street it is necessary only to abandon the vain, smell, eat and listen - and a sea of unforgettable impressions you are provided!